Chapter 10: Saved...Again

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I pop my lips, vigorously scanning through my latest photos I've taken off my camera and added to my computer. The small tv on my dresser rambling on in the background.

I glance at the bottom right corner of my laptop.

Saturday, September 16th. 4:15 P.M.

It's still a whole fifteen sinking minutes until it's time to go. I sigh, clicking on the right arrow on the keypad as I move to the next photo.

I'm currently on my stomach, laying across my bed as I look through my computer, waiting for Zoey and Zack to get here.

We'd made plans two days ago to just go out and enjoy a nice Saturday evening like any normal teenager would.

So that's what we're doing.

I glance to my left, tilting my head to the side as I look over the few pictures I have hanging on my wall.

I call it: My Investigation Wall.....

Because you know, that sounds so awesome.

It basically just has a couple blurry pictures of MidKnight, and two of the actual pictures I took last week when I stupidly went into a bank while it was being robbed.

Guess common sense isn't my forte.

Though when comparing them to the other photos photographers have 'tried' to take, mine look ten times better.

Maybe I should look into photography.

Though that might just be because I'm the only one that was crazy enough to actually get that close.

Sure they still look way too dark - something I've noticed every picture of MidKnight has in common, there's a slight blurriness to it.

But you can actually make him out. It's not just a black blob with arms and legs.

I'd gone the other day to develop the two best pictures I got - one where he's facing me, his head angled to the side. And one when he's flipping the boss guy onto his back, midair.

Which is pretty badass looking if I do say so myself.

There's a few other odds and ends hanging around, a large map of Manhattan smack dab in the middle. Red dots mark at least one hundred locations on the map, a few strings strung across.

What? I thoroughly do my research here.

I close my laptop, deciding I'd rather wait outside. I grab my thin wallet, tucking it into the back pocket of my dark jeans as I tuck my phone into my other.

Who needs a purse when you've got jeans.

Walking over to my dresser, I reach up to turn the tv off. My finger stops on the off button, my eyes zoning in on the screen as a large headline suddenly flickers across it in bold red letters.

Breaking News!

The tv switches to a pictures. Odd rocks stick out of a hole in the desert looking ground, a bluish glow almost seeming to emit from them.

"This just in. Archeologists excavating in the Nevada Black Rock Desert - roughly 300,000 thousand acres of land, last week were astounded when they suddenly started digging up these strange rocks just five inches from the topsoil."

A rushed yet clear voice narrates.

"Scientists are now confirming that they're indeed part of the same meteorite that crashed to earth twenty years - the same rock that created the XHGU5000 formula. They're now calling this rock: The Mystice Meteorite - latin for Mystical."

My eyebrow furrows. Who comes up with these lame names anyway?

"The government is now issuing that all the meteorite be excavated and the area searched for more. They say they'll be using the material - a material that's already been proven to have a significant negative affect on all Celestials, to build new - and add to, weapons against the ever growing population of Supervillains."

Wow. At least they'll actually be using it for good.....I think. Because yes, the newscaster is right. Scientists have already proven that the same material that was used to make the formula, has a devastating negative affect on them.

It's kinda like how Superman's weakness is kryptonite - a mineral from his planet. It's like that, only none of the Celestials actually came from a planet in outer space.

That'd be ironic.

The screen switches to another picture. This one showing a factory. A large mold-press machine continuously presses down before lifting back up, dozens of fresh bullets showing up underneath.

"A mass production of these 'special' bullets are currently underway, each bullet needing only a small two-hundred milligrams of the meteorite for it to work. The US government is planning on sharing this discovery with every country - helping to defeat the rouge Celestials that plague our world."

So what? Their just going to shoot every Celestial that gets on their bad side?
....Maybe finding this wasn't such a good thing.

"Military enforcers now have a controlled perimeter around the area, keeping a strict guard over it in order to prevent anymore theft then what's already happened. Five days ago a group of unknown people savagely attacked the archeologists on the sight, killing one before making off with more than thirty pounds of The Mystice Meteorite - plenty to make their own weapons and sell them at the black market for anyone's use.

Great. Now we could have random people going around trying to either A: Help try and stop the Supervillains. Or B: Join the evil side and kill the Superheroes.

Just what we needed.

