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Sirius P.O.V

Remus woke me up very early in the morning the next day. Apparently an Order member showed up to find us since, according to Remus, he didn't bring me back in the time frame Albus wanted him to. I quickly took his hand and led him to an apparating point and we apparated to a near by forest. From there we proceed to make our way to Riddle Manor. The wards recognized us and let us pass by. Remus could smell everyone was gathered on the third floor of the manor in Toms' office. We climbed the stair case and I may or may not have accidentally burst open the door. 

I looked around to see Lucius Malfoy standing by a desk with Ron Weasely. Next my head turned to see Hermione wrapped up in the younger Malfoys arms. I was ready to faint at the strange sight that greeted me. But then my eyes moved one final time to the left to see Tom standing next to a couch which was currently occupied by Severus and Harry who was sitting in his lap.

"Cub. You look absolutely adorable." I say when I take a good look at his ears and tail. He immediately blushes, flattens his ears against his head, tail curls around him, he draws in legs up a bit and curls into Severus.  That has to be the most adorable defense tactic that I have ever seen.

"Sirius, Remus what are you doing here?" Hermione asks us.

"Well, Albus wanted Remus to get me and bring me to the castle for Merlin knows what. Then early this morning an Order member showed up looking for us so we left." I explained as I sat on the couch next to Severus.

"How much do you know about Albus?" he asked me as I sat down.

"Well, I know Albus is a bastard ten times sealed. I know you two are mates. Oh, don't give me that look Severus I'm fine with it." Once I say I know they are mates Severus gave me this 'Don't you dare try to take my mate a way from me' look. I know better than to mess with a vampire and his mate. "Oh and Severus one more thing." He turns to look at me.

"I have to apologize for being a git to you during school. I found out in fourth year that Albus would give us lemon drops laced with a hate potion right before you showed up. He wanted us to hate you for reason I can't imagine. But know that I am truly sorry and hope we can actually be friends. I tried to tell you through out school and other times but you would simply ignore me." Severus just sits there with a shocked expression on his face. Then he composes himself and sticks out his hand. I take the extended hand and give a firm hand shake.

"Well, you two are pretty caught up but are missing a few things." Hermione says as she as she walks up to me and places three files in my hand. Remus comes over and together we read through the documents. When we are done, we both were livid.

"Let me get this straight. Albus removed you from your family, placed you with the Grangers, blocked your magic and stole from Harrys' vaults?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Yes. But me and Ron paid him back the money that was stolen." Hermione tells me.

"Well that was nice. Thank you." Remus says as he shakes her hand.

"Okay so what's our plan to take this fool down?" I say as I get into my Marauder mode. When I look around the room everyone has a puzzled expression on their face. Clearly they didn't have anything planned. I glnace at Severus to find his face more of calculating than confused. "What are you thinking?" I ask.

"Well, death is to merciful for him at this point. I have an idea, but no one is gonna like it. It's risky but, if all goes right, it should work. Misty!" he calls and an elf pops into the room.

"What can Misty do for Master Snape?" the elf squeaks out.

"Can you get a hold of Albus' house elf and bring him here please?" he commands.

"Of course Master Snape." Misty says and pops out of the room. She comes back a few minutes later with another elf. Severus puts Harry in my lap while he takes out his wand and body binds the elf. He then removes a gold colored vial from his robes and puts three drops on the elf's tongue. I immediately know what it is. Veritaserum. 

 "Now, I want you to spill every last detail of Albus Dumbledores plan." he commands. I see the elf squirm back and forth in his chair.

"Albus Dumbledore wants to train Harry Potter to be his weapon. He will use him to defeat Lord Voldemort and to save the wizarding world. He will marry Harry Potter off to Ginerva Weasley. Once Harry Potter produces three heirs, then Ginerva Weasley will kill Harry Potter and make it look like an accident. Then they would split his wealth." the elf repeats in a monotone voice.

"Thank you, that will be all." Severus says through clenched teeth. Harry starts to shake in my arms.

"It's okay cub. You're safe." I whisper into his ear and scratch his head. "So what's your plan?" I ask him.

"You're not gonna like it. Me, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Draco return to Hogwarts. Make him think his plan worked. I have a potion that will strip him of his magic. He will slowly become a squib. If Harry becomes his servant, he can slip him the potion in his drink. The rest of us will just have to keep an eye on him. I also have a powder that you can put on his lemon drops that will cause him immense pain." Severus says.

"Well, knowing him he will go to his lemon drops when he is in immense pain." Ron pointed out for us.

"All it will do is get worse." Tom says.

"Yes, but Harry will have to be in the hands of that monster for Merlin knows how long.You're okay with this?" I question him.

"No, but do we have any better options?" he asks desperatly.

"I'll do it." Harry says shakily and walks up to Severus.

"Love, if you don't want to you do have to. We can find another way. It was just a start." he says as he reaches out and hugs Harrry to him.

"Yes, I'll do it. He hurt to many people. And I'm the only one who can get close enough so he driks it." Harry says.

"No. There has to be something else. There has to be." I say as I get up and pace the room back and forth.

"Maybe there is." Tom says as he walks to his desk.

"What?" I ask hopeful.

"We go back to the way things were."

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