Chapter 5

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2 months later

Sparrow was working on a school project when he something made a tapping sound on his window. He looks down across the beachy land. On the ground stood Grey, he looked tired and his clothes were messy. Stubble now peppered his face while his usually neat hair made to look ragged now fell just below his jawline in greasy tangled locks.

Sparrow ran downstairs and outside, hugging his companion, "Grey!"

"Sparrow!" Grey picks him up, spinning him around while inhaling his scent for the first time in a long time. Sparrow moaned softly, Grey pulls him in closer holding him tighter, "I have missed you so much. I am sorry about how I left things, I am. I need you love."

"I shouldn't have ran out, I should have let you explain yourself. You can have all of my love, my kisses, my heart, my soul, my body, all of it. It is yours and yours alone," Sparrow tells Grey frantically.

Grey smiles, "you are the embodiment of perfection. You are so sweet, beautiful, and selfless. I should have told you that I love you and support you instead of worrying about myself."

Sparrow held him, "you are a wolf of course you would want your mate at your side."

Grey nuzzles him, "I need you to come home, sweetie. My Dad... He had a heart attack... I can't lead the pack without you."

"Yes, I will come back to the pack. Because I am carrying your pups," he added.

Grey pulls back eyes wide, "you are?"

Sparrow nodded, "I met another wolf pack who has more experience with male pregnancy. A woman gave me a check-up and I am indeed carrying."

"Baby this is amazing news!" Grey hugs him again, "wait, does this mean that when we get home you won't want me?" Grey joked.

Sparrow kissed him again, "no silly I will want you as my Alpha,

"Is that so? Because I have yet to be intimate with my husband to complete our marriage," Grey growls into Sparrow's ear.

Sparrow shivered, "Grey you know I love your growls."

"Yes, because as my submissive your body and mind are supposed to respond to me," Grey whispers this time. Sparrow moaned a little as he is lead into the house. "Where is that bitches bedroom?" Grey asks.

Sparrow leads the way to his mom's room and opened the door, "here why?"

"She doesn't approve of our marriage. So I want to officially make love to her son as a married couple in her prissy pink bed."

Sparrow blushed as He slowly took off his clothes to show Grey his body. Grey watches him. His jaw goes slack, skin turns hot, and his pants become visibly tighter.

Sparrow turns around seeing how Grey's body reacted, "Grey, do you want me to take care of you?"

Grey lifts Sparrow up then lays him softly on the bed, "no, I want to take care of you." Sparrow moaned softly as Grey shifts into a wolf.  Grey hovers over him, bending over to lick his body. Grey starts with his neck making his way down.

Sparrow moaned, "Grey I want you inside of me."

Grey looks up, "the last time we went too fast I hurt you."

Sparrow nodded, "I remember, but I really want you." Grey inserts his tongue into his partner, licking his walls. Sparrow covered his mouth, {yes Grey like that.}

Grey looks up at him again, {is she home?} Sparrow nodded. {Shit! As much as I want to anger her, I do not want to get you into trouble.}

Sparrow kissed him softly, {my room is above hers, you can use the window to sneak into my room.} Sparrow got dressed then looked back, "I'll distract her."

Grey licks his cheek, {go to your room and pack a light bag. I'll be waiting down the road with my bike.}

Sparrow smiled, {Okay.}

Later that night, Sparrow packed a small bag filled with two sets of clothes, his phone, his charger, and his toiletries. afterward, he stacked his pillows on top of each other to make it look like he was sleeping in his bed. Then, he grabbed his bag and snuck outside from the front door.

Sparrow closed the door quietly then ran as fast as he could down the street, {Alpha!} He hugs Grey and kissed his lips when he finally reached him.

Grey embraces him, kissing him back, {hello my dearest.}

"I'm ready to go now."

"Almost," Grey hands Sparrow a large shopping bag.

Sparrow looked at the large shopping bag, "what's in here?"

"I can't have my pregnant husband ride my bike without proper perfection," Grey smiles. Sparrow opened the bag. Inside was a helmet, red leather jacket, and A hard plastic plate with foam lining. It was designed to be worn underneath the jacket and secured in the front. Sparrow put on the plate than his jacket and helmet.

"How do I look now?"