"Though there's concern from the public that these weapons armed forces will now be carrying will weaken and possibly kill any Superhero that may accidentally get in the way. The government's immediate reply being that they assure everyone that it'll take more than just one bullet to actually kill a Celestial."

Riiiight. Like that's comforting.

"On top of that, all High Rise Detectors will immediately be upgraded all over the world with The Mystic Meteorite. Meaning not only will they be able to detect a Celestial easier, but will help deter them due to their known affects on Celestials."

Hmm, so Eleanor Roosevelt High School is getting a upgrade.

Most of the meteorite they found twenty years ago - the one they used to make the formula with, was destroyed in the explosion. Only the amount of a infants smallest fingernail left. They put that towards learning how to stop the Celestials.

So over the course of ten years they discovered Celestials had this...weakness anytime they were so much as two hundred feet away. Not having enough to actually put it to use, they stored it away thinking that was all they had. Saving it for if they ever truly needed it, running more tests.

So of course they wouldn't need time to figure out anything since they already know all they need to know about it. They're just diving in head first as usual.

They already know how they can use it to upgrade all the police forces, all the equipment. This is basically the big break they were waiting for.

The screen switches back to a weather newscast, showing cool weather to come.

I shrug, pressing down on the off button. Then I turn on my heals, walking out the door.

"Bye mom!" I yell as I pass the kitchen, her only giving me a distracted 'bye' as she keeps her face buried in a large cookbook.

Well she is a professional chef. Probably trying out a recipe she's never done before judging by her expression.

A mixture of bewilderment and concentration.

I keep walking, turning around the corner that leads to the living room. I come to a abrupt stop as I find my path blocked - though to be more precise: Michael.

He's standing with his arms crossed over his chest, face full of stubbornness as he stares up at me.

I stare back, crossing my own arms. "No" I deadpan, already knowing what he's about to ask.

His lips immediately come out in a pout. "What! But heeeeavyn!" He whines, following behind me like some dejected donkey as I walk past him towards the door.

I shake my head. "I already said no." I remind him, placing my left hand on the door handle.

"But why can't I come with you?" He questions, right behind me. I turn my head to face him. "Um because you're my bratty little brother and I can't be seen in public with you." I remind him.

His eyes squint together. "Point taken." He mumbles, letting a huff out. "But still. Dad won't be back for another two hours probably, and mom's sucked up in that cookbook." He grabs his head. "I'm going to go crazy stuck in here!" He yells like he actually believes that.

He gets down on his knees, his hands clasping together in a pleading gesture. "Please Heavyn! Please!" He grabs my leg, holding on to it like it's his life support.

I roll my eyes, tugging his hands off my jeans. "Geez Michael. Get a hobbie." I shake his last hand off, opening the door.

His eyes water as he looks up at me. "You're just going to leave me?" His voice comes out broken, an actual tear sliding down his cheek.

"Yeah, I am. Go watch tv." I wave him away, stepping through the door. "Maybe I'll be nice and grab you a candy bar or something."

It stays quiet.

I peek my head back around the door before closing it. "And by the way." I stare down at him, his face still as sulky as all get out.

"Your acting sucks." I state before pulling my head back, shutting the door. "Rats." I hear Michael mumble from the other side, probably picking himself up off the floor.

And that's how you deal with whiny siblings who think they know how to worm their way into things.

Not with me.

I take the elevator down, texting Zoey that I'll be waiting outside. Opening the screen, I walk outside.

Cars go up and down the street, people walking along the sidewalk without a care in the world.

I lean against the railing that goes up the two steps to the door, folding my arms across my chest.

My head swings to the left as I catch the sudden noise of a screen squeaking, the apartment screen next door opening.

Dravin steps out wearing his usual attire, stuffing his hand in his pocket after he lets the door go. His eyes immediately land on me.

I give him a small smile, following with a quick wave. "Oh hey, Dravin." I tap my foot on the ground, pulling my camera strap up.

He looks at me with a blank face, his body already turning to walk down the opposite direction I'm in.

You could say I haven't made much progress since Tuesday. I turned in my art assignment on Wednesday - as told, Dravin also turning his in.

Though I didn't get to see it. Which really frustrates me for some reason.

He hasn't really talked to me - not that that's a big difference anyway. Keeping to his self, unless I so happen to have something to say. Then he usually still ignores me, though he did add a few words in a couple times.

If you call being told to 'shut up' adding a few words.

