Chapter 4

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Sparrow walks down a path holding hands with Grey. They could hear the party from a clearing up ahead. As they got closer, some of the kids drinking and making out cane into view.

Grey pulls Sparrow closer instinctively and nuzzles him, "stay close."

Sparrow nods, "okay." Grey pecks his cheek then joins his friends near a fire pit. Sparrow followed him and sat down at his side.

"Mason, keep an eye on Sparrow so that he can have fun by himself," Grey ordered. Sparrow got up to get Dr. Pepper while Mason watched him. Soon Sparrow began dancing, this is when Grey watches him from a distance. Upon closer inspection, Grey realizes that Sparrow is doing a mating dance. He smirks walking over to him. "You are doing that on purpose," he whipped softly

.Sparrow blushed softly, "no I am not."

"No?" Grey grabs a hold of his hips doing the resolvers half of the dance on his partner. "You looked so good doing it," he said.

Sparrow blushed more and decides to finish up, "still I don't know any other dances besides the mating ritual."

"It's cute," Grey kisses his hand. "Please keep dancing with me handsome?" They dance for an hour then the wolves challenge the outsiders to a drinking game.

"Okay, we've got twelve full cups of beer here. Whoever drinks the most in under five minutes wins. Pick one player from each team," an outsider named Connor announced.

Mason smirks, "Grey, want to do it!"

Grey looks back at Sparrow, "I don't think Sparrow wants to see me shit faced drunk." Sparrow was sleeping next to a group of girls. "I should get him home," Grey leaves picking Sparrow up and going back the way They had come. Grey takes Sparrow to his house where he tucks him into bed. "Goodnight babe," he kisses him gently on his forehead. Sparrow turns over cuddling with one of Grey's pillows. Grey smiles lovingly at the boy.

The next morning Sparrow wakes up early, Grey's door was open and Ryan was talking to an officer.

Sparrow came down, "Ryan what's wrong?"

Grey rushes to his side, "I tried to tell you Sparrow was abandoned. We looked for his parents but couldn't find them. He'll tell you."

"That's impossible!"

"We have a statement from an eyewitness saying that you were spotted near these very words with a man. This man matched the description of your kidnapper; Red hair, blue eyes, light skin. The man had a tattoo of a flaming heart on his right shoulder." Sparrow fell to the floor crying.

"The man you just described is Jackson Perez Sparrow's adoptive uncle. My son and I found him dead less than a mile away from Sparrow. he was kicked out of the community due to you under reprehensible violations. There are marks on his torso the same marks that you would find from a wolf. There's a lot of them out here."

Sparrow held Grey's hand, "I don't want to leave," he whispered.

"I won't let them take you from your family," Grey whispers back.

Sparrow stood up, "do I have a choice whether I want to be with my real family or stay here?"

"A psychologist and judge would have to talk to you about that," the lead officer said.

Sparrow looked down, "okay." Ryan and the officers go into the kitchen to further discuss what is to come.

Grey lightly squeezes Sparrow's hand, "do you want to do something to get your mind off of things?"

"Yes please, I will do anything."

"Anything? Okay, come to the spirit tree with me. Let's get married."

Sparrow blushed and ran after Grey as he leas the way to the spirit tree. The spirit tree is an ancient Autumn cherry blossom tree forever frozen in time. They kneel under the tree holding one another's hands while looking into the other's eyes. Grey speaks first, "Sparrow today I Grey am here with you kneeling on sacred ground to pledge my love for you. It is eternal and it is unwavering. I vow to protect your life with my own, to love and respect you as my mate. From this day forth my life, body, soul, and mind shall belong to you. This bond is forever nothing not anyone shall change or break it."

Sparrow smiled, "and I Sparrow pledge my love and life to you, Grey. My love is eternal and unwavering. I vow to protect you as well as our future pups to come. I vow to love and respect you as my Alpha and mate. From this day forth my life, body, soul, and mind shall be bound to you. This bond is forever and nothing nor anyone shall change or break it."

The wind blew gently making some of the flowers drift down, forming crowns on their heads. This showed that the ancient spirits accepted vows. The two boys would be together forever now. Sparrow and Grey kiss passionately, holding each other tight.

"I am the luckiest wolf alive!" Grey gushed squeezing Sparrow's waist a little.

Sparrow kissed Grey's neck, "I am glad to be yours." Grey grows at him. Sparrow takes off his clothes, laying down on the forest floor.

Grey's eyes scan his body then he refocuses, should we be doing this right now? You know while you are going through...this shit?"

"We are married now."

"I know and I want to celebrate, but I want to make sure that you okay emotionally."

"I am doing fine."

Grey sighs, "okay," he hovers over Sparrow, inhaling his scent so he could lose himself once more. Sparrow moaned. Grey kisses his lips slowly moving down to his neck. Sparrow felt his teeth graze his skin before Grey bit him.

