Chapter 14: Drama

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{Friday, September 22nd}

"There were like five tiny as hell kittens in a alley, and Zack was all like, 'here kitty kitties, I've got some tuna.' Then they stared at him for like five minutes straight like he's some weirdo - though he is."

I shake my head at Zoey's 'overdramatic' retelling of yet another mishap Zack apparently had during his younger childhood, taking a sip from my coke.

Though she never really talks about hers. Suppose that's what Zack's for.

Speaking of Zack, he's sitting across from me - at our usual seat in the cafeteria, arms crossed as he glares at Zoey. Clearly not enjoying this as much as the rest of us.

Aaron and I.

He gives me a sidelong smile from his seat beside me, his hand moving to brush against the back of mine that rests on my thigh under the table.

I think he's going to ask me! Don't ask me how I think I know, I just have a feeling, a good feeling about it.

Which must be why it feels like there's a butterfly tornado inside my stomach right now.

I return the smile, immediately chomping down on a French fry afterwards as I rush to finish my only half eaten meal before the bell.

"Then he had the balls to actually gather these puny kittens up in his coat, carry them back to our apartment - all the while I complained to him, and bring them inside." Zoey dramatically sits back, looking highly satisfied.

"Mom freaks, immediately telling Zack that we can't keep them and we're taking them to the animal shelter. Zack starts bawling his eyes out - while he's still holding a pile of adorable kittens in the middle of the living room, completely crushed about he prospect of not keeping them." She snorts a laugh out at the memory, whacking a prone Zack on the arm as she leans forward over her tray of food.

"Then he ends up needing to get a rabies shot - amongst others, due to a few scratches he got while carrying them." She blows a laugh out like it's the funniest thing in the world, literally wiping a tear off from her eye.

Zack rolls his eyes, taking a sip from his sprite. "I didn't cry that much," he mutters as he places his drink down. "You looked just as heartbroken about it as I did." He points out, immediately making Zoey's face flush.

So Zack has a caring side. Not that I didn't already know that.

I zone out of their bickering as my attention switches to a movement up towards the end of the room, eyes falling on a irritated looking Dravin.

He's quickly stuffing a few papers in his backpack, eyes drawn together in what looks like anger as his right hand rests against his temple. His temple that seems to shimmer - with sweat? - in the florescent cafeteria lights.

I rap my knuckles against my chin, pursing my lips as I narrow my eyes at him.

This isn't the first time I've noticed this behavior - and exterior, from him during lunch and at other times.

My mind flashes back to yesterday, how helpless he looked.

Maybe it's due to his 'not really' claustrophobia? I may never know.

He abruptly stands from his seat, jerking his body as he turns towards the exit doors. Apparently too distracted to notice a notebook he's left behind on a chair, looking completely abandoned with his halfway full tray left on his table.

My eyes stay locked on the notebook even after he's disappeared outside, a strange sensation bubbling up from within my gut.

I'll collect it if he doesn't come back to get it after the bell rings. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Then I'll find him and return it later.

My foot taps the bottom railing of the stool, everything else forgotten as I glare at the notebook like it'll actually move towards me.

Come on Heavyn, use those Jedi mind tricks. Use the force.

Then a obnoxiously sweet voice breaks me from my trance.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the dramatic duo of the NYPD." Fiona Sanders gives Zack and Zoey a simple look over, as if they're merely old news.

Her gaze locks on me, a smirk growing on the corner of her bright red lip glossed lips as she sticks her hip out to the side.

"And your newest.....partner in crime: Heavyn West." Her two friends behind her snicker, a satisfied smile now on her lips as she glares at me.

I give her a bored stare, blinking a few times. "Ah yes, and if it isn't the Barbie of Eleanor Roosevelt." I deadpan, taking another sip of my coke.

She frowns, crossing her arms over her skimpy shirt that can't possibly be considered within school dress regulations.

Rolling her eyes, they than lock on the observing Aaron to my right. A dazzling smile expanding on her pouty lips.

"Aaron." She greets, almost making me wince at the tone of her voice. Aaron simply nods to her, a victorious smile growing on my own lips.

Faithful as ever.

Zoey stares distastefully at her. "So is there a reason you're interpreting us, or is this just you being you?" She smiles, and I get the feeling she's restraining herself.

Fiona keeps her eyes on Aaron, though her smile wavers for a spilt second.