"Heavyn." He mumbles in what I guess is supposed to be a greeting, his legs already carrying him down the street.

I purse my lips, my foot tapping the ground.

Hmm, at least it was something.

I watch his back disappear around a corner up the street, that urge to follow him running up my spine.

No Heavyn. You've already made plans today with your friends. You're not dumping them to go follow him and end up with zero new information.

Not today at least.

Just you wait Dravin. I'll figure you out some-

I contain a scream as something cold suddenly touches my bare arm, my body jumping forward as I try to get away.

I swing my body around at the sound of someone breaking into laughter, my lips turning down in a frown.

Zoey's currently bent down in laughter, a couple snorts escaping. Zack stands beside her, a amused smile on his lips.

I rub my left forearm where that cold object was touching me. "Haha, laugh it up while I have a mini heart attack." I pull my camera strap up. "Some friends you are." I huff.

Zoey snorts, stepping closer as she leans up against me. Still laughing. "I'm sorry." She apologizes through her laughter, not really sounding like she means it. "I just couldn't help it. You were staring off in space for like a whole minute while we were standing here." Her eyes widen with fresh laughter. "Then you literally jumped in the air."

I frown again, looking over at Zack as Zoey breaks into more laughter. "I was not staring for a whole minute. Right?" I hopefully question.

He lets a short laugh out before biting his lip to - most likely than not, contain another bout of laughter. "Actually, you were." He confirms.

"Ugh." I pull Zoey off me, walking up the street as they straggle along behind. "I'll just leave you two here. Alone." I yell back at them. "Just continue to laugh. See if I care." I fake pout.

Zoey runs up beside me, her laughter gone. Though her green eyes still sparkle with humor. "Alright, I'll say it again. Sorry." She repeats, looping her right arm through my left.

Zack walks up on my right side, making us a intimidating line for people to see.

Uh, sorta.

I make a face, narrowing my eyes at her as I think it over in my head. "Alright. I forgive you." I amend, a smile growing on my face before I give her another serious stare. "My god though. Was that your hand that was that cold?" I make a overly concerned face.

Her forehead crinkles. "Hey," she crosses her arms, looking offended. "I've got bad circulation." She defends with a huff.

Zack playfully pats her shoulder, reaching behind me to reach her. "Nah. You're just cold hearted." He teases.

Zoey glares over at him, sticking her tongue out. She gives me a sidelong glance. "And this is why we hate brothers." She deadpans.

I bite my lip as I hold my laughter in, wryly shaking my head. "Alright guys. Cool it." I hold a hand up on each of my sides. "So what exactly are we doing today?" I look between them. "No one's really told me."

Zoey makes a sly face, wiggling her eyebrows at Zack before she playfully skips ahead while humming the cheesy batman theme song. "To the -"

She swings around to face us, breaking out in a silly stance. "Arcade!" She dramatically yells - catching some attention from passing people, immediately moonwalking backwards.

This time I really do laugh, literally bending over as a large bubble of laughter hits me. Zack stares at his sister, bringing a hand up to rub the back of his head as she continues to moonwalk. Not caring for a second that people are now giving her strange looks.

Which just looks extra hilarious while she's wearing a denim skirt with black leggings and a white t-shirt with the words: I work out.....Not really, I take naps. Spelled out in bold letters across the front.

Zack looks over at me as we keep walking, Zoey still ahead of us. "Is it bad to say that I'm concerned for my sister?" His brow furrows, a incredulous expression on his face.

I lightly shake my head. "I think we're all concerned for her." I answer, grimacing as Zoey runs into someone, only for her to completely ignore them.

Only Zoey.

I pick up my pace to catch up to Zoey. "Well. Let's head to the arcade!"

*Time skip*

"I totally beat you in donkey kong." Zoey repeats, glaring over at Zack as we step outside. Zack shakes his head. "No. I beat you in donkey kong. Heavyn beat you in Star Wars and again in battleship." He corrects, raising a daring eyebrow up at her.

It's now 7 P.M. We're just now leaving the arcade after being there for however long it's been, long shadows bending down from the buildings as the sun sets.

We'd basically played every single arcade game they had there - which is a lot, and split a pizza between the three of us for supper.

And now Zoey's arguing over what she won.

She shakes her head. "So what did I win?" She pulls her hair up into a small ponytail, still glaring.

