Chapter Six - Help.

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I made it to some form of civilization. There was a payphone on the corner of the street so I took some Change that I found in the car and called Mycroft's office.
"Hello." The pleasant female voice answered. 
"This is Keyland Jones. I must speak to Mycroft Holmes." I say urgently. 
"Transferring you to his secretary..." The woman said quickly.

I wait for a few moments as I am transferred.

"Keyland?!" A familiar voice answered.
"Andrea!!!" I exclaimed joyfully. 
"Keyland where are you?!" She gasped. 
"Somewhere in Ireland I think." I replied.
She started crying.
"What's wrong??" I asked.
"Keyland it's been six years!! We thought you were dead!!!!" She sobbed. 
"What?!"I exclaimed.

(If you want to listen the the Sherlock theme music here I'd appreciate it!)

I sank down unto the ground of the phone booth. 

"I'll triangulate your position and send you somebody to pick you up." She sniffled.

A few hours later. A vehicle pulled up. Out walked a very grouchy looking brunette man. He took one look at me and his whole face changed. He looked me up and down with a self satisfied smirk.  
"You must be Keyland Jones." He purred.
"What's it to you?" I snapped.
"I'm Ian. I work with Mycroft." He smiled.

I quickly took in his Bad boy style and sardonic smile. Yes he would do nicely as a traveling companion. I also noticed he was packing a gun.

"Your a spy." I stated. 
He smirked at me in response.

"But I don't think you work with Mycroft." I stated looking at his arm and seeing the mark of Moriarty on his arm.

"I do." He argued losing the smile.

"Prove it." I demand.

"How?" He asked.

I quickly pulled him toward me relieving him of his gun, and whisper in his ear. "Vatican Cameos."

His eyes widened and he hit the ground as I shot Moriarty's agent behind him.

"Good man Ian." I said patting him on the head as he stood up. 

"Mycroft was right you are crazy." He said giving me a wondering look. 

"Eh I get the job done. Now give me a moment to change my clothes." I say airily as I walk towards the car. 

"Girls...Oh well I needed a smoke anyways. I'll keep a lookout. Just hurry." He sighed. 

"Thanks Ian." I said grabbing a bag from the car. 

I ran into the shop and asked the shopkeeper if I could use the bathroom. He agreed and I made my way to the back of the store. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. So much had changed I didn't even recognize myself anymore. It was time to change that. I got into the bag and pulled out a knife. I took a deep breath and grabbed my hair in one hand. It was time to become the very thing I swore I never would.

Time to be like my father.

I closed my eyes and cut my hair to shoulder length. I opened them again and noted how curly my hair was. It had only seemed wavy before. All of this was good as it would help me to disguise myself. I had a few more things to do though. And one of them involved Jim's hair dye.

Even criminal masterminds get grey hairs. 

I looked at the inky black bottle and sighed, here goes nothing.

After my hair had dyed. (It took five minutes tops.) I dug two more things out of the bag.

Some simple black slacks and a White blouse.

My look was finished. I felt like I could fight in this.

I cleaned up the sink and put everything back into the bag. I unlocked the door and walked back into the gas station store. The man at the till was on his phone.

"Yes Sir just like you said. She is in there now." The man stated, his eyes widening as he saw me enter the room. 

I vaulted over the counter and knocked the man out. He dropped the phone and it dangled from the wire. I picked it up.

"A word of advice. Piss off James!" I sass. Jim gasps as I hang up the phone. I leave the store and Ian turns to face me.

He gives me a wolf whistle. 

"Now is not the time for flirting. Moriarty is on his way." I bark.

That sure sobered him up.

"Get in the car." He replies.

I listened to him and noticed the mark on his arm had vanished. Maybe I just imagined it...

We pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the highway. 

"So... you married Moriarty..." He states awkwardly.

"Sorry, I what ?!" I exclaimed. 

"Yeah there is a legal document and everything. How did that happen?" He says with faked nonchalance. 

"I honestly don't know. I don't remember anything..." I reply.

"I think we have somebody who can help you with that." He smiled. 

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