Chapter Twenty Five - Black to the Past.

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 I pet the soft block fur of my pet contentedly, it came to my attention that i was not, in fact in a hospital. My best guess from the fact that there was a camera in the corner of my room. Is that Mycroft had lead me to some sort of secured site. Likely one with the technology for restoring my memories. 

I had nearly dosed off to sleep when Purlock's ears shot up and he let out a low welcoming meow. My eyes popped open and to my pleasure I saw that it was the Professor himself who had come to visit me.

"Professor! What a lovely surprise!" I exclaimed. 

"Keyland! Look at you up and beaming like the sun herself. How are you feeling?" He smiled.

"Dizzy but alright." I admitted.

"Well that is a side effect of the Memory Restoration Drug." He replied as he made a few marks on his notepad. "I do hope you aren't upset that we used it on you. It has been properly tested. We just wanted to be sure that your mind would become more clear."

I sighed heavily. "In all honesty professor, as much as I would rather not remember some of the memories, I feel it is prudent to know what happened."

"Well it is certainly better than worrying about what happened."

"I suppose..." I trailed off. 

"So anyways I have some more shots to give you." He says putting down his clipboard down on the table beside me. 

"Alright what are they?" I gulp as he pulls out two needles.

"Just more of the serum..." The professor stated looking kindly at my worried face. 

"Who made it?" I ask cautiously. 

"I did." He replies as he readies the needle. 

"I thought this wasn't your area of expertise?" I reply, the professor frowns. 

"It wasn't but after I talked with my college, and you were taken for six years, I decided to make it my area of expertise." He replied sadly. 

"Why?" I ask suspiciously. 

"My college was killed by Moriarty." The professor replies tightly. 

"Oh professor! I'm so sorry. I had no idea!" I exclaim wanting to crawl under the hospital bed. 

"He slit his throat and dropped him on my front door." The Professor remarks numbly. 

I sat there stroking Purlock not quite sure how to respond to that.

"So have you tried to remember anything?" He asks, in an obvious attempt to cure my anxiety, as he plunges the needle into my neck.

"I don't even have a clue, about how to begin, to do that..." I sigh. 

"It can either come naturally or you can try to induce it." He remarks as he pulls out the first needle. 

"How?" I grimace as he readies the other needle. 

"You need something to trigger it...Is this bag yours?" He remarks pointing over to the ledge. 

"No why?" I reply. 

"It has your name on it..." He hums and finishes the second needle. 

 I waited till he finished and bandaged my neck, then turned around. Sure enough the black bag on the ledge had my name on a sticky note pasted on it.

And I knew who's handwriting it was.


"Oh that bag yeah it has some toiletries in it and such... Sorry I'm still a bit foggy up here." I lied smoothly as I tapped my forehead. 

"Alright, then maybe you should rest. You have been through a great deal." He smiles. 

"Good idea." I stated as he turned to leave the room.

"Oh and Professor?" I ask quickly as he stops before the door. 

"Yes?" He replies not turning back.

"Thank you... for everything." 

He turned back to look at me.

"It was my pleasure." He replied with a smile as he shut the door.

I waited till I heard his footsteps retreat then I grabbed the bag and brought it in front of my crossed legs. Much to my cat's chagrin.

"Oh hush you." I replied to Purlock's yowl. Petting him gently again to quiet him. 

I opened the top of the drawstring bag and pulled out the first item.

It was a simple black sketchbook. Signed and dated by me... during the time that I had no memory of. I flipped open the book to the first entry and what was there took my breath away... Took my thoughts away...

Made me remember.

A/N : This is not my art I'm not that talented. Idk who the artist is though... But kudos to them!!! also the title is not my best but it was a reference to back to the future...cuz time travel and junk idk... *sigh*

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