Zack looks up, thinking it over. "Uh, didn't you win that iPhone charger in that claw game." He questions.

Zoey's face falls. "Yeah, then I freaking lost it." She angrily stuffs her face with her last bite of pizza, looking more intimidating at the moment then a charging elephant despite her size.

Zack just rolls his eyes. "Which is just like you." He sighs as we take a right onto W 56th St.

Zoey's eyes light up after she gives Zack a extra hard glare from his little comment. "Hey, what about the game with the yellow blob that eats everything? I thought I won one of those games." She continues, still hoping.

Zack stares at her. "You mean Packman?" His voice comes out with disbelief, his face dumbfounded.

Zoey nods. "Yeah, that....thing." She carelessly waves a hand in front of her face.

Zack sadly shakes his head. "I'm almost ashamed to call you my sister." His mouth twitches.

Zoey slowly turns her head to face him, glowering. "Oh come on. I bet Heavyn didn't know what it was." Her attention zones in on me.

I bite my lip, keeping my eyes straight ahead. Which is apparently as much of a answer as she needed.

"Ugh, fine, call me what you want. I'm a shame to society." She hangs her head, shoulders slouching.

"And no. That was Heavyn who won that one also." Zack answers the question, rolling his eyes at her act.

She lets a breath out, looking up. "Games hate me." She deadpans, dragging her feet.

I pat her arm, using my other hand to pull my camera strap up. "Cheer up old chap. There'll be better times." I mimic a British accent, bopping her on the side with my elbow.

Her lips tilt up. "Oi, you got that right." She crinkles her nose, that skip back in her steps.

Zack makes a face at us, probably wondering how he got stuck with two imbeciles.

My eyes land on a general store sign that's hanging out from one of the buildings up the street we're walking along, a thought hitting me.

"Hey guys," I get their attention. "Do you mind if we stop up at that general store for a minute?" I point up the street. "I told my brother I'd get him a candy bar." I elaborate at their curious looks.

Zack nods, a thoughtful expression on his face. "It's fine. Though I wish my sister was nice enough to get me something every now and then." He discreetly says, glancing over at her.

Zoey reaches behind me, whacking him on the arm. He pulls away, rubbing it with a furrowed forehead. "Geez Zoey. Calm down. I was just saying."

"Oh I know. But I just wanted to remind you that I do give you something every now and then." She sneakily says. "My fist." She tilts her chin up, walking a few steps ahead.

Zack leans into me. "You can tell who's the bossy sibling." He grumpily mumbles. "And I'm the red head." He shrugs to himself, leaving it alone.

It's too complicated to figure her out.

I smile, enjoying their playful banter. Which kinda reminds me of Michael and I when we argue. Only theirs is like 24/7.

We head for the glass door that's only another ten feet away, surprisingly not many people out this evening.

That's saying something for New York.

"Hey, do you have one of those fidget spinner things?" Zoey abruptly questions as I reach for the door handle. "I've wanted to get one. Maybe it -" She's cut off as the door suddenly swings open towards me.

I jump back to avoid getting hit, flinching as a loud alarm abruptly goes off from inside. "Hey! Someone stop him! He's robbed the store!" A voice inside shouts at the same time the person who almost ran me over with the door steps out.

I look up at his covered face - another type of cloth mask, typical. He stands almost a foot above me, his upper body large with obvious muscles.

He seems to look around for a split second, his eyes unfortunately landing on me because I'm standing directly in front of him.

And that's when I spot a large pistol in his right hand, the setting sun reflecting off it.

Oh snap.

Before I even comprehend what's happening, I'm suddenly hoisted up off my feet into the air, roughly landing on the huge guys' left shoulder.

Did I seriously just get abducted?...That just seemed way too easy.

I'll never make fun of a movie character getting easily kidnapped ever again.

He runs up the street without a moments hesitation, Zoey and Zack's surprised gazes locked on me as I unwillingly get carried along with him.

Zack breaks out of his frozen state first, shoving past people who've stopped to see what's happened.

But of course, this guy seems to be running five times faster then Zack can. Which is saying something.

I'm currently slung over his shoulder, potato sack style - which is not comfortable in the slightest. My body bouncing with each large step he takes as he runs up the sidewalk, literally running over anyone who gets in his way.

Where are the police when you need them?

This is what I get for trying to do something nice for my brother. Typical.

