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Severus P.O.V

I wrap my arm around my mate and feel him wrap both of his around me. Next thing I know, I'm feeling the familiar feel of apparatshion. We land outside the main gate, just right outside the wards. I look down at my love and see he has a far away look on his face.

"Harry, Harry love look at me." I say to him as I put two fingers under his chin and turn his head towards me.

"What Sev?" he asks in a low whisper.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? You do know that I have to act like I despise you." I ask him. I want him to make sure this is what he really wants to do.

"Yes. And I understand. Just, try to keep the insults to a minimum. Please?"

"Of course my love. Just know, everything I say I don't mean a word of it. It may hurt but please know and understand it." I say. He gives me a nod and a kiss on the cheek. I cup his face in my hands and kiss him deeply. It will be a while before I can do this again.

"I'm gonna miss you." He says as he cries softly into my chest.

"Now, now love, you'll see me. Remember, you're gonna mention nightmares, I'll bring up occlumency lessons and we will see each other then. And don't forget about meeting up in the Room of Requirements every Friday. And besides, you always get detention in my class." At this he lets out a small laugh.

"Yeah, I do. Merlin, I never wanted detention more in my life." Harry groans. Gods, I wish I could ravish him right now.

"Once we cross those wards he'll know where here. Your friends should arrive later after us, and so should the wolf and your godfather. There's no turning back after this. Ready?" I say as I wrap my arm around him again.

"Yeah. Let's just get this over with." He wraps an arm around my back and together we step through the wards. The walk up to the castle is slow, for I have to limp up there. I'm limping before the castle just incase that lunatic can see us. As we come up on the castle there is the devil himself wrapped up in colorful robes. Next to him is Minerva and Madam Pomfrey. Once Albus lays his eyes on us he runs down the front steps and to us.

"Severu! Harry! Dear Merlin what happened to you two? What happened? Are you alright? Do you need any-"

"We are fine Albus. Your little golden boy decided to go on his own little adventure and got captured." I sneer at the man. It's not hard to muster anger. He just thinks it's directed at Harry.

"But, why did you save him? I thought you were a Death Eater?" Minerva asks me.

"You know damn well why I did. You know what I owe. And no Minerva, I am a spy for the Order. Well, I was." I spit at the woman.

"What do you mean you were my boy?" Albus asks me in his fatherly voice.

"Because of this little stunt he knows I was the spy in his group, and I am never to return. He was feeling generous." I say the last bit sarcastically.

"What do you mean generous? Why were you not killed?" he asks.

"As you can see he tried." I wave a hand down my body to indicate the shape it is in. Albus looks at me with sad eyes. It is taking all my strength not to go Jackie Chan on him right now.

"And what about you Harry? Are you alright?" He goes to reach for him, but Harry stumbles and avoids the hand and leans closer to me.

"I- I'm fine. Just tired. And sore." He replies like he's out of breath and lets a few tears fall. I plaster a look of disgust on my face when all I want to do is hold him closer.

"Maybe you two should go to the infirmary and we can talk in the morning." Albus says as he looks to Poppy.

"No. That will cause alarm. I can tend to Potter in my quarters. Then there will be no cause for panic that the boy who is a pain in my side is injured." I spit the sentence like its venom in my mouth.

"Very well. That would prevent the students and the rest of the staff to remain calm. Or as calm as it can be. There already is a panic but let's not make it any worse then it is. Get so rest you two. I will see you two in the morning for an explanation." He turns and walks back up to the castle. Poppy and Minerva follow.

I breath a sigh of relief only to hear a sniffle. I look at Harry to find him looking upset. And I can tell that this is not an act. I know I must have said something that must have bothered him. I put my hand on his back and guide him to my chambers. Once the door is closed I turn to him.

"You just had to bring up the names didn't you?" He asks clearly pissed.

"Love I told you I would have to says things of that nature. And I also told you that I didn't mean any of the things I said. What bothered you the most?" I ask.

"The boy who is a pain in my side." he says as he looks down at the floor.

"Oh, my love. I am so so sorry. I never wanted you to hurt that bad." I hold him to me and kiss the top of his head.

"Make it up to me?" he asks in his innocent voice.

"What would you have me do to make it up to you?" I ask as I kiss his neck.

"Hmm, maybe a shower to clean me up? And instead of Tom dirting me up, how about you make me dirty?" He whispers in my ear.

"Merlin you don't have any control over that mouth of yours do you?" I says as I begin to undo his shirt.

"Nope. None at all." he says as he grabs my hand and leads me towards the bathroom. "Oh, by the way, won't the headmaster know if I didn't go back to the Slytherin common room or my dorm?"

"I will say you were to exhausted to go back so you crashed on the couch." I say as I spell away the rest of our clothes.

"But in reality I will be crashing on you." He says as he turns on the water and steps into the shower.

"I don't know if I want this to be a long shower of a quick one so we can get to bed." I say as I follow in.

"How about long? Who said anything about only once? You did leave me hanging back in our room at Riddle Manor. You have that to make up too." He says as he drags his hand down my chest. And I did exactly that.

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