Authors Note!

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Welcome to my new book! And as some of you may know, (due to you reading one of my other books) I said I was working on a surprise...And well, here it is! 😁

Yes, I know, "A superhero book?" Who'd of thought I'd write this?😂 But to tell you the truth, this book originally started out as something else completely. But ideas changed and I got this sudden inspiration to create this book where the world has superheroes and suppervillains that battle it out. (XD)

I've always been a superhero nerd, so this is like something I've wanted to do for a long while now, but never got around to doing it.

This book is like a combination of Action, Adventure, a wisp of Romance, and a touch of Paranormal. Mystery/Thriller, and a dash of humor.

So without further ado, let me get this disclaimer out of the way and explain a few things.

Disclaimer: This book is purely fiction. All the characters are also completely fiction and have no relation to any living person. I take no credit for creating the powers and superheroes/supervillains names that will be throughout this book, they were already made up. (I just don't have the imagination to invent new ones lol) Anything you may recognize throughout this book is pure coincidence. I didn't steal anyone's idea, so don't steal mine. Thank you.

And guys! I'm not a professional writer by any means. So there will be mistakes. (You could nicely point out any you will more than likely see.)

  Also, the main superhero I have for this book is MidKnight. Which I'm about 98% sure is already a superhero name. So to make this clear, this book is not a FanFiction people! I repeat. Not a FanFiction! They just have the same name....that's all.

Alrighty, so this book will take place in 2017. And the world is basically the same as it is right now. Only you know, there's superheroes and supervillains walking (or flying) around. Not too much of a difference....😂

I'll be changing the area of Manhattan, NY a little to suit my needs for this book. And guys! Don't expect me to give detailed explanations of NY throughout the book. I've never been there so I have no idea what it looks like except from watching movies and looking at photos. (Doesn't do squat.)

Bear with me on the updates. (I've got two other books I'm currently updating also.) I know what I want to write, I just gotta find the time to do it.

And please keep any cursing to a down level in the comments. Thank you.

So I hope anyone who reads this will enjoy it! And please! Don't be shy everyone! Comment every now and then. Click the little star in the corner. It's all good to me!👍🏻😃

Also! I will most likely be changing things. (maybe even throughout the book) I don't have everything set in stone yet. The summary will also probably be changed. I didn't really like it that much, I just couldn't think of anything at the moment. *sighs* Maybe even the title...I'm not sure. Definitely the cover....🤔

And lastly, but not least; This book will be rated PG-13 due to descriptive violence and fighting scenes, blood, and mild language.

The prologue will most likely be up within a couple hours. 👌🏻

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Also, brilliant cover done by BloodyTurtle!


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