I bang his hard back with my fist as he takes a right down a abandoned alley, sirens up the street growing louder with each second. "Hey! Put me down you idiot!" I yell while trying to keep my camera from slipping over my head seeing as I'm upside down at the moment.

He stays quiet, as predicted. "I have a lawyer!" I add, hoping I sounded more convincing then I feel.

It doesn't work. Of course.

He takes another turn, taking us down a maze of creepy looking alleys. He turns left, running through a run down wire fence.

Great. Now I'm going to die from being abducted. That was definitely not on my bucket list.

I almost would've preferred the trampling and nearly getting hit by a flying desk over this.

The guy - who's obviously a Celestial: super strength. Check. Makes one more turn, the sirens growing more distant with each second.

Where are we exactly? It looks like the middle of nowhere...which would be exactly where I'd want to go if I'd just robbed a store.


He slows to a stop, carelessly plopping me down on the ground. I grunt as my butt takes all the impact, my mind still a bit scrambled.

Old buildings go along us on both sides, openings to our front and back. One dumpster over to the left.

I look up at the Celestial, keeping my face neutral.

He's bent over as he takes some deep breaths, clearly overexerted from that run. A large bag sits at his legs four feet to my right, no one needing to tell me what's in them.

More money.

People these days. So greedy.

I'm startled as he suddenly starts laughing, his voice obnoxiously loud to my ears. "Those losers." He mumbles through his laughter, standing straight up.

He twirls the gun around his pointy finger, turning around to face me. Lifeless blue eyes stare at me through his eyeholes, a smirk growing across his lips.

This just got a whole lot worse.

He's probably somewhere in his early forties. But seeing as he's wearing a mask, I can't be completely sure.

He wears dark green army pants and a black t-shirt, his large arms uncovered. A heart tattoo sits on his forearm, words I can't make out running over it.

I cross my arms, trying to make myself look more intimidating than I am.

"What do you want with me?" I question, already knowing the answer. He crosses his own arms, muscles bulging. "Incase I needed you for a shield, obviously." He snidely answers, taking a step closer.

I make a face, scooting back. "Well you can let me leave now." I state, narrowing my eyes at him.

He leans back in fake surprise. "Ooh, got myself a cutie and a fighter. My favorite." His words send tingles of fear up my spine, my muscles tensing.

His eyes stay focused on me, a spark of insanity lighting up his dull eyes.

I scoot further back as he takes another step closer to me, my hands and feet dragging myself across the disgusting ground.

I don't even want to know what I just touched.

"Maybe I'll let you go. But," he licks his lips, making me almost vomit in my mouth. "Why don't we have some fun first?" My back hits the brick wall, the air leaving my lungs as I realize there's no where for me to go.


He stands only three feet in front of me now, meaning he could easily grab me if I tried to escape to the left or right.

I fold my legs up to my chest, still attempting to keep my brave facade on. Though I can feel it wearing off with each small step he takes.

No! I refuse for this to happen.

I move my right hand around beside me without taking my eyes off him, immediately closing my now dirty fist around a cold cylinder object as I touch it.

Quickly swinging my arm up with all my strength, I let go of the object. It sails the few feet towards the Celestial, his body jerking backwards slightly as the glass bottle shatters into tiny pieces against his upper chest. Which means he obviously doesn't have fast reflexes.

Rats. That was a little lower than what I was aiming for. Curse my bad aim.

He stare down at the right side of his shirt, lifting his left arm up as he touches the place I just threw the bottle at.

He seems to grab something, letting a small grunt out as he pulls a small piece of glass out of his skin.

Hm, guess I did better than I thought.

His nostrils flare, his eyes landing back on me. I automatically shrink up at the death glare he's sending me, my hands fisting around my camera strap.

I frantically glance around, hoping maybe someone might be around. That maybe Zack managed to follow me - though I don't know what he'd be able to do to help in this predicament.

Only emptiness meets my eyes, the fading light not helping in the slightest. Creepy shadows hang along the ground, bare cement walls - with the exception of fire escapes and windows, being the only thing for me to see.

He cracks his neck, dropping the piece of glass down on the cement ground. A soft clatter ringing eerily out.

"Change of plans blondie." He raises the gun up to shoulder height, another sick smile growing on his lips. "I'm going to have my fun - and I'll be taking my time because no one's going to find us here, I've made sure of that." He takes one last step forward.

