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Tom's P.O.V

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" Remus questions me. I turn and look him straight in the eyes.

"You heard me. Go back to the way things were." I repeat.

"What do you mean by that?" Severus asks me.

"I mean we let Albus think nothing has changed. Severus, Albus still trust you right?" He nods his head. "And Draco, Albus believes I have captured these two?" The youngest Malfoy nods his head to me.

"But how does that help?" Harry speaks up.

"This is what we're gonna do. Severus, I'll glamour you to look beat up, along with Harry. Then you two will apparate back to Hogwarts. When Albus questions you, you will tell him I had my Death Eaters capture Harry. As his 'spy' you came and rescued him. Tell him that your cover as a spy has been blown and you can never return to this place again." I look around and se everyone's faces go from confused to neutral. There, they're starting to catch on now.

"But, if things go back to how they were, than that means I can't see Severus then." Harry whines sadly.

"That's stage two of my plan. Wait a day or two after you two return. Tell Albus you are having terrible nightmares of when you were captured. Severus, you are a master at legilimency are you not?"

"Yes I am." Severus says.

"Then knowing the old coot, he'd send Harry down to you so you can teach him so he can block out the dreams. That's how you two will spend time together. Now, as for you three." I turn to Draco, Ron, and Hermione. "You three will say you came from Diagon Alley for more school supplies and that;s why you were away."

"But, how will I see Hermione?" Draco questions me.

"The Room of Requirements." Weasley says. " The room doesn't show on the Marauders Map, so who will know?"

"If it doesn't show then could you and Lucius come through to Hogwarts without setting off the wards?: Severus asks me.

"I believe we can." I answer. "And so can you two." I say as I point to Remus and Sirius. "And speaking of you two, your story for fleeing is you thought it was a death eater who apparated to Grimmauld Place instead of an Order member."

"That could work." Remus said.

"Okay, but do we know how we can get rid of Albus?" Lucius asks.

"No, but for know we know how to get everyone back into Hogwarts without it looking suspicious. We can go off of Severus' plan with the poison and the powder. Every Friday meet in the Room of Requirements and we will plan from there." Everyone gives an affirmative nod. "Now, time to bloody you two up." I say as I turn to the two mates.

I start with Severus. I take my wand and carefully cast a glamour on him. It causes his robes to look tattered and ripped with some dried up blood on them. His hair is wild and messy. Sweat appears on his face. His face is covered in dirt and blood. Som blood is running from the corner of his mouth. His hands are also dirty and bloodstained.

"Good, now when you return to Hogwarts, walk with a limp."

I turn to Harry and repeat the process. His clothes become tattered and ripped as well. His hair becomes wilder than it normally was. His glasses become askew and cracked. He has a black eye and a bloody nose. He looks malnourished as well. On his wrist and ankles you can see marks of cuffs as if he was chained to the wall. "Now, this may be asking much but, can you cry on cue?" I look at his eyes and see them gloss over with tears and soon they are running down his face. "Perfect. Oh, I forgot." I turn to Hermione and glamour her back to the way she was.

"Thank you." she says.

"Welcome." I face everyone in the room. "Everyone ready?" They all nod their heads at me. "You two will go first. Lucius, wait a few minutes after they leave and drop them off in Hogsmeade. I have a letter to write."

"Ready love?" Severus looked down at harry and he wraps his arms around his shoulders. Harry in turn wraps both arms around his waist.

"Yes." he says quietly. Severus places a kiss on his forehead, nods to me and apparates out of there.

"Good luck." I mumble.

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