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I wake up the feeling of warmth all over my body. I keep my eyes closed and snuggle down in the blankets, feeling waves of warmth flowing over me. That'w when I hear something clatter. I open my eyes and I'm met with blackness. I blink a few times and it takes me a second to realize that I'm looking at the back of a couch. I hear the clatter again and sit up. I look towards the source and find Professor Snape making a cup of coffee.

"Good morning." He says as he shoots a glance my way.

"M-morning." I reply sleepily and rub my eyes. I swing my legs off the couch and let out a yelp as I find out I was sitting on my tail. He looks over at me with concern and I give him a small smile to let him know I'm alright. He brings over a cup of water and some pancakes.

"Here. You missed breakfast in the Great Hall but you have time to eat before classes begin." He tells me as he sets his own meal down in front of him.

"Thank you." I say quietly. He gives me a nod and sips his coffee. I eat my meal and since I'm still in my robes form yesterday I don't have to stop at the dormitories. I finish with my meal and put my plate in the sink. I'm about to put my glamours on when I remember that I don't need them.

"Remember, if you have any questions you can come to me." Snape tells me as I walk out the door. I bid him a good bye and rush off to my first class of the day. As I walk I notice all the different creature. Some have beautiful wings, some have horns. There's even a few that have both, but I don't see anyone like me. 

Class where complete hell. People would not stop teasing me, calling me kitten, of pussy. Then there were the people who would try to pet me. The would rub my head and pick at my ears. Or they would grab my tail and yank it. It didn't feel the same as when Snape did it. When he did it it felt nice, calm, relaxing. But from them, it was like being pinched, slapped, and kicked. I just want to go back down to Snapes' and stay there. There, I felt safe, I felt like I could be me. The bell rings and it's time for me to go to my last class of the day. Potions.

I make my way quickly down into the dungeons. I wait out side with the other students trying not to get pet. Snape unlocks the door and we file inside. I take my seat in the back and wait. He comes sweeping into the room in his black robes and I want nothing more than to curl up in them. What's wrong with me? I shake my head and look on the board. Were are to make a simple sleeping potion. No big deal there. I grab my ingredients and light the small fire under my cauldron. The liquid starts to simmer and I add my first ingredient. 

Minutes tick by and Snape sweeps up and down the aisles. The temperature must have gotten higher for I'm sweating. I remove my outer robe and I'm left in my white button up shirt. But soon that gets to much for me. I can't take that off so I try and just make it to the end of class. But before that can happen I go and reach for an ingredient and miss the table and almost fall. I know I can't stay in here any longer. I raise my hand and Professor Snapes comes gliding up to me. He must be moving the hot air with him for as he gets closer it soon becomes unbearable. 

"Yes Mr. Potter?" He asks in a whisper. The class all turn there heads to me.

"Uhh... s-sir I," I take a swallow but my throat is so dry. My voice comes back out in a harsh whisper. "I t-think I need to go to the hospital wing." He bends down and looks me in the eye and he must realize something for he says,

"You may go. I'll have your stuff dropped back off at you common room." He says as he uses his wand and vanishes my potion. I don't stop to wander and a stumble out of the classroom. The second I'm out the door I feel a billion times better. It feels like nothing was wrong with me. Not daring to go back in, I make my way up to the hospital wing.

I walk into the infirmary and Madam Pompfry has me sit on one of the beds. She checks me over and sees nothing wrong. When I explain to her what happened she gets a funny look on her face.

"Mr. Potter, do you know what heat is?" she asks in her cheery voice.

"Isn't that when animals mate?" I ask.

"Yes. See, since your part animal, you go into heat once every two months. Your mate will be the only one to satisfy you. But, once you mate, you stuck with that person forever. Did you have any idea on who could be you mate?"

i think back on my day. Our potions class was shared with the Huffelpuffs, but we also shared transfiguration with them earlier in the day, so not one of them. And I've been with the Slytherins all day as well. It was only when Professors Snape was around. When ever he got close to me, I would feel like I was burning up. But, he's my mate? No wonder I wish I was with him right now instead of here. Or how I wish I could curl up next to him like I did last night.

"Professor Snape." I say quietly.

"Excuse me dear, you gonna have to speak up."

"I said Professor Snape mam." I say with confidence. She gave me a pass and passed it to me with a smile. I hoped off the bed and walked out the door. I didn't feel like going to the common room, or any where else for that matter, so instead I walked around. That, that was my mistake.

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