"Safe," Grey hoists Sparrow onto his bike then climb zone and revs the engine. Sparrow holds on tightly as they ride down the open road. "When you get tired, we'll pull over and rest!" Grey yells over the noise.


Soon enough they stop at a hotel and Grey rents a suite for the night. Sparrow went to the bathroom while Grey prepared the bed for him.

Sparrow had taken care of himself and brushed his teeth by the time he came out, "Grey can we cuddle?"

"You don't want the bed to yourself sweetheart?" Grey asked.

Sparrow shook his head, "no, cuddles."

Grey holds his arms out, "get over here, an Alpha needs his Omega."

Sparrow hugs Grey moving closer to him, smiling as he inhaled Grey's scent. "You have no idea how much I have missed you," Grey whispers combing his fingers through Sparrow's hair.

Sparrow whined softly, "I missed you more. I kept on crying myself to sleep because I couldn't feel you."

"Oh baby," Grey pulls him closer and kisses his cheek. Sparrow kissed him back on the lips. "When I get you back home, I promise to treat you like a King. I will do whatever you want, and I will give you whatever you want. I will never disrespect you or your choices again," Grey promised.

Sparrow licks his neck, "I want you to transform me tonight."

Grey bit his lip, "I-I the-thought you were worried about the transformation," he stutters.

Sparrow looked at him, "I met the wolf pack that lives here, they say I am slowly turning because I am wearing your mate mark."

Grey shot up, "Sparrow I am so sorry... I-I didn't know that could... I thought... I'm sorry."

Sparrow kissed him softly "it's fine. I realized that I belong with the wolves more than humans."

Grey smiles, "I could have told you that sweetie."

Sparrow smiles back, "I am glad to be your mate."

"I am ecstatic to be yours. Now you two need your sleep." Sparrow yawns, curling up to Grey and resting his head on his chest.

Sparrow wakes up to the feeling of his legs being licked, "hmm Grey."

{Yes, lovey?}

Sparrow moans, {you're licking me.}

{Because I love you. I'll stop if you want me to.}

{I don't want you to stop.}

Grey lifts his head, {Tell me what you do want my love. I am supposed to give my King everything he wants.}

{I want you to clean me and transform me so I can clean you.}

Grey whines, {I don't want to hurt my husband.}

Sparrow kissed him, "you won't hurt me."

Grey kisses back, "babe, I have to tear through the muscle. It was hell for Quill."

"And you think I haven't felt it before?"

Grey looked terrified, "please tell me you haven't! Did I cause it!?"

Sparrow shook his head, "no, but I have been bitten before remember?"

"I won't fight you on this anymore," Grey reaches for Sparrow, lifting the shirt. Sparrow shivered feeling the cool air hit his skin. "Do you want me to take you into the shower? I can run the hot water to keep you warm," Grey offers.

Sparrow nodded, "please?"

"As you wish. do you want to stay here or to remove your clothes, or do you wanna follow me so that I can take them off?" Sparrow got up, "I want you to take them off." Grey leads Sparrow to the bathroom and turns on the shower. Sparrow watched Grey as he started to undress. His muscular arms pop out of his shirt as soon as it hits the floor. The light in the bathroom made his skin appear golden.

Sparrow shivered and moaned, "it feels like I am on fire and when you touch me it feels cool, but it doesn't last long. The heat comes back and I also feel wet around my hole."

Grey smiles, "this is the first time we've been around each other after our sixteenth birthdays. You are experiencing going into heat for the first time."

"is it a good thing Alpha?"

Grey shifts, {you tell me, Omega. Does the intense physical need we feel for each other feel wrong?}

{Ahh, no Alpha,} Grey licks Sparrow's nipple and he instantly felt hotter.

{Oh the things your alpha can do to you my Onega,} Grey flips him over growling hungrily into his ear.

{Mmm, yes Alpha do everything to your Omega!} Sparrow screamed as he moved his hips. Grey enters him with his full length. He thrust one time deeply, then he waits. Sparrow moaned and started to pant, {so big so good so deep.} He moves his hips to replace the lack of movement. Grey presses both of his front paws on the mattress trapping his husband as he thrusts wildly into him. {Yes! My Alpha, I am yours!} At this point Grey's animal instincts to over. He howls with pleasure reaching his maximum size. Once he and Sparrow are stuck together, he bites him as gently as possible when transforming someone. Sparrow moaned to his surprise the transfer of venom was extremely arousing. Grey fights back his instinct to keep fucking his mate to watch him.

