Chapter Twelve

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Have you ever felt really hyped up inside? That you have all this energy cooped up inside of you? When mischief glints in your eyes? That your heart is beating so fast you can't keep up? Where your mind is blank yet at the same time wild?

Because if you didn't know, that's what it feels like flying at top speed in and out of buildings, through streets and highways, skimming on going traffic and of course having the wind of a summers day in New York hit your face.
It's amazing by the way!

And I for once was in a light hearted mood with one extreme adrenalin rush.
So burning off my energy was all I could think of instead of sitting in my apartment building in sweatpants and a tee, lazing on the couch eating ice-cream and scoffing my face with lollies while catching up on TV.
People seemed to forget I was, well partly, a normal 24 year old who did have a life outside of it all.
Well sorta.
If you counted dribbling over Channing Tatum's abbs and biceps and don't forget his chiseled chaw line and unforgettable features, then yes I did have a life outside of it all.
And yes there may be a small, slight chance that I have a crush on Channing, but man he must spend most his days at the gym!

Calm was becoming more of a foreign word to me everyday. My shoulders were usually hunched over tightly, my knuckles ghostly white from clenching them to tightly, my eyes dark with alert, always ready for an awaiting attack. But today my guard had dropped, don't ask me how or why because to be honest I myself didn't have a clue. I suppose I just finally woke up on the right side of the bed for once, which for me is highly rare.

Anyway as I was saying zipping through the popular city was exactly like something out of a movie, only so much better!
You really had to try it out to understand because it truly, and quite literally took your breathe away, well mine anyway. Just remember to keep your mouth closed, lesson learnt.

When my energy level slowly dropped, the old retirement building came into sight. Looks like my nana, Beth Williams, was going to have an unlikely visit.

And an unlikely visit it was...

The window hung open, a good entrance for myself instead of being bothered to change. I slid on in, landing delicately on my feet. Restoring my balance, I pondered forwards reaching to take off my hood. When I looked up finding one truly unlikely, heart twisting visitor. And out of all days he had to pick the day I was feeling high spirited.

"What are you doing here Captain America?" I answered through gritted teeth. My mood had dropped, flying out the window, probably miles away by now.

"Good day NightHaze but please call me Steve. I was actually talking with your Nana here." He replied pleasantly standing up from the armchair beside my Nan's bed.

"Drop the act, Steve." I turned to my Nan, looking at her for the first time today. She hasn't gotten any better. Her petite sickling body looked far to small for the bed as her wrinkled face showed concern yet some how welcoming with compassion and kindness.
"What did you tell him." I stressed, rushing to her side.

"About how she doesn't agree with your ruthless decision about your lifestyle." Steve interrupted.

"No one does." My defensive wall going right back up as I lay my hands on the edge of the bed, my fingers fumbling with the sheets. Not of fear but with frustration that he comes in here, bombarding my sick Nan with questions.

"But do you?" He folded his toned arms across his sculpted chest.
And I thought Channing Tatum was muscly, well he seemed almost girly compared to Capsicle here.
He for sure must spend all his days and nights working his butt off at the gym! He must be a champion at arm wrestling. Gee imagine just what his diet contains.
Hold on, what am I thinking, he's my enemy!
He's Lillian Nightshade's anyway, Sisters before misters!
But ew I would never think of Old Man Cap in that way, well never again!

"Yes, then why else would I choose it." I cut myself out of thought.
I don't want to sound five, but ew, no just ew, stop it Tresmae he's defiantly not your type and never will be! So get him out of your head!!

"Come with me Tresmae, come with SHIELD, your Nan explained this isn't you, There's still the real you in there, she never left. People can change, SHIELD can help you." He calmly explained pacing carefully towards me.

"I don't want or need help! Especially from SHIELD! This is what I chose, its my own mission and I will complete it!" I spat my temper arising.
I scanned the entrances for an easy escape.

"You can't escape, the Avengers and SHIELD have the building surrounded, blocking every entrance." He explained. I huffed, this was going to be harder then I thought.

Then with no hesitation I sent a flying kick towards him. He easily dodged grabbing hold of my foot. I jumped up kicking him in the gut with my opposite leg landing smoothly back on two feet. I sent punch after punch, kick after kick towards him but everyone he stopped or dodged.
Just something was stopping me from actually trying.
As my train of thought wondered he yelled something into his ear piece for recruits. I kept attempting at hitting him but with no real force. That's when armed SHIELD agents busted through the door surrounding me. Captain bent my arms behind my back, I retrained slightly at his firm grip.

That's when I looked up.
I saw her lying on her bed helplessly watching.
I had forgotten about her presence. She gave me a loving look.
"Tresmae, please." And hearing her pleading weakened voice I stopped. Relaxing, slightly.
She had done so much for me and this was how I could repay her by abiding her one wish.
"For you." I mouthed towards her and I knew she knew exactly what I meant.

Natasha and Clint along with Nick Fury strutted in, all suited up. Probably expecting more of a fight then a surrender.

"Thank you Mrs Williams, this is very much appreciated." Natasha thanked my Nan and nodded then with that, orders were told. They then ushered me out into the bright light of New York, but to me it was to be anything but sunshines and rainbows.

To then my life was going to take a major turn.
Because did everyone really deserve a second chance at life?


Hope you liked it, and you got to see more inside Tremaes head! You also got to see more of the 'old' her!

Anyway Steve and Tresmae aye? *wink wink* but what about Lillian, would Tres go against the 'sister' code *gasp*
But who would you think she will get 'along' with or may even fancy? ;) dedication to @marvel_mockyingjays for her character Lillian Nightshade aka Nighingale and voting and commenting regularly.
Also to @fanfic_obsessed and @jetreault for voting and sometimes commenting regularly.

Thx again, be your own kind of superhero!

Gem xxx

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