Chapter 15: No Way

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{Monday, September 25th; 7:47 P.M.}

"Early this morning MidKnight was seen attacking innocent bystanders. Though no one was killed, two were sent to the hospital with life threatening injuries. This is just a small portion of what MidKnight has been doing lately. Residents of New York are questioning whether MidKnight has officially gone rogue, or if someone is indeed masquerading around as him. So far there's been no contact made from him claiming that he's innocent. And there's no solid evidence to support either theory. He's been seen rescuing civilians among stopping smalltime villains like normal, but that still leave people wondering; Who is the real MidKnight? Is he a villain, or a hero as we all had presumed?"

I blow a long breath out, rolling my eyes in annoyance as I tug the camera strap further up my right shoulder.

He can't be evil....Not after everything I've witnessed. Yet I can't be sure. Things like this happen a lot.

A hero shows up out of nowhere. He earns the trust of the people, he becomes a beacon of hope. Then a little while later he goes and ruins it. Crushing everyone.

Ah, the life of living in a world with super's.

I shake my head, turning away from the display of tv's positioned in this particular store's window. Some electronics store.

Dropping my gaze to the cement ground, I continue my walk forward down the street. There's a haze of darkness in the sky and between the buildings, the lampposts and lights from the shops lighting up the evenings gloom.

September's ending. Barely a week left before October. Which means it's less than a week before my sixteenth birthday.

I'm sure mom and dad will throw a big birthday bash with just the four of us. Turning it into something big despite the few people. Mom will probably make her special pancakes for breakfast and serve them in cool shapes. Cool-whip is a definite, strawberries, and some sweet maple syrup.

I let a sigh out, smacking my lips as the savory meal washes through my mouth like I've just eaten it instead of the chicken casserole I had for supper a hour ago.

The perks of having a chef as a mother.

She'll probably cook a homemade two layer cake. Cream-cheese and vanilla icing with vanilla layers with just a small layer of chocolate in the middle.

I'm a vanilla girl.

I kick a loose rock across the cement ground, stuffing my hands inside the pockets of my dark brown lightweight jacket I'm forced to where thanks to this cursed cool weather that's blowing in. My good mood deflates as mind-pressing thoughts I'd been holding off suddenly replace my joyful ones.

Ever since Fiona started that rumor on Friday I've been receiving accusing, curious, and furious glares none stop at school.

There's a tug in my chest, my lips turning down in a frown.

Sure it's only the second day. It'll wear off eventually. But I've got to make it through it first. Then there's Aaron.

He met up with me today at lunch, and we talked in private afterwards. He said he believed me 100%. No doubt about it. Saying he wanted to continue off where we were.

For all means I should be ecstatic. I should be overjoyed he's determined that Fiona is indeed only pulling everyone's leg.

But for some reason, something just

Maybe it's the way he watches me oddly from the corner of his eye when he thinks I'm not looking. How he now puts extra space between us.

I don't know. Maybe it's just me overthinking as usual. Trying to read too much into it.

I take a left down a older looking street that'll eventually take me to another street that then leads to a street close to mine, the smell of something burning immediately wafting up my nose.

Who's burning something?

I jump as a loud, heart spiking honk rings out from up the street. My head snaps up, eyes widening in shock as I take in the view up ahead.

Two fire trucks sit up ahead, a few NYPD cars lined up along the curb also. Lights dance in the fading light, reflecting off the many glass windows and doors. There's a crowd of people around the outside of the small half-circle the trucks and cop cars have set up, everyone's faces wide in horror as they gaze up at the ten story tall apartment building.

The apartment building that's currently in flames.

I stand frozen in place, my right hand holding onto the strap of my camera as I gaze down at the horrendous sight before me. Cold chills running down my spine.

The sound of wood burning crackles in the distance, the smell only growing stronger as clouds of black smoke trial out from the broken windows. Ghostly flames glow from the inside, a few even trailing out from the windows. The scene in front of me vaguely reminding me of a movie.

There's a burning building no more than half a block down the street from me!

Fear claws up my stomach, my eyes stuck on the flames that seem to only grow larger with each second. Frightened yells sound up ahead, a few children crying loud enough to be heard all this way.

Please don't let there be anyone in there.

I snap out of my haze, immediately booking it down the street towards the catastrophe. Camera swinging against my hip.

Slowing down as I reach the wall of pedestrians, I push my way past the frazzled group of people until I reach the yellow blockades the police put up to keep people back.

