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  Ten years ago there was a explosion.....

  Okay, hold up. This obviously isn't working out like I'd originally planned. You're probably wondering what exactly it is I'm talking about, and why there's this random teenage girl rambling on about explosions and what not.

  Well, let me start from the beginning once again and I'll try to explain it to you in a more straight forward...type of way.....I think.

  Ten years ago people thought the world was going to end.

  I know, I know. I've got this whole 'apocalypse. World destruction by zombies' kinda vibe going on right about now.

  But trust me, that's not what happened.

  It all actually started when a meteorite crashed to earth twenty years ago.

  The government - while they were investigating, found something different about this rock, something odd. So they hid it from the public, secretly performing experiments on it to unlock its hidden secrets.

  And eventually, they did.

  They discovered it had the properties necessary to enhance both physical and mental properties of the human body. And maybe more.

   Seeing it as a opportunity to finally create the ultimate super soldier, they delved deeper into its core.

   They should've left it alone.

   They sent it to a governmentally owned lab in Manhattan, New York. A fortified laboratory with all the equipment necessary to learn what they want, and a awaiting team of eager scientists ready to explore the possibilities it holds.

  Ten years they worked on that piece of rock, and for ten years the public all over the world didn't know a thing about it.

   That didn't last forever.

   All I remember that night was sitting down in front of the tv in our living room while I watched a rerun of the same Arthur show I'd seen yesterday. My five year old self completely transfixed on the screen.

   The tv had suddenly flickered, completely switching channels.

   There was a frantic reporter talking into his microphone as he pointed towards a large cement building, the camera shaking so bad it made the scenery blurry.

  The building was on fire.

  There was a sudden explosion from the area on tv, the camera falling to the floor as the ground shook like a earthquake.

   I remember my mom dropping one of her favorite glass bowls down on the tile floor as she watched from the kitchen area, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as her eyes stare horror-stricken at the tv.

   Dad had come in at that point, carrying my baby brother in his arms.

   Both my mom and dad so completely absorbed on what's happening in that tv that I was now regretting turning it on that evening.

   I watch explosion after explosion shake the camera that's still angled towards the catastrophe. Nearby buildings also catching on fire, sirens from the police and fire trucks filling our quiet house. The reporter no where in sight.

   Black pillars of smoke snake up into the sky, creeping down into the crowds of escaping pedestrians.

   But most interesting my five year old self found, was when eerie clouds of glowing blue dust started to drift up out of the building. Mixing in with the black smoke and drifting off in all directions, like a swarm of hornets.

   The world was never the same after that.

   Apparently two of the scientists assigned to that particular job, had discovered a way that would completely change everything we ever thought possible.

   They called it the XHGU5000 formula.

   Now don't ask me what it means, because I literally have no idea. The explosion that night - which no one knows exactly how it was set off, killed hundreds of people. Burning down dozens of homes and shops before it was contained.

    Only they couldn't contain what was released into the air that night.

    Thousands of people all over the world unexplainably started to drop dead where they stood, hundreds of others suddenly developing these...strange, inhuman abilities.

    The government finally came clean about their discovery.

    The XHGU5000 had been released into the very air we breath, everyone exposed to the raw formula. No one safe.

    To put it shorty; they'd created exactly what they wanted.

    Only they never intended for this to happen.

    The formula reacted to each person differently - though no one's sure exactly why.  About sixty percent of the worlds population wasn't bothered by it at all. Twenty-five percent either dropped dead on the spot, or slowly died a agonizingly slow death as their very insides combusted.

    Then there's the last fifteen percent; the humans who were affected by the formula and lived.

    Now you might be familiar with the term, 'Superheroes.' You know, people that have these miraculous powers - like Superman and Spider-Man from the comics.

    Only this isn't any comic book.

    The formula ended up unlocking the minds hidden abilities, ultimately leading to genetic/physical mutation. Enhancing a humans natural abilities.

    The shaken world came up with a name to call these 'supers' by. Something they could use to associate them with, something to help them comprehend what happened.


    You would think with a name like that, they'd all be helpful and want nothing more than world peace.

    But no. They wanted more.

    Now, before I move on. I should tell you there's three different categories the Celestials are divided into: Superheroes - those who use their powers for good. Supervillains - those who use their powers for bad. And Neutrals - those who hide their powers and do absolutely nothing.

    The world was once again met with chaos as more than half of the current Celestials became villains - supervillains.

     They booted the worlds crime rate up to the sky as they relentlessly attacked and terrorized the innocent public with powers that were once only known as fiction. Robbing somewhere just as simply as it would be for us to walk inside our house and grab a coat off the hanger by the door.

    All the Celestials were soon feared and rebuked by the world.

    But when there's bad guys, there must be good guys.

    And though the world was now wary of all Celestials. They celebrated as these good guys - these superheroes, conquered the evil.

    As they saved the world.

   The government contributed by building specialized prisons to hold the villains in, creating weapons capable of defeating any Celestial that stepped out of line. Trying to make up for the mess they've made.

    And throughout the span of ten years, hundreds of superheroes died. Dwindling out to where to each superhero, there's five supervillains.

   Not very good odds if I do say so myself.

   But they continued to do what they could to prevent them from harming anyone, sacrificing themselves for the sake of humanity.

   Just like in the comics, just like all the movies. Even going so far as to having secret identities so they can go home at the end of the night, trying to live as-if they were 'normal' humans.

   So no, there was no zombie attack - which if I'm being honest, I'm very glad about. But the world did change. People had to adapt to a new lifestyle where people have powers. People lost a lot of family and friends. Some people have new secrets now, ones they don't want anyone to find out.

   But besides that, the world pretty much continued on like normal.

   The villain attacks eventually grew to be fewer and fewer - with the exception of some places. The few superheroes with exceptional powers went into hiding when the government secretly decided to track them down, wanting to experiment on them.


   My name is Heavyn West. And this is the story of how I get involved with something much, much bigger than what I could have ever expected.

    Brace yourself.


   And the prologue is now up! I'm so proud of myself XD.

  Soooo, tell me what you think so far. Don't be shy. I'm nice, I promise. 😇

   I'm hoping to have chapter one up within a couple days, but I'll be busy tomorrow seeing as we're going to a drive-in to see both Despicable me 3 and Spider-Man:
Homecoming in the same evening. (We're going to be out until like 12:30 at night 😮) So we'll see how that goes.

Also, if anyone was confused. Twenty years ago the government found a meteorite, for ten years a team of scientists experimented on it, then there was the explosion that released the formula into the air, then the world had to adapt to having Celestials around.

   Vote! Comment! Tell me what you think.👍🏻

Started on: 7/6/17


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