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It's nearing midnight and once the clock hits twelve I'll be 14. My uncle locked me in my room till I return to Hogwarts. I look at my clock and once it turns, pain fills my veins. I'm thrashing on the bed holding a pillow over my mouth to avoid waking uncle Vermon. The pain only last a few minutes but to me it feels like hours. Once the pain releases its hold, I walk over to my closet were there is a full body mirror. I'm shocked and terrified to find two little ears coming off my head and a tail coming from my tail bone. Thank Merlin I'm good with glamours or else my uncle will beat and lock me up for this. For now I'll let them out, but when I go to Hogwarts I'll put them up.

The weeks roll by and soon it's time to leave. I had my trunk packed since last week. I hear Vermon yell for and I grab my trunk, put my glamours in place and make my way to the car. The ride was silent and the air was thick. I don't sit with Ron or Hermione on the train. Instead I sit near the back in a compartment all to myself. I let my glamours fall. It was tough just to keep them up for a half hour car ride. How much effort will it take to keep them up during school? I rest my head against the window and soon fall asleep. I'm shaken awake by the trolley lady. She tells me we're nearing Hogwarts and I slip into my robes.

I take a carriage alone up to the school so I can let my glamours drop. It feels nice to have them out and not covered up. Maybe I can go without them during school? I walk into the Great Hall and Ron and Hermione are sitting in our normal spot. They immediately start asking questions but I'm not listening. Instead I'm looking at the head table scanning the professors. My eyes land on a certain black eyed potions professor. His hair doesn't look greasy, instead it looks like it's well taken care of. His features are more defined. 'When did he get so sexy?'  My thoughts are interrupted by Dumbledore.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now, before we indulge in out feast I must alert you all to something that has become present in the Ministry. Due to students coming into their creature inheritances, the Ministry wants me to inform you that you may keep your creatures present during the day. If you wish to cover them up you may. If you have any questions see your head of house or Madam Pompfry. Second, due to resent discovery, there will be a re-sort of all students."

'A re-sort?'  I grew more anxious. What if the hat placed me in Slytherin? I am releved though that I don't have to hold my glamours up all day. But what in Merlin's name was a creature inheritance? 

"Harry Potter." I hear Professor Mcgonagall call my name. I walk shakily up to the stool and sit, Once the hat is placed on my head it begins to speak. 

"Ah... Mr. Potter. I've been waiting for you."

"You're gonna put me in Slytherin aren't you?" I ask sarcastically.

"You will see the house will do you good. For your friends will become your enemies and your enemies will become your friends." 

While I was pondering on what the hat said, it shouted SLYTHERIN to the Great Hall. The Slytherin table went wild, while the rest of the Great Hall was dead quiet. I make my way to the end and sit alone. I don't eat much for I feel stares coming from all over. Ron was sorted into Hufflepuff and Hermione was sorted into Ravencalw. When ever I would catch their eye, they would give me this evil look and turn away. I think I just lost my friends. Was this what the hat was referring to?

Before I knew it, it was time to go to the dormitories. I follow at the back down, down into the dungeons. I found out were the common room is located and the password. But I don't go in. Instead I walk around the dungeons trying to get used to what will be my new home. I was crying as I was walking. I just lost my friends and got sorted into my rivals house. What could be better? I wasn't paying attention when I bumped into someone.

I land on the ground and look up. I find myself staring into black eyes. They are looking back at me, but there's something in them that's. . .  different.

"Potter, should you or should you not be in the common room?" Severus asked in that silky voice of his.

"I... uh...I had a question." I think on the spot.

"Alright. What is your question then?" he said as he leaned against the door. 'When did that get there?' 

"I was wondering if you could tell me what creature I am."

He lets out a sigh, turns and opens the door and stands off to the side. "Might as well come in, this may take a while." I follow in after him into what must be his living quarters. The room was open and every thing wasn't all Slytherin colors like you would expect out of him. The room was a mix of light and dark colors and looked quite homie. Once I'm done looking around I notice that he takes a seat on the sofa and pats the spot next to him. I sit down and face him.

"Now Potter, do you know anything about creatures, or what type of creatures there are?" I shake my head no. "Well, there are many kinds, veela, vampire, werewolves, darklings, and other. There are also mixes, or hybrids. Do you still have your creature covered?" 

"Yes." I answer nervously.

"Well, show me your creature and I can tell you what you are." I drop my glamours and suddenly become more relaxed. They really have been stressing me. I turn back to Professor Snape and his mask that he keeps in place crumbles. His eyes are wide and his mouth is hanging part way open.

"Professor? Is something wrong?" I ask getting scared. My ears fold on the top of my head and my tail curls around me.

"N-n-no...you...I...what?" This is the first time I've ever seen his words fail him.

"Professor you'r not making any sense."

"Forgive me. There is nothing wrong. You, Mr. Potter are a rare type of darkling neko. You are a mix. I was surprised because you kind was believed to be extinct." He explains as he looks me over.

"Ummm.... c-could you tell me about my tail and ears?" I ask and end up yawning at the end.

"Of course. Your ears and tail will be the most sensitive part of you."

I give give him a confused look. "What do you mean by sensitive?" With out warning three things happen. First I yawn, next he reaches out his hand and rubs by ears. The third thing is I start to give off this loud purring noise. I move closer to the professor because of how good it feels. I find my self resting my head on his chest and soon I'm claimed by sleep.

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