I grip the metal railing with my hands, leaning forward as I stare over at the sight in front of me. A wave of heat seems to emit from the burning building, almost like a wall. So hot I can feel my bangs already sticking to my skin as it grows slick with sweat.

There's a fire truck to my left and one to my right. Two cop cars sit a few feet in front of me, a good thirty feet away from the building.

Five cops stand back at the blockades, their faces scrunched together as they ward off the heat. The large ladders on the ends of the fire trucks are currently suspending up at the building, a few firefighters lined up on it as they hold the hose to spray the water. Hardly looking like they're getting anywhere.

A few other firefighters man the firetrucks, all of them dressed in their thick protective gear and face masks.

There's suddenly the sound of boards breaking, and I automatically step back along with a few other people as a small explosion of flames pops outwards from the middle floor.

Which means only one thing; this building is getting ready to collapse.

The authorities seem to come to the same conclusion. The lead officer pulls his radio up to his mouth, quickly saying something before he passes a look between his men along with a hand gesture.

They immediately fan themselves out along the blockades, ushering people back as they look over their shoulders with concern.

I suddenly catch the sound of loud, quick footsteps running up from behind the crowd of people I'm in front of, and I jump as a ear-piercing scream explodes outwards.


My head swings back, my eyes immediately latching onto a frantic looking, early thirties woman who's currently tearing her way through the thick crowd of onlookers. Tears stream down her eyes, her face horror-stricken as she repeatedly looks up at the building than back down to the few ambulances that sit off to the corner a safe distance away.

I suddenly get a sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach.

Oh no.

"My baby! Has anyone seen my baby?!" The frantic woman yells as she runs up to the blockades, her body twisting to the right as she squeezes between the safety rails.

"Mam, stay back!" One of the officers blocks her way, grabbing her on the biceps as he holds her back from running straight for the roaring fire that now almost completely consumes the building.

How did this even start? Did a....villain do it.....Or even....MidKnight?

The lady shakes her head, frantically pulling against the officer to get away. "No! You have to let me get her. She's only three!" She breaks out in sobs. "She's only three." She repeats quietly this time, her fist only gently banging against the officers chest as her energy seems to completely deplete. Her hope extinguishing.

"We have men in there looking for any -" The officer cuts himself off as a line of four or five firefighters suddenly stumble through the opening at the bottom of the building, their suits smudged with black.

Two carry a unconscious man while another escorts a woman out that has a oxygen mask strapped to her face, a blanket around her shoulders.

The hysterical woman perks up as her eyes land on the escorted woman, and she immediately tries to break away from the officer.

"Candace! Where's Kelly!" She yells over at the other woman, her voice cracking with emotion.

The slightly dazed woman that's being quickly escorted to the ambulance finds the source of the voice, her soot covered face contorting to one of misery and guilt.

She pulls the mask off her mouth. "I'm sorry." She shouts just loud enough to be heard over the roar of flames, her own rough voice telling me she's on the verge of collapsing into a fit of tears.

Paramedics rush up to her as the hysterical woman just stares at her, disbelief in her face.

"I tried, really I did." The other woman pleads. "I was in the other room, and by the time I realized what was happening...." Her voice falters, tears falling down her cheeks and making lines through the dark smudges on her face.

"I-we couldn't get to her....I'm so, so sorry."

She breaks out in giant sobs, collapsing into one of the paramedics arms, and my heart immediately clenches in despair as I realize what this means.

She's going to die. If she hasn't already.

I'm suddenly transported into a small room, my heart picking up as flames abruptly begin to grow up from the floor around me. Smoke fills the room, filling my lungs so much I can barley draw a breath in. Thick. So thick. The heat is unbearable, scorching my skin to the point I can feel it sizzle. The ends of my hair are singed black, my clothes burning in places. Trapped. Trapped in a small wooden room that's quickly turning to only flames.

Black and red.

My attention snaps back to the present as the hysterical woman falls to her knees, the officer crouching down in front of her as he does his best to comfort her.

Only nothing can soothe the overwhelming anguish when a mother realizes her child is as good as dead.

"She's only three." The woman repeatedly whispers, merely ten feet away from me.

I swallow, sucking in a shaky breath. My heart feels heavy with dread, and tears prick at my eyes as the images of that burning room I'd probably seen in some film fills my head once again.

She's probably going through that right now. If she's

Oh god I hope it's over quickly-

I cut my thoughts off as I suddenly catch the unmistakