Chapter Seven - A Beautiful 'Friend'

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{John's Pov.}

I had just finished feeding Rosie when Sherlock burst through the door of 221b. His black coat swooshing behind him. He didn't bother glancing at me as he made a beeline for the kitchen.

"Hey Sherlock how was your day?" I asked.

No responce. I filled in for him in a mockingly deep voice.

"My day was excellent John I solved fifteen murders and punched anderson in the face." I mocked.

Still no response. I set Rosie down on the ground with her blocks and got up to shut the door.

"Curious..." Sherlock mumbled.

"What's that?" I asked.

"This." Sherlock said holding up an envelope with a red wax seal.

"Wait. Isn't that Moriarty's seal?!" I asked allarmed.

"Yes it is... but this isn't from Moriarty." Sherlock pondered.

"Right because he is dead." I reply.

"No because it is from a woman." Sherlock corrects.

I am silent as he looks up at me.

"The handwriting is quite distinct." He says opening the seal carefully with a knife.

I walk around to go and join him.

"The note is empty." I say.

"No John. You see but do not observe. Smell this." He says handing me the note.

"Lemon???" I say.

"Yes John." Sherlock said turning on a lamp and holding the message to the bulb.

"What does it say?" I ask.

"It's coordinates John!" Sherlock exclaimed his face brightening.

"Well I suppose we could take Rosie on a walk. But if it is dangerous I'm taking her home." I state.

"Yes! Come on John the game is on!"


The coordinates led to the most unexpected place. Sherlock's grave.

"Strange." Sherlock remarked. "John I understand if you don't want to go in..."

"I'm curious too Sherlock." I sighed.

At that moment the most beautiful voice was heard.

  "Shule, shule, shule aroon
Shule go sukar agus, shule go kewn
Shule go durrus oggus aylig lume
Shule, shule, shule aroon
Shule go sukar agus, shule go kewn
Shule go durrus oggus aylig lume
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn

I wish I was on yonder hill
Tis there Id sit and cry my fill
And every tear would turn a mill

I'll sell my rod, I'll sell my reel
I'll sell my only spinning wheel
To buy my love a coat of steel

Shule, shule, shule aroon
Shule go sukar agus, shule go kewn
Shule go durrus oggus aylig lume
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn

I'll dye my petticoats, I'll dye them red
And 'round the world I'll beg my bread
Until my parents shall wish me dead

Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn
Shule, shule, shule aroon
Shule go sukar agus, shule go kewn
Shule go durrus oggus aylig lume
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn
Shule, shule, shule aroon
Shule go sukar agus, shule go kewn
Shule go durrus oggus aylig lume
Shule, shule, shule aroon
Shule go sukar agus, shule go kewn
Shule go durrus oggus aylig lume
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn "

Sherlock's eyes went wide and he walked into the graveyard like he was in a trance.

I soon spotted the source of the music.

A tall lovely woman with curly black hair stood in front of Sherlock's grave. She poured her heart and soul out into the music. Sherlock's eyes went wide he looked at me in a panic and started fixing his hair. His hands were shaking so he clenched them into fists.

The woman had now ended her song and was speaking quietly in a melodic voice.

"If I would have known... What would happen if i left." The woman spoke softer as tears flooded her eyes. " I never should have left you. I don't know why I came here today. I suppose i thought it would give me some closure... I'm so sorry Sherlock. This was all my fault."

At this my friend seemed to gain some courage and walked up behind the woman.

"It wasn't your fault Keyland. I never should have let you go." He says softly.

The woman spun around in shock her face going pale as she turned to Sherlock. She let out a shuddering breath then turned to me ignoring my friend.

"Hello." She greeted me.

"Erm. Hello. Sherlock care to introduce us?"I say awkwardly.

"You can see him too!?" The woman exclaimed, turning on her heel to look at my friend.

She stared at him as if she were in a dessert and she spotted a well. Her eyes widened as she drunk him in. She took her shaking hands and gently caressed Sherlock's face. I looked at him as he closed his eyes.

"Sherlock?" She gasped.

"Yes Keyland I'm here. I'm here." He said soothingly as he pulled the young lady into his arms.

I felt like i was intruding in a special moment. I slowly backed away. Sherlock turned his head toward me and exclaimed to Keyland.

"Keyland this is my friend Dr.Watson." Sherlock smiles.

"Pleased to meet you sir." She replied.

"Call me John please." I say.

"And this is The Lady Keyland Jones." Sherlock said with a sweeping bow.

"Sherlock!" She exclaimed.

"Well You were knighted..." he argues.

"Sherlock that was one time! And the only reason you weren't is because you escaped through the window! I had to apologize to the Queen for you!" she shouted angrily.
"Yeah sorry about that..." he smiles.
"I just... I can't believe you are alive!" The girl said her face going pale agin she wavered then fell. Sherlock caught her and looked at me horrified.

"John , John what do I do!!!" Sherlock panicked.

I didn't hear Mycroft Holmes creeping up behind me.

"As wonderfull as this all is. Keyland has had some bad drugs . Come along everyone." Mycroft states.

Sherlock scooped Keyland up and they headed to the car together.

We all piled into Mycroft's car and everyone gave mycroft their attendtion.

"Moriarty is alive. Not only that but Keyland has been with him for six years." Mycroft said gravely.

"That's impossible. He shot himself in the head you can't come back from that!" I denied.

"John...He is right." Sherlock admitted quietly.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed.

Mycroft ordered his driver to take us to the hospital. And so we went.

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