"Then," my heart thuds in my ears as I stare up at him, my eyes probably as wide as they can go.

This is actually happening!

"You die." He deadpans, eyes hard with zero hint of human emotion. He wiggles the gun around, his left hand coming down towards me.

My lungs tighten in fear, my body squishing back against the wall as far as possible.


There's a sudden whoosh in the air before Creepy abruptly jumps back, his right hand jerking as something seems to pull it forward, a pained shout coming from somewhere deep inside his chest.

His gun flies out of his hand, a silver object literally stabbing into the brick wall four feet above my head and sticking. The gun hangs suspended from a throwing star like it's a hanger and the gun is a simple purse or something, right through the trigger hole.

Throwing star.....that can only mean one thing.

My heart skips a beat, a warmth of hope spreading throughout me.

Creepy's eyes widen, repeatedly flickering from his impaled gun, back to his empty hand that's now bleeding in a few places due to the throwing star.

Almost like he can't comprehend the fact that the gun is now out of his hand, hanging on the brick wall.

Then his eyes harden once again, a snort of air coming out his nose as his hands fist together at his sides.

He turns around, his back now facing me. "MidKnight!" He yells, his head moving as he scans the surroundings. "Show yourself you coward!"

His head swings to the right as there's a sudden sound - like someone dropping a wooden crate, down the alley to the right, only darkness meeting both our eyes.

I jump as there's another sudden noise to the left this time, everything having suddenly grown three times darker than what it had been two minutes ago.

The sun hasn't even set all the way yet. So why....?

Creepy's feet shuffle, the darkness obviously starting to get to him despite the determination he has in his voice.

"I'm not letting you beat me this time!" He continues, eyes still searching.

So he's met MidKnight before. Old enemies.

Is it odd I find this interesting after everything that's just-and is happening?

He glances back at me. "I've got a hostage this time!" He takes a step back towards me, only two feet away.

"I will kill her!" He continues. His voice vibrates off the walls, echoing up and down the alley.

There's suddenly another fast whooshing noise through the air somewhere from the darkness, Creepy just barely moving fast enough to bend his body out of the way from another incoming throwing star.

It smacks into the wall above my head again, a drop of brick dust floating down in front of my face as it sticks into the wall. Unmoving.

Creepy laughs. "You'll have to do better than that-" He's cut off as something falls from up above, the sudden weight making him fall to the floor.

MidKnight easily rolls off Creepy as he hits the ground, immediately going back into a standing position.

Creepy roars in outrage, quickly pulling himself up.

MidKnight seems to like those surprises from up top. Using the advantage of surprise.

I make a mental note of it.

MidKnight sends a solid front kick straight into Creepy's stomach, a large whoosh of air exploding out from his mouth as he takes a step back.

A step further away from me.

Creepy swings forward, aiming for MidKnight's head. He dodges downward, using that downward momentum to land in a crouching position as he expertly swings his left leg out towards Creepys'.

It smashes into Creepy's right shin. The solid smack making even me wince.

His eye immediately widen in fresh pain, the force knocking him to his left. Which would be my front, which means he's now five or six feet away from me now.

MidKnight's strategically maneuvering him further away from me.

MidKnight jabs a flat hand - as-in it's not in a fist, out towards Creepy's right side. Creepy makes a face as it connects somewhere between his ribs, his right arm jerking before it falls lifelessly to his side.

Pressure point....I think.

Enraged, he throws his left arm out. MidKnight deflects it off the side of his right arm, planting his back leg while his left arm comes out in his own punch as he meets Creepy's forward momentum.

It hits directly in the center of Creepy's chest, my eyes widening as he's propelled backwards from the tremendous amount of force.

He hits the wall ten feet back with his right side, cracks splintering outwards in the brick around him from the force.

Creepy roars once again, picking up a abandoned rectangular dumpster that's four feet to his right. He hoists it above his head - his right arm working again, throwing it forward.

Right above where I'm currently sitting.

There's a loud crunching of metal up above me, the dumpster crashing into the side of the building.

Or to be more precise: the fire escape.

I look up, immediately spotting a couple large objects falling through the air as part of the rickety fire escape rips off the wall, following the dumpster down.

I automatically brace myself, though I'm not really sure how you're supposed to act seconds before you're squished by however hundreds of pounds that is.

