Chapter Eight - Not Dead.

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{K's Pov.}

I woke to the sound of Sherlock pacing around the room.

"Sherlock?" I ask weakly.

"Yes it's me I'm here." He says rushing over to my hospital bed.

"Where am I?" I ask taking in the white walls and beeping machines.

"We are at the hospital." He says watching my face.

"Why?" I grimace.

"You fainted remember?" He says condescendingly. John face-palms in the background.

"I think that was a valid response considering I had just met the walking dead." I deadpanned.

John snorted.

"Oh hi! John right?" I say turning my head to him, and ignoring the scandalized look on Sherlock's face.

"Yeah." He replies.

"Where is your baby?" I ask.

"Mrs. Hudson has her." He smiles.

"Mrs. Hudson...oh no...I'm so dead." I groan.

"Why?" Sherlock asks.

"I didn't say goodbye to her..." I admit.

"Oh dear." Sherlock remarks.

"Yeah I'm in trouble..." I stared at him.

"What is it?" He asks softly.

"Six years... I was with him for six years Sherlock..." I say watching as a look of disgust forms on his face. "...and I don't remember any of it. That is the scariest part. The not knowing." I shudder.

"You are here now." Sherlock says sitting beside me on the bed.

"He told me you were dead...You were supposed to be dead." I say tears filling my eyes. Sherlock stands abruptly.

" Well I'm sorry to disappoint!" He yells.

I glare at him and react by grabbing the nearest thing - (Which happened to be a metal bedpan) – And throwing it at him.

"OW!" He hisses as the metal pan bong's off of his arm and clatters onto the ground.

John started laughing.

"Do you EVER think before you speak?!" I spat.

"I'm glad to see you are still as childish as when you left me." He pouts.

"I didn't 'leave you.'" I deny.

"I'm pretty sure you did!" He exclaims.

"I was trying to protect you! I knew that Richard would kill you if I stayed. I thought if I left..."

"Yeah and we all know how that worked out." Sherlock said his eyes grazing over me. They stopped at my left hand.

"You kept the ring." He says, shocked.

I feel my face grow hot.

"You gave her a ring?!" John clarifies. "Like an engagement ring?!"

"Of course. She is my fiance." Sherlock says dismissively.

"First of all we weren't even dating. You just wanted me to stay in London." I sass.

John looks awkwardly between the two of us.

"Do you guys need a moment..." John says scratching the back of his neck.

"No." I reply. "Yes." Sherlock says at the same time. We both turn back to eachother.

"Why did you keep the ring?" Sherlock asks.

"I don't know...sentiment I guess." I say trying to play it off.

"You have worn it for six years straight." He deduces. "I bet if you tried you couldn't take it off now." He says smugly.

I glare at him.

There is a knock at the door.

Mycroft enters the room badly concealing a smirk as he notices the bedpan on the floor and Sherlock holding his arm.

"I do hope I'm not interrupting anything?" He says rather rhetorically.

John clears his throat.

"Good. Sherlock may I have a word." Mycroft says beckoning Sherlock out of the room.

Sherlock glances at me still holding his arm and leaves the room. Mycroft gives me a comforting smile as he swings the door closed. Leaving me in the room with John.

There is a clock somewhere in this room. I can hear it tick.

Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock.

"So how did you and Sherlock meet?" John asks breaking the awkward silence.

"We went to university together." I reply, deciding to spare him the details of my parent's gory murder.

"Oh really?" He smiles.

"Yeah we were roommates." I reply.

"Oh dear. Well now I know why you were knighted!" John laughs.

"I guess you of all people would understand." I laugh ruefully.

"Yeah... So what is your most ludicrous Sherlock story?" John smiles.

I think for a moment. "Probably when I got attacked by a vampire..." I reply.

"You what?!" John gasps.

"It's about as strange as it sounds." I admit.

We had a nice chat but we both knew, whatever conversation was happening between the Holmes brothers. Was infinitely more important than ours.

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