Chapter 11: Safe

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"Omg, Heavyn!" A voice screams right before I'm hit by what feels like two hundred pounds.

Zoey hugs me tighter, still mumbling incoherent words as she practically smothers me.

Okay. Maybe it was more like a hundred - if that. But you get my point.

I feel something lightly snake around my shoulders, my head swinging up to meet Zack's concerned/relieved stare.

He pulls me closer to him in a half hug, Zoey still grasping on to me like it was her that almost died.

So basically what happened is exactly five minutes after MidKnight ever-so-quietly disappeared, a small force of police officers stumbled upon unconscious Creepy and I.

I literally don't really remember what I was doing in that five minutes. Probably walking in circles as I talked myself through what happened.

I'm weird like that.

So then they kindly escorted me to their car, taking Creepy in a heavily fortified truck that's more than likely headed for Grandhaven Penitentiary here in NY - where they take Celestials that are evil.

I'd just walked into the police station with my little escort - a young woman and a older man, when Zoey tackled me from out of nowhere.

Apparently they'd already been brought here.

Zack looks me over, kinda reminding me of a mother goose in a odd way. "Are you
okay?" He sincerely asks, his hand squeezing my shoulder in a comforting gesture.

I slowly nod, wrapping my arms around my waist. "I'll be fine." Zoey looks up at my quiet voice, giving Zack a look I can't interpret.

Okay. So maybe I'm not 100% back to my normal self yet. Who would be?

My hands still have a slight tremble in them, my butt is now sore where I ever-so-smoothly landed on it, a small headache pounding in the back of my skull.

But I'll get over it. Or my name isn't Heavyn West.

"What's all this damn racket down here!" I look up at the large staircase that leads up to the second floor of the police station, that man I'd seen on tv not too long ago walking down them.

Both Zoey and Zack grimace.

Oh yeah. Their father.

He's probably a little over six foot, well muscled. His facial structure reminds me of both Zoey's and Zack's, his darker skin tone practically the same shade as Zoey's. His black hair is styled in a buzzcut, a small, slightly grey mustache over his lip.

His brown eyes zone in on our little group.

Zack and Zoey step away from me, looking up at their dad with smiles that look more like we're-in-trouble-and-we-know-it grimaces.

"What is it with you two?" He walks towards us. "I think you're fine one moment, then I turn around and there you are getting yourselves into trouble again." Zack and Zoey both seem to wilt underneath his stern gaze. "What do you think your mother's going to s-" He cuts himself off as a officer catches up to him, frantically whispering in his ear as he stops. His eyes landing on me.

He straightens himself back up, continuing his walk towards us in a more orderly manner.

"Miss West?" He stops a couple feet in front of me, and I nod in answer. "Why don't you follow me and I'll get you a nice warm drink while I call your parents?" His sudden change in behavior almost makes me raise an eyebrow up at him. A sweet and caring attitude taking over.

Maybe he's like off the Lego movie where the main cop has a bad cop side and a good cop side....

Obviously you can tell I'm not thinking all that straight yet. Though I tend to do that a lot, so that's not saying much.

I nod in answer, pulling my camera strap up further on my shoulder as I take a step forward.

Captain Galaspy - as his name tag states, and also from Zack and Zoey - gives me a encouraging smile before looking back at his kids with a 'we'll-talk-later' stare.

"See you later, Heavyn." Zoey calls after me as I walk away with their father. I look back at them, giving them a small wave.

*Time Skip*

"Then he just disappeared?" The nice officer questions, yet again.

My foot impatiently taps the smooth ground, arms folded over my chest as I stare over at him.

Within the last forty minutes I've been given a hot cocoa, I've told my story to Galaspy, another gentleman.

And now this guy.

You can see why I'm getting a little impatient over here.

Captain Galaspy left about fifteen minutes ago and has yet to return to this little office room I'm apparently stuck in until further notice.

"Yup. It's exactly the same story I've already told two other people, sir." I confirm, adding more than what's probably necessary.

"MidKnight disappeared practically right after he knocked the villain out. Same story. Hasn't changed." I make my point, leaning back in my chair.