My eyes close seconds before I know it should hit.

There's suddenly two points of contact on my waist, my body jerking forward as something tugs on me. I'm suddenly up against something warm, my eyes once again clinching shut as a loud crunching noise meets my ears behind me.

Right where I was just sitting.

Dust swirls around the area from all the disturbance, an odd silence ringing out as I slowly look up.

My breath catches as I realize I'm up against MidKnight, barely any space between us. He has his hands on my waist - them apparently being what I felt seconds before I was pulled up, gently holding me up against his lean body.

He's just saved me....again.

We've really gotta stop doing this on a regular basics.

He has his hooded head angled down towards my face that's maybe five inches higher than mine, an odd darkness surrounding the inside instead of a actual face.

Everything seems to freeze as my eyes meet two orbs of glowing blue fire deep within his hood - the only thing evident underneath his hood.

Someone was actually right. His eyes really do glow.

Two dark electric blue eyes stare down at me, literal flames seeming to swirl around inside them as they pulse with power.

My eyebrows furrow as I stare up at him, my hands somehow already sitting on his hard chest as my heart oddly flutters in my chest......

Oh, no. I am not getting a crush on the superhero like some cliché romance novel. Uh uh. No way. Not happening in a million years.....

His eyes remain expressionless, not showing a hint of who he potentially could be.

He suddenly lets go of me, stepping back. I practically sag in regret as his comforting heat leaves me, a coldness taking its place.

He swings around, grabbing Creepy - who was charging at his back, around his ridiculously thick neck with both his hands as he uses his own momentum to force him down.

Creepy crashes to the ground, MidKnight suddenly standing over top of him as he sends punch after punch at his now exposed face - the mask somehow off, his right hand firmly grasping the top of his head.

I flinch at each sound of a leather gloved fist smacking skin, MidKnight's usual cool attitude seeming to ignite with uncontrolled anger as he repeatedly punches him.

Creepy's face streams with blood, his nose bent at a awkward angle. Black-ish purple surrounds both his eyes, one of his cheeks even looking slightly dented.

MidKnight sends one last punch at Creepy's face, his eyes finally rolling up in the back of his head as he loses consciousness.

MidKnight continues to stand over him in the same position - right hand holding his hair, left hand ten inches above his face - staring down at his mess. His chest noticeably rises and falls, quiet - yet fast, breaths now filling the quiet air.

He seems to suddenly come back to his senses, letting go of him as he steps back away from him - almost like he was burned.

He keeps his head angled down as usual, chest still rapidly moving as he....regains his breath?

I let a shaky breath out, the relief almost making me collapse on the nasty ground where I stand.

I get to live another day. I get to see my family, my friends.

I'll never take them for granted again......and yes. Maybe even Michael too.


"Thank you." My voice makes me wince as it cuts through the thick air like a knife, the sound rough and garbled even to my own ears.

MidKnight leans his head more towards my direction at the sound of my voice, not a muscle on his body moving - only his chest.

I let a laugh out, the sound more like something that would come from a delusional nutcase. Which might not be too far off actually.

I stare down at Creepy. "All this over getting a candy bar for my baby brother." I rub my upper arms, noticing my clothes are covered in grime. Camera hanging at my side - somehow not getting damaged after all that.

My eyes land back on where MidKnight stood, only to find it now empty.

Just like before. I didn't even hear him move.

There's suddenly a chasm of loneliness surrounding me, my legs feeling like jello as I take a step forward, hands now shaking from the pure fear I felt no more than five minutes ago.

That is something I'd never like to do again.

At least I got to say thank you this time. And - my heart skips a beat again.
I actually got to be close to him....

Maybe it wasn't that bad after all.


  So that meteorite name probably sucks, but it was all I could come up with at the moment XD. I'm open to any name suggestions!


     1.) Was the action part of this chapter any good?

    2.) What'd ya think of that little part right after MidKnight saved Heavyn from being crushed? 😏

    3) Anyone else find Zoey and Zack's bickering amusing?

Next update: Next Week. I've decided that it's been working out where I write a chapter for each of my three books, then I publish them on the same day. (Tuesday or Wednesday) That way there's a update for each of my books weekly.

  Alright y'all! You know the drill! ^_^ VOTE! ⭐️ Comment!

Love y'all!


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