"No, no. I just thought I'd come warn Aaron here - since he finds you so interesting, Heavyn." She answers, making all of us raise an eyebrow up at her in confusion.

Warn him?

"Uh huh. There's a rumor floating about that Heavyn was stuck in a elevator yesterday during the field trip at the art museum for twenty minutes." She informs, leaning forward slightly as she re-smirks....Is that even a word?

Where's she going with this? And how'd that rumor get started anyway?

Aaron looks completely puzzled. "And how's that have anything to do with anything?" He questions, leaning back in his seat as he crosses his arms.

Fiona traces her pedicured fingernail over the edge of the tabletop, and I get the urge to smack it off.

She blows a breath out, going for uncaring. "Oh I don't know, maybe because she was stuck in a elevator, by herself, with none other than Dravin Smith himself." There's a glint in her eye as she delivers the punch line, the air seeming to go still.

I feel both Zack's and Aaron's eyes land on me, neither of them having heard this news before. Only Zoey seeing as she was there.

I shrug it off, though there's a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Yeah, so. He's my art partner, the elevator got stuck, we waited, end of story." I sum up, taking another sip of my coke as my throats seems to go dry.

Nothing happened.....Besides Dravin having a mini freak out.

Fiona flashes me a smile. "Yes, yes. But who knows what could've transpired throughout those long twenty minutes you wouldn't want anyone to....know about." There's suddenly a evil spark in her eye, and I put two and two together.

Oh no, she did not just insinuate that of all things!

I think I'm going to be sick.

"Nothing happened between us." I clarify, looking between each of my friends.

Zoey looks like she completely believes me. One hundred percent. Zack seems a little confused still, eyebrows furrowed together. Not like he doesn't believe me though, more like he can't figure something out.

Then, then my heart stops as I take in Aaron's face.

He looks like he's thinking deeply, face serious as he stares down at the tabletop, hands fisted together in his lap. A strange hint of anger in his eyes.

What?! He can't seriously believe her.

Though I know words can lead to doubts. And doubts lead to distrust.

I don't read for no reason here people.

Fiona flicks her long hair off her neck, triumph gleaming in her eyes as she turns to leave.

"Just thought I'd tell you that bit of information I'm sure she hasn't told you yet." She adds.

I flinch at the burn, her words only too true about that.

But why would I need to tell him we were stuck together for twenty minutes - alone yes, when nothing happened between us.

That doesn't even make sense.

"You know Aaron, you gotta watch out for these reporter offsprings. They can be real tricky so I've heard." She says over her shoulder, swaying her hips as she walks away.

Barbie friends in tow.

My eye twitches, my energy suddenly depleted like I've just run ten miles.

How'd she even know my father is a reporter?

Silence stretches across the table, Zoey repeatedly looking between both Aaron and me.

I slowly look over at him, feeling oddly shy for some reason. "Look Aaron, nothing happened-"

"I believe you, I just need to go sort some....thoughts out." He abruptly stands up, quickly gathering his tray up.

I suddenly feel like my heart just ripped.

"I'll catch you guys later." He looks between Zack and Zoey before looking at me, eyes lingering a few seconds as he turns to head out the cafeteria. Tray in hold.

I immediately deflate, placing my elbows on the table as I stare down at my cold food I have zero appetite for.

"Don't worry, Heavyn." Zoey assures after a minute. "Aaron will come to his senses and remember that Fiona only speaks a mouthful of bull." She nods to herself, seeming more like she's reassuring herself than me.

"We believe you, Heavyn." She looks me in the eye before elbowing a quiet Zack.

"What? Oh yeah, we believe you." He adds, leaning back in his seat with furrowed brows.

"Besides," Zoey starts, "Dravin is like a brick wall, how could anything....physical happen between you two anyway?"

Gee, thanks for putting that image in my head Zoey.

I sigh. "Thanks guys, I appreciate it." I step down off the chair, gathering my own tray of food.

We break apart at the trashcans, agreeing to meet up like we'd originally planned at the end of the day.

Our plans with Aaron.

I blow a breath out as I hike my backpack up on my shoulder, turning to leave the cafeteria like everyone else.

Then my eyes land on the forgotten notebook at Dravin's table.

Oh what the heck.

Storming over to the far table, I lean down, grabbing hold of what I now see is a sketchbook.