Sparrow gasped softly, "Grey it feels so good.."

Grey growls getting to his feet, "the freak is watching us."

Sparrow moved closer, "What are you doing here Quill?"

"I heard noises, what are you two doing having sex out in the open?" He questioned.

Sparrow moves closer still, "have you ever paid attention in class idiot."

Quill's expression was confused, "what does that have to do with you two?" Sparrow didnt answer and looked to grey who was growling. He takes off his shirt throwing it over Sparrow then he picks him up bridal style.

Sparrow frowns, "we never got a chance to have our bond complete."

"We will sweetie," Grey kisses his fresh mark as they walk away from Quill.

"I am glad that we are married, and we can't have anyone brake it, even non wolves"

Grey smiles, "no one would be able to take me from you anyway."  He brings Sparrow to the back of his house and settles on the back porch. Sparrow cuddles him and falls asleep in Grey's arms.

Sparrow wakes up later to Grey and Ryan aggressively arguing. It ended with Grey come stomping outside, slamming the back door behind him.

Sparrow sat up, "what happened?"

Grey sniffed wiping his eyes, "the judge says because you aren't eighteen, you will be placed with your biological family."

Sparrow held him, "we can see each other if we want to, and we still have school."

"That is what I thought until I was told that they don't live in Michigan." Sparrow let out a soft whine. Grey wraps his arms around him, "the good news is they are allowing you to see your parents twice a month."

Sparrow kissed him softly, "I want to stay with the pack."

"I know you do. It doesn't matter who gave birth to you. You are a wolf at heart Sparrow," Grey pulls him onto his lap, holding the boy tightly.

Sparrow smiled, "and you belong to me as I belong to you."

Grey smiles back, "I shall be yours forever my handsome groom."

"I thought I was your bride?"

Grey chuckles, "maybe I should take my bride and hide him away in a cottage built for five. I could take my darling bride there, complete our bond, and dominate him every night." Sparrow hid his face blushing red. Grey smirks as he continues, every time my bride does something good I grant him a wish. Every time my bride does something bad, he will pick his own punishment. I want my beautiful bride to bare two children."

Sparrow moaned softly, "what should happen if the first two children don't want to be leaders?"

Grey runs his fingers through Sparrow's hair, "if you agree to it we would have another."

Sparrow smiled, "so long as it's your children, I don't care how many we have."

"I would never disrespect you in such a way," Grey kisses Sparrow lovingly gently caressing his body. Sparrow bit his lip. Grey opens his mouth to him. Sparrow started playing with his tongue, moaning softly as he did so. Grey moans into his mouth. They tongues dance to the rhythm of their breath for a while. When they pull away for air they both look dazed. Sparrow was panting. Grey picks him up, carrying him into the house and upstairs to his bedroom. He sat Sparrow down, closed and locked his door, then went to the edge of the bed on his knees.

"I want you Grey..." he whined.

"I want you too," he changes into a bark brown wolf with the same green eyes. Grey hops onto the bed, nuzzling Sparrow. Then tears the shirt he was wearing to cover his body off. Sparrow shivered as the cold air touch his body. Grey bows his licking his husband's slowly. Sparrow moaned and spread open his legs. Grey licks his more vigorously, watching him closely.

Sparrow moved his hips around,  "Grey, ahh it so feels good."

{Does it, my love?}

Sparrow nodded, "yes it feels so good."

{How does this feel?} Grey's tongue enters Sparrow. It slides against his walls and grazes his prostate.

{Ahhh yes right there it feels better with you inside!}

Grey picks his head up, {hmm, be a good wolf and lay down for for me,

Sparrow lay down on his back, {like this Alpha?}

{Good baby,} Grey climbs over him and reinserted his tongue. This time he thrusts it in and out. Sparrow moaned loudly and rubbed his dick with his hand. Grey's tail wags as he watches him. Sparrow kept going. After a few minutes, Grey thought that Sparrow's body went through enough preparation.

{Turn over love.} Sparrow flipped over and stuck his butt in the air. Grey mounts him positioning himself at his entrance, {slowly bring your hips back.} Sparrow did as asked, moaning as he felt Grey's dick.

It was bigger than it normally was as a human, {Alpha it's huge!}

Grey licks his neck, {does it hurt? If you aren't ready we can take it slower.}

Sparrow shook his head, {it's fine Alpha. Put it in and wait until my body adjusts.} Grey pushes in a little more. Sparrow moans. Grey slides the rest of the way in then stops, his tail whips the air in anticipation. {You can move now.}

{Tell me if it hurts,} Grey starts out slow, thrusting to a slow rhythm.