"Babe, are you alright? We will stop right now if you are in any pain at all."

{I am fine Alpha, I feel incredible actually,} Sparrow admits.

Grey licks his chest, {you are perfect.} Sparrow nuzzles him. Soon a cream wolf appears under Grey and his eyes were the same color as his alpha. Grey yelps in pain when his appendage tried to expand even more.

Sparrow whined, {Alpha, you okay?}

{Well, my incredibly hot newly werewolf husband is making my dick want to explode.} Sparrow pulled away and started to lick Grey's dick with his tongue. Grey yelps in pleasure. {One baby isn't enough for me. I want more, but I promise that you won't have to become a stay at home mom,} he blurts out as his core temperature rises. Sparrow wagged his tail as he kept licking. Grey nips at his ear. {Do you like it, Omega?} he asks gently.

{Yes, I love the idea so much my Alpha!} More silk came out of his hole.

Grey could smell it and he pulsed again. {No love me... Do you like it?}

{Yes I like this a lot, but I feel lonely because I am pleasing you.} Grey lays him back down, entering him once more. Sparrow howls softly as hwe felt Grey enter him, {Alpha make me carry all of your pups.} The couple mate for hours before deciding to take a break. Now the two day in bed tangled together and breathless. Sparrow cuddled Grey while he played with his hair.

"How were you ableism to curve me from my plans? I should have had you home already," Grey whispers into his hair.

Sparrrow moved closer to him, "but it felt so good."

"It did," Grey sighed dreamily. "Unfortunately for me my mother is going to kick my ass for bringing her son-in-law home late." Grey gently caresses Sparrow's stomach. "I'm hoping the news about our baby will bring some happiness back to the family."

Sparrow nodded and kissed him, then got up, "let's get going."

"After my loves eat. Go take a shower and put some clothes on, I'm taking you out to lunch." Sparrow got into the shower and cleaned himself. Grey hopped in with him. Sparrow shivered as he felt Grey kiss his bite marks. "Do they hurt?" Grey traces his finger along them.

Sparrow shook his head, "surprisingly no."

"You are gorgeously fasinat Mr. Ridley," Grey says quietly licking his wolf bite.

Sparrow moaned, "so are you, Mr. Ridley." Grey pulls Sparrow away from the showerhead. He licks his chest, then his collarbone and arms.

Sparrow moaned and pulled away, "stop, we need to get home."

Grey pouts, "I was just bathing my husband, but okay. I'll save it for later."

After Lunch, Grey and Sparrow hop on his motorcycle, continuing their journey back to Michigan. They arrive by nightfall, Sparrow is greeted warmly by the pack. Grey is treated to looks of shock and bewilderment.

Sparrow growled, "why are you looking at the Alpha like that!"

"Because when you left, he abandoned us, he abandoned his parents!" Quill growled back.

Sparrow shifted and pinned Quill to the ground, {the Alpha may have left, but he is back now!}

"Sparrow get over here!" Grey commanded. Sparrow came over and sat by him.

"Joel Grey Ridley, for the entire month I begged you to come home. Then I asked you to bring Sparrow home so that you could lead the pack as one. I expected you hours ago and you didn't so I thought the worst. After...your father... this pack is your responsibility now. You must live right, you must die for it, you must breathe for it. If you can't handle that..."

"Mother I meant you no disrespect. I know how hard this is on you, our family. We had to make a few stops along the way. Sparrow is pregnant I couldn't let him go without proper sleep."

Sparrow changed back, "it's my fault as well. I wanted to complete our bond, and he transformed me into a wolf. Although for some reason it felt pleasurable, not painful."

Caly eyes Sparrow and her features immediately change, "oh yes, something such as that is deeply important." she paused processing the other information, "wait, your transformation wasn't agonizing?"

Sparrow nodded, "yeah, it wasn't.

"He enjoyed it a lot and he shifted seconds after the fact," Grey cut in.

"Those are things we can look into tomorrow. Sparrow, I'm sure you are very tired, your husband shall take you up to bed," Caly said. Sparrow snuggles up to Grey who carries him to their room. He is laid on the bed then his partner climbs in. Sparrow smiled in his sleep. Grey wrapped his arm protectively around his stomach.

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