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Harry P.O.V

"Sev, please"

I whisper in fright. Severus has been acting strange all day today apparently but I didn't have potions today. But Hermione came and found me saying Snape was acting weird and I need to help get him into his rooms. When I get down to his office the first thing that hits me is there is a big yellow sunflower on his door. When I walk in, Sev is in yellow with flowers in his hair playing a guitar and his room is completely different. I start to tear up. Something was wrong with my mate, with my love and it scarred me. I was able to get him to his rooms and that's where we are as I sit on the bed and Sev is doing some type of yoga thing on the floor. At the sound of my voice he looks to me.

"What's wrong love?"

"You!" I say letting a few tears fall. I hide my face in my hands and curl up on the bed. What if he never gets better? What if he knows he can get someone better then me? Someone who won't be a freak? Someone who wil-

"What's wrong with me love? Why am I scarring you?" He says to me I'm a gentle voice as he comes up behind me and curls around me. I turn in his arms and cry in his chest.

"This isn't how you act! You don't wear flowers in your hair, you don't wear color. Especially yellow. The most color I can get you to wear is navy blue and that's only on really good days." I tell him but it's muffled by his chest. He slowly strokes my back with one hand and my ears with the other. I lay there crying into his chest. We stay like that for a while till he falls asleep. I can't. I'm so worried, scared and pissed. I'm worried that if this is what Dumbledore will do to get what he wants then, what's stopping him from doing something else? I'm scared because will Severus get back to normal or stay like this? And I'm so pissed because Dumbledore did this. I close my eyes and fall into a fit full sleep.

I'm walking into a house that has purplish smoke coming from the windows. In front of the house is a garden filled with bright, colour full flowers. I can see that on the porch there are viles and cauldrons filled with potted plants and filled with colourful liquids. As I approach the door I hear music. It's not coming from a radio, it's someone playing the guitar. As I reach for the door I see a bracelet on my wrist. It's one of a peace sign. As I continue to look up my arm, I see bands that are made of beads of all colours. When I fully look down at my self I'm in a tie dyed shirt and baggy jeans with a pair of sandals. I open the door and I'm hit with the smell of lavender and lemon... Something.

I walk around and see more viles and cauldrons filled with different things. I can see a bean bag chair in the middle of the room on a turquoise rug. There are dream catchers and spiritual paintings are hanging on the walls. I walk up to a purplish curtain that separates the living room and the kitchen. That's where I hear the guitar the playing. I move the curtain aside and see Severus. But not the Severus I know and love.

This Severus is in a bright red shirt with yellow bellbottoms. He's sitting crossed legged on an orange mat strumming a guitar and humming an unfamiliar tune. His hair is pulled back in a bun, a few strands fall free and are framing his face. His eyes are closed and he is smiling, lost in the sound of his guitar. I must have stepped on a loose floor board for he opens his eyes.

"There you are love. Your late." He tells me as he stands and makes his way over to the counter.

"Late for what?" I ask him.

"Don't you remember? Albus invited us over for tea darling." He said as he made he way around the kitchen grabbing a plate if cookies.

I stand there in complete shock. What happened? Since when did he bake? Or hum? Hell, when did he smile? He must have noticed the confusion on my face.

"Well are your ready or not?" He asked me with hand on his hip. When did he start doing that? When he got impatient with me he would cross his arms over his chest. I just give a shakey nod and he holds me by my waist and apparates us to this small little...hut I guess is what you could call it. It was smaller then the other house that was for sure.

"Ah there you two are!" We were met with a very cheery Albus Dumbledore. He was in the most colorful robes you could imagine. Is hair and beard were all flowy, not tied back, blowing everywhere. Severus walks up to him and hugs him.

"Its good to see you again my friend." He said as he gave him a small pat on the back. Then he turns to me. "Your not gonna give him a hug?"

I shake a little but none the less walk up to the man and hug him. He hugs me tighter then I would have liked and held on to me for more than I was comfortable with. When he finally realises me, he gives me a smile, one of those smiles that people do when they have no soul.

"Well come in, come in." Dumbeldore tells us as he leads us into his, uh home, if you can call it that. On the inside there are seating cushions everywhere. Like, there was no visible floor, you were just walking on cushions. There was a lone coffee table in the room. Dumbledore sat down on one side, Severus on the other and me at the end.

"Now that your here I would, what would you like for dinner?" Dumbledore asked us.

"Anything that involves lemon drops is fine by me." Sev says as he relaxes against the wall. I stare at him confused. Since when did he like those horrid things?

"Alright and what would you like Harry?" Dumbledore asked me.

"To go home" I say under my breath, but he still hears me.

"Why do you wish to go home? Do you not like it here? Here, have a lemon drop. It will make you feel better." He then picks up a lemon drop for a bowl on the table and tries to shove it in my mouth. I resist him.

"Come on now love, it's perfectly fine." Severus says to me as he takes one and pops it in his mouth. I get up from the table and run out the front door, or front curtain I should say. I hear them behind me but I can't make out what they are saying.  I continue to run far away from the tent. I don't know how far I run exactly but I go until my legs give out. I fall to the ground in a grassy field. I look up to find the sky has blackened and soon little drops of water hit my face. A song pops in my head that taunts me. 'It's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring.' More like the old man is laughing right about now.

"Harry!" I hear someone call in the distance. Tears spring into my eyes. It sounds like the voice of my mate before he Dumbledore got a hold of him.

"Harry!" Funny, the voice sounds closer yet, I can't see anybody near me.

"Harry?" I hear the voice behind me. I jump to find that I am back in Severus' rooms. He's looking at me with concern.

"W-what?" I ask him.

"Love, you were crying in your sleep. Is everything alright?" Sev asks me as he gently wraps his arms around me and rubs my sides. His voice doesn't have that airy tone to it anymore.

"Is everything alright with you?" I ask him. He shoots me a puzzled look.

"What do you mean?" He reaches a hand out to stroke my face when he sees it. He sees the yellow sleeve. He looks down at him self to see even more yellow. I can see the anger building in his eyes and I've never been happier about it. My Sev was back! He then proceeds to stand and make his way over to wardrobe where their is a full body mirror on the door. He glances at himself and begins to rip the flowers out of his hair and crush them. That's when I can hear voices coming from the living room. Severus then makes his way to the door and throws it open with a loud bang.

"What. The. Fuck. Happened. To. Me." He growls out at the three of them. Remus jumps to his feet, Sirius stands behind him and Hermione breathes a sigh of relief.

"Well, glad to see the old dungeon bat is back in flight it seems." Sirius says with a smile on his face. I give a small giggle for it is true. The dungeon bat is back in flight, and this bat is about to raise hell.

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