Sparrow cried out as Grey picked up speed, "I'm sorry Alpha, it hurts."

Grey carefully pulls out and changes back, "it's okay love. Is there anything I can do to make you feel comfortable?"

"I want to cuddle."

Grey pulls Sparrow to his chest, "I'm sorry that I hurt you, sweetie."

Sparrow cuddles him, "it's fine Grey. I'm sorry we couldn't complete it."

"I'll sneak down California if I have to."

Sparrow shook his head, "no Grey, if you are away then the pack will be upset."

"I am not losing my husband to a tanner, hotter, sexier, better wolf okay? I'm not."

Sparrow nodded, "and do you think if I see a hotter guy naked in front of me and you, I'll go to the hotter guy or you?"

"Maybe if he's better in bed," Grey says.

Sparrow shook his head, "wrong I'll still pick you."

"I wove you, baby boy," Grey kisses his cheek.

Sparrow kissed back "I love you too."

"But I love you more."

"No, I love you as much as there are stars in the sky."

Grey pulls him closer, "can we run away now? I don't want you to leave me."

Sparrow smiled, "I want to run, but where should we go?"


Sparrow nodded, "sure."

Grey pets him, " let's leave tonight."

Sparrow nodded, "okay but we will need to get money,"

"Shit! New plan, I'll get a job and save up the money. Then I'll come get my beautiful bride," Grey says.

Sparrow kissed him, "then I hope you will not forget my scent."

Grey kisses back, "of course not. I hope that you don't forget my touch."

Sparrow shivered, "I will never forget your touch."

Grey smiles, "are you thinking about us touching?"

Sparrow nodded, "yes I am."

"Is it like this?" He brushes his fingertips against Sparrow's forearm. Sparrow shivered again. Grey nuzzles him softly while drawing circles into his chest. Sparrow moaned softly, Ryan knocks on the door. Grey held Sparrow tightly, "no.  " Sparrow kissed him. "I'll change you. We can do wolves together and live in the forest," Grey murmurs into his chest.

Sparrow shook his head "you will not like it."

"Who says I wouldn't?"

Sparrow looked at him, "well you never wanted to transform me before,"

Grey sighs, "what the fuck am I supposed to do without you?"

Sparrow holds him "you can shift and come with me as my pet."

"No, I'm a 125lb wolf. You won't be able to pass me of as a dumb dog. Just go," Grey opens his window and jumps down running off into the forest. Sparrow put on some clothes and ran downstairs. A blonde haired woman and boy about thirteen sat at the kitchen table.

Sparrow looked at them "who are you and why are you in the leader's home?"

The boy looks up from his phone, "he's my brother?"

the woman nods, "yes he is, hello Sparrow. I am your birth mother and his is your brother."

Sparrow looked at her, "what are you guys names?"

"I'm Tara, The technology bug is Mathew."

Sparrow smiled, "okay well I will be going now,"

"Going where? Mom I thought you said he was coming home," Mathew said to his mother.

Tara nodded, "he is but I have no idea..."

"I still hate this bullshit but I would regret letting you leave without seeing you for the last time."

Sparrow smiled, 'Grey be nice."

Mathew looks up from his phone again, "whoah... he's this guy?"

Sparrow growled, "back off he is my boyfriend."

"Husband," Grey corrected. "Also what happened to being nice?" He teased.

The two outsiders were shocked, "he is your what!" Tara yelled. Sparrow hid behind Grey, whining.

"Hey, Sparrow has lived with our community rules for years. Are you really going to disrespect and judge the people who have kept your son alive?" Grey asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You both are still so young!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, however, in our community you reach full maturity at sixteen. in a few days on my 16th birthday, I will become the leader of the community and my father will step down."

Tara stood up, "well I can't accept it. Sparrow say goodbye to your boyfriend, we are leaving."

Sparrow kissed Grey's hand, "I'm sorry we couldn't have been trying for pups," he whispered.

Grey takes his hands, {we can still run. I can turn you, I sware it will not change how I feel about you.}

Sparrow gave a smile, {I would love to have you turn me, but the woman won't change her mind.}

Grey sighs, {that is the whole point of running babe! We can get you away from her, another wolf pack won't get involved, I won't lose you, and we can start our family.}

Sparrow kissed him, {we would be hunted by everyone because we ran away. I'm sorry, but I care for you too deeply to have you be hunted. If I go peacefully that won't happen. Follow my scent to get me out of that place please, promise me that?}  Grey looks down at the floor as if his heart had been ripped from his chest. Now he imagines that it is sitting dead on the floor as Sparrow stomps on it.

Sparrow whined as tears began welling in his eyes, "you hate me." He runs out before Grey can defend himself, getting into the car and allowing his tears to fall.

"Fuck," Grey stumbled out to the back porch running his hands through his hair.

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