Dravin's art sketchbook.

I glance around the cafeteria, only the lunch ladies in site.

What if I just took a small peek? What could it hurt? Sure it's dishonest and kinda invading. But seriously, it's his sketchbook that he draws in.

Who knows what kind of secrets I could unravel.

They say quiet, withdrawn men are the most artistic. And are more prone to draw their feelings than show them.

Don't ask me where I heard it, I'm sure it's partly true.

I run my thumb down over the side, feeling the rough edges of paper scrape against my skin.

Shaking my head at myself, I unsling my backpack from my shoulders, dropping it down on the table as I stuff the sketchbook in.

I'll give it to him next time I see him.

With that thought, I sling my backpack up once again, marching off towards the doors that lead to more boredom.

*Time Skip*

I spot Dravin at the end of the hall, standing by his open locker as he places his books back inside his backpack. A slightly worried expression on his face.

I grip the sketchbook in my hands a little tighter, moving my feet along so I reach him before anymore people come along.

Yup, you guessed it. I've yet to return the sketchbook back to Dravin since my discovery of it this morning. The whole school day having gone by now.

Great job Heavyn. Not only are you losing Aaron, but you're now a thief. Congratulations.

I block those unpleasant thoughts from my mind, all those accusing stares I've been receiving from random people today weighing down on me more than I could even imagine.

Fiona's gossip travels fast.

Never before have I been the highlight of high school drama, and I certainly don't want it to become a normal thing.

I'd have gray hair before I'm thirty.

I stop behind his open locker, practically hiding myself behind the door. He swings it shut with a bang, his face stony as he takes in my presence.

Yup, he totally knew I was there.

He's been even more reclusive since the elevator accident yesterday, almost like he's too embarrassed to face me. Instead resolving to hide himself behind his usual facade as he ignores me.

Typical Dravin I suppose.

"What?" He questions after I stay silent longer than necessary, his patience obviously wearing thin.

Huh, he didn't just bust past me and leave like I thought he would. Interesting.

I blink at his voice, my mind having gone blank for a split second. "Oh, uh, I noticed you left this in the cafeteria earlier." I hold the sketchbook up, his face instantly flushing with relief as he takes it in.

He quickly masks his emotions, crossing his leather clad arms over his chest as he stares at my face. A eyebrow raised.

I roll my eyes. "No, I didn't look inside." I tell him, gathering that that's why he's glaring accusingly at me.

His shoulders instantly relax, though his face doesn't change. He slowly brings his left hand out, palm up as he waits for me to hand it over.

I extend it towards his hand, my eyes flickering down to his hand.

There's a spark of surprise in me as I notice a odd, white line - a old scar, running down the inside of his palm. Nearly four inches long, if not longer. The edges healed together making his skin stretch oddly in places.

What in the world did he get that from? It's kinda....

I feel a invisible shudder unexpectedly run down my back, a coldness washing over my skin.

Kinda, creepy looking.

He seems to realize I've been staring at it for these three seconds, reacting by immediately reaching forward to grab the sketchbook, retracting his arm back to him.

The prominent scar noticeable no more.

How've I not seen that before? It's so....there.

"Thanks." He mutters just loud enough for me to hear, holding the sketchbook down at hip level as he walks past me like a distant breeze. Head hanging down.

"Don't mention it." I whisper to myself, slightly annoyed by his brash attitude even if it is his norm.

I turn around, watching as his leather clad back disappears out the exit door down the hall. Practically everyone gone but me.

Oh yes, Dravin Smith is hiding something. No doubt about it. It's like a annoying nag in the corner of my brain, maybe a reporters intuition.

Oh how right I was.


Anyone, people! Please VOTE! I would seriously appreciate it to no end! My last chapter still has Zero Votes on it and it's kinda depressing. I know I've said it plenty of times, but I'm going to keep saying it!

VOTE! (If you want me to update soon!) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ COMMENT!

So I didn't update last week, sorry. But I got my wisdom teeth out three days ago and wasn't able to concentrate enough to write. But I'm back at it now!

And guys, the excitement is about to come down!! Secrets are coming out! Being revealed! (Within the next two chapters!)


1.) What are your thoughts on Aaron huh?

2.) Thoughts on Dravin?

3.) Are you for team Aaron, or team Dravin?

Keep it real people! Peace out,

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