Geez. These people just can't get it through their heads or something. I get they want to be thorough. But this is just too much.

The investigator holds his hands up, tucking his pencil behind his ear as he stands up. "Alright. I believe we're on level grounds now."

I thought we were half an hour ago.

He walks over to the door. "Someone will be back in a few. I've got to take this up to records. It was nice meeting you." He gives me a small wave, a slightly amused smile on his face.

I blow a breath out, slouching in my seat.

This is more tiering than getting kidnapped for twenty minutes.

Another five minutes goes by, and I occupy my time by looking everything over in the office that's apparently captain Galaspy's.

He has his name engraved on a long block of wood on his desk that's in front of me, a layer of silver or something over the wood.

He has a few books stacked neatly in a row, a few loose papers spread around. I tilt my to the side as I spot a larger picture frame over on the other side.

Zoey, Zack, their father, and who I'm assuming is their mother - curly red hair, bright green eyes, petite face - all stare at the camera.

They have their faces squished together. Large, bright smiles on their faces as they seem to laugh at something.

The perfect family picture.

I look closer, unconsciously leaning forward.

Yup. Zack and Zoey look at least two years younger. Zoey's hair bare from any dye, her face less stern. Zack's hair is styled in a wild Mohawk, his face covered in acne.

Poor guy.

Though it's kinda amusing to see them in this state.

Their father seems to have less grey hair in his mustache, fewer wrinkles around his face - worry lines.

He must worry a lot about them...

My mind goes back to the first day I met them. Zoey's been kidnapped before also, and it sounded like longer than twenty minutes.

I swing my head to the right as the door abruptly opens, a relief spreading throughout me as I spot my dad.

He rushes through the ten feet between us, immediately placing a hand on each side of my head as he crouched down in front of me. Eyes looking my face over.

"How are you?" He shoots off, still holding my head as he looks me over like a mother bear....

That's the second time I've compared people to a mother animal in the past hour. And they were both guys.

I smile, placing each of my hands over his that are on either side of my head.

He tilts my head, as-if that would actually help to show him something. "And be honest." He adds, looking at me with a knowing spark in his eyes.

I place my left hand on his shoulder, keeping eye contact. "I'll be fine, daddy." I truthfully tell him. "The only thing that actually hurts is my backside because I was dropped down onto a cement ground." I feel a tear well up in my eye despite my words.

He looks me over again, observing. Then he stands up, wrapping me in a much needed hug.

I feel myself completely wilt in his comforting warmth, his hand soothingly rubbing my back.

A few sniffles escape my nose, a couple tears sliding down my cheeks as I wrap my own arms around him.

Hey. Don't get me wrong now. I'm no cryer. But sometimes you just have to let it out despite how badly you don't want to.

And this is one of those times.

Dad just lets me cry on his shoulder for a whole agonizing minute, a wet spot probably on his shirt now.

I let go of him, sitting back. He moves a space back also, holding each of my hands in his own.

Lifting my right hand from his grasp, I lift it up to wipe my face off.

Very unladylike, I know.

I spot his reporters badge clipped to the front of his shirt. Bringing my hand over, I fiddle with it as I look back up at his face.

"You're not going to report this are you?" I raise an eyebrow, giving him a meaningful glare.

I really wouldn't care that much. It would just make it more of a pain when everyone at school finds out.

Which would lead to more people questioning me.

He places a hand on top of my head, smiling. "Nah. I wouldn't do that to you." He ruffles my hair, standing up.

Taking a seat in the chair beside me, he once again takes hold of my closest hand. "Your mother and brother should be here soon." He plays with my fingers. "I got here first because I came straight from work." He explains.

Good. Micheal needs to get here so I can bash him about how all this is his fault in the first place.

I nod, crossing my legs as I lean over to my right, laying my head on his shoulder as a yawn stretches across my mouth.

I'll be completely content once I'm back home in my cocoon of blankets.


*grimaces* So sorry for the short chapter, it probably sucked too. I promise it'll get better, you've just go to bear with me.

Next Update: Still trying for that weekly schedule.

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