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Tom P.O.V


Sorry I must write to you, but could you please move the meeting up to tonight? Something has happened that has caused this. I hope you can reply as fast as you can. We believe time is running out for us.

Your son,


"Lucius!" I shout after I finish reading my son's letter.

"Yes my Lord?" He said as he came rushing in as if he was standing just outside the door.

"We are going to Hogwarts. Harry just sent me a letter saying something happened and we need to be there now." I say as I send a quick reply to him saying meet us there in a few minutes, then I go around my desk and grab my coat from off the chair and make my way to the door. Lucius follows behind me as I rush to the fireplace.

"Um....my Lord? May I question you as to how are we going to get there?"

"Easy." And with that I take a hand full of floo powder and step into the grand stone fireplace.

"Hogwarts room of requirements!" I shout and I'm engulfed in green flames. By body is pulled in different directions for a few seconds before I come out on the other end in another room that appears to be a study. I glance out the window to see the grounds of Hogwarts. I brush the ash off of me when I hear the floo activate. Lucius comes fumbling out of it and lands on the rug.

"I was not prepared for that" he tells me as he stands up and brushes himself off. I take a seat in one of the big brown leather chairs that accompany the room and wait for my son and his mate to show up. The room of requirements now holds three brown leather chairs, a brown couch that can seat four, with a glass coffee table in the middle. It's filled high with cakes, sandwiches, candies and tea. I take a cup and make myself a cup of tea. Lucius is pacing around like a wild animal.

"Lucius. Would you just sit down already?"

"My apologies my Lord. I'm just worried what could have happened to have to them for us to be summoned here so quickly. " he says as he finally takes a seat and grabs a sandwich from off the tray.

"Whatever it may be we will handle it. Who knows, it might not be as bad as it seems." After I finish my sentence and the door opens. My son comes flying in and lands directly in my lap and 'snuggles' up against me. I wrap my arms around him while the others file in. Hermione sits on the couch with Draco next to her, Ron takes the chair next to me, Sirius stands next to him with Remus on his left. Severus comes in looking pissed. He sits on the couch near the end and that's when Harry slips from my lap and into his. His expression changed the second Harry climbed in his lap. He smiled slightly and wrapped his arms around his waist pulling him closer to him. 

"Now what is so important that we had to come here now?" I ask my son.

"That blasted headmaster tried something on Severus."

"What do you mean?" Lucius asked before I could as he leaned forward on the couch and looked at him.

"It's true. All day Severus was acting odd." Sirius says. I give him a raised eyebrow and he explains. "Well, according to Ron and Hermione, he was wearing a yellow robe, hair pulled back in a pony tail and playing a guitar. Instead of teaching your class potions, you taught them all how to play the guitar and gave them all one."

"I didn't know you knew how to play." I say to him a smirk upon my lips.

 "I didn't either." he tells me as he strokes Harry's ears.

"You also completely redecorated your classroom by the way." Ron chimes in as he takes a biscuit from the tray and eats it.

"What do you mean 'redecorated'?" Severus asks.

"Like, you got rid of the lab tables and made them lower. The stools are replaced with sitting matts, the cauldrons are filled with flowers or scented oils. Oh, and there is a big yellow sunflower on your door." Severus closes his eyes and takes a few deep breathes before he picks Harry up, places him in my lap and leaves. We all look at each other before we all here a loud bang come from somewhere deep in the castle. Before we can do anything or say anything Severus reenters the room, takes Harry and sits back down on the couch with him in his lap. 

"What did you do?" asked Lucius as he stared at him.

"It was nothing important." he says as he lays his head on Harry's shoulder.

"Now that that's out of the way, what is out next move?" I ask them as I lean back into my chair. They all look to one another then back at me. I let out a long sigh and fold my hands on my lap. "Really, no one has anything?"

"Well do you?" Draco asks.

"Yes." At the same time they all lean forward in there seats towards me. "Severus, do you have any wolfsbane potion brewed?"


"Excellent. Now, have you given Remus the vile yet?" He shakes his head no in reply. "Sit next to Albus in the great hall. That's when you Severus will go over and hand him the potion. Now you are a man of stealth. Pour this in Albus' glass as you hand Remus his potion." I tell him as I rise from the couch and place a small vile in his hand.

"What is that?" Ron asks me as he puts down his tea cup.

"It's a poison that slowly drains a person's magic from there body. It starts as say, an annoying itch in one spot, then it spreads. As it spreads it gets incredibly worse." I tell everyone seated there. There faces pales, Draco looks visibly sick. Yes, I know it is a cruel poison. But killing the man would be to simple. Torture is really the real way to go. Hurting to many people and then in the end just getting hit with an Avada Kadavra seems like the easy road for him.

"So we are going to drain his magic, then what?" Harry asks me as he gets more comfortable on Severus's lap.

"Then we kill him." Lucius speaks up.

"No you insolent fool. Death is too easy for him." I speak as I get up from my chair and walk to the window. "Torture is the way to go my friend. We are known as the most vile people on this planet to some for a reason. So let us show them what we are really capable of. We are death eaters. We don't just kill Lucius. I had hoped you would remember that." Lucius looks down at the floor ashamed of being called out, his blond hair completely covering his face. Suddenly a voice rings out through all of Hogwarts. It was the voice of the headmaster.

"Professor Snape please report to my office immediately."

"Oh this is going to be fucking marvelous." he growls out as he places Harry in my lap once again.

Severus P.O.V

What the hell could he want? Did he sense I wasn't where he planed me to be? Merlin I'm going to have to face him and try not to kill him, but Tom is right. Death is to easy for a man like him. I continue my way up to the top of the castle and to the statue that hides the stairway to the headmasters office. I tune in my magic with Hogwarts to obtain the password. I feel her magic embrace me with loving arms. Such a shame that a beautiful castle and her magic is controlled by this lunatic. I give the password, cherry pops, and await the ride to the top. There I don't even bother to knock I just enter. He hasn't earned my politeness.

"Ah Severus my boy. There you are, where have you been? Are you alright?" Albus asks me. Before I answer him I survey the room. Two auroras are standing on either side of him and this raise alarm for me.

"That is none of you concern Albus and I am fine. May I enquire as to why you have summoned me here?" I ask with my usual sneer on my face. One false move and I feel like I might end up either in Azkaban or a mental ward.

"I've been getting reports from students that you haven't been in your right mind set these past few hours my boy a-"

"We are here to perform a drug test on you sir." One of the auroras says to me cutting him off. 

"I beg your pardon?"

"You heard us. If you feel like you have nothing to hide we just need a sample of your blood."

"Let me see your badges." I tell them. As a potions master I know what it means to ask for someones blood. You can do some real damage if the wrong person obtains it. And I don't trust this for one second.

"Why would you need that?" The other one questions me.

"You see gentlemen, I am a potions master. I know things that can happen when someones blood gets into the wrong persons hands. I meerly wish to see identification." I tell them as I cross my arms over my chest. They both look to each other and walk towards me. They reach into there pockets and pull put aurora badges. I glance at them looking for one particular thing. It's a symbol in goblin language that only goblins that work at greengots can produce. Many people can produce fake auroa badges, but real ones have the symbol. I notice in the corner it's engraved into it. Satisfied, I hold our my right arm and roll my sleeve up to the elbow. Using a small dagger, the aurora drew a shallow cut a few inches from my wrist. Crimson blood dripped out and landed on a peace of parchment paper the the other was holding.

Glancing up in to Albus's eyes, I see he has twinkle like a galaxy and a small smirk on his face. He knows they are going to find something, but I know they won't.

I'm in my rooms changing out of these disgusting yellow robes. Merlin, at least I found something to full my fireplace. I finish smoothing out my familiar black robes and step into my potions lab.

"What are you looking for?" I hear my little love say behind me as he wraps his arms around my waist. I grab the vile I was looking for and turn in his arms and pulling him to my chest.

"Just something to clear my system of all the things that he probably put in me."

"You're clean." He says to me as he lowers the parchment. Albus's face falls with shock and horror.

"Y-you're positive?" He says as he wipe around the desk and come to stand next to them.

"We are positive sir. He has nothing in his system. He is a health man who can return to his job while we return to ours." And with that they left his office leaving only me and him.

"I don't know how you did it." He mumbles as he turns from me.

"Did what? Unless, you know something?" I say as I give him a raised eyebrow. With that I turned from the office and made my way back to the Room of Requirements.

"What happend?"

"Did he do anything to you?"

"Are you injuered?" I was bombarded by questions the moment I walked in. Harry just sat there and looked at me, and I can see part of his wand sticking out the side.

"Very good mi amor." I say to him. He puts his wand back in its holster and rushes to hug me.

"He's perfectly fine." He tells everyone.

"How do you know?" Hermione asked.

"Because none of you even thought for a moment I could have been someone else. You all would have continued to freely talk if I said nothing happened and I was alright. But Harry here secretly was ready to draw his wand out and protect himself and you all of need be."

"But once you called me mi amor I knew it was you." He says but it's muffled by my robes. "But what did happen?"
He asked as he lifted his head from my chest, his tail swishing lightly behind him.

"He had me blood tested by auroras. Students reported that I was acting completely out of the ordinary today and Albus in good conciounces," I say very sarcastically, "called the ministry to send auroras and test my blood to see if I was clean. As they were testing me I saw his eyes. He knew they were going to find something."

"And did they?" Weasely asked.

"No. I took a potion that cleared my blood of all poison. But it wouldn't show up on the test either." I say in reply.

"What is it illegal?" Black chuckles to Remus.

"Why yes it is." That shuts him up instantly.

"Well, we have a plan of action and a time frame. I say we all go and regroup tomorrow. We don't know if he will try anything else tonight." Lupin says. We agree and disband for the night. Lucius and Tom floo back to Riddle manor, black turns into that mutt of his with Lupin walking him. As we pass a third floor classroom, smoke is pilling out of it and a few teachers are trying to put out a fire.

"What happened?" Aksed Lupin as we rounded the corner away from there. I give a shrug of my shoulders.

"Wait, that's what you did?" Hermione questioned. I give a smirk and we go our separate ways. Hermione goes off to Ravenclaw tower, Weasely goes to Hufflepuff tower and Lupin and Black make there way to there quarters. Draco turns and heads for the Slytherin dorm and me and my mate go off to our chambers.

When we arrive back at our rooms he goes into the bedroom and changes into his night clothes. I crawled into bed first and a little while later Harry snuck his way in and wrapped around my waist. Taking my hands I ran them up and down the length of his back. He soon began to nuzzle my neck, then that turned into kisses and small love bite.

"Be careful kitten, you're  playing dangerously." I growl low in his ear and he shivers.

"Maybe I like a little danger." He replied to inoccent for his own good. Before I knew it, he planted his lips onto mine. "Make love to me?"

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