Chapter Twenty Two - He's a Devil.

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 We arrived at the Red Herring at 11:50. and went inside to get a seat.

Liem had informed me that this place had Karaoke. And I being the drama queen that I am decided to sing a song for Jim.

I was on the stage and the machine had just queued up the song 'He's a Demon He's a Devil He's a Doll' by Betty Hutton. 

Everyone tells me he's no good
He doesn't love me like he should
I would forget him if I only could
He's a demon, he's a devil, he's a doll

I watched as Jim entered the place and made eye contact with him.

That man can look me in the eye
And tell the biggest, sweetest lie
And I forget that lipstick on his tie
He's a demon, he's a devil, he's a doll

He smirked as I sang to him.

Sometimes I make up my mind
That I'll stop being so blind
And tell him off real bad
But then he turns on those charms
And there I am in his arms
And I forget why I'm mad

I ought to tell him "drop dead!"
But I keep loving him instead
My momma must have dropped me on my head
He's a demon, he's a devil, he's a doll

Jim sat down at a table and had ordered a drink, he smirked at me as I continued to sing.

Sometimes he thrills me through and through
Sometimes he's sweet, sometimes he's true
Sometimes I wish he were in Timbuktu
He's a demon, he's a devil, he's a doll

He says he'll call for me late at night
And take me out somewhere to dine
Then staggers in and sings "Sweet Adeline"

He's a darling," Jim smirked... "he's a dreamboat," Jim smiled,

"he's a dog!" Then his face fell. Moran, was trying (And failing ) To keep his laughter at bay.

I had the measles at two, the chicken pocks and the flu
My whooping cough was grim
I had the itch and the mumps, the poison ivy and clumps
To top it, now I've got him

Moran raised his glass to me at that part.

He's a palooka, he's a brute
He drives me crazy but he's cute
Why do I love a guy I ought to shoot. Jim shrugged.
He's a demon, he's a devil, he is a doll!!!

I sang the final note and the people watching stood up and gave me a round of applause. I did a quick bow and got off the stage, making my way to Jim's table.

"Hello Angel." Jim smiled, his smile fading as he looked at my undershirt.

"Sorry Jim the girls didn't want to come tonight." I announced with a smirk as I sat opposite him.

Jim looked like a slapped him. Moran snorted his drink up his nose. And thankfully at that moment Liem walked up to the table and sat next to me.

"Well enough fun talk, let's talk business." Jim said seriously. 

"Alright. Why did you murder those Children?" I deadpan. 

"Well you see, I had to get your attention somehow and besides you should thank me." He leered.

"Thank you?! For what?" I snarled. 

"For making Sherlock believe you." Jim taunted.

My jaw dropped.

"Oh Please Keyland I have people inside the police force, I heard what happened at the crime scene... Trouble in paradise?" He teased. 

"You murdered Thirteen children to get my attention?!" I gasp. 

"Yeah pretty much..." Jim shrugged. 

"You absolute---" 

"Well It worked didn't it?" Jim cut me off. 

"I outta stab you again." I threaten. 

"So you do remember? You took the serum?" Jim smirks. 

"Yes." I reply. 

"All of it?" He smiles leaning closer to me. 

"Yes why?" I lie.

"Good." He smiles. "Moran? Would you?"

"Sure boss." Moran replies gruffly. 

"Would he what?" I ask worriedly. 

Moran pulls out a button and presses it. 

Half of my body goes numb, as an electrical current passes through my system.

I fall off of my chair.

"Liem if you would." Jim smiles. 

"Yes sir." Liem says tightly. 

I'm up on my feet before anyone can grab me, I take off my shoes and run, throwing them at my pursuers. I make it out onto the road and try to hail a cab but before I can a shiny black car pulls up beside me and a bag is put over my head as I collapse.

"Sherlock and I knew we couldn't trust Liem, John. That is why I called you both here" Mycroft's voice says seriously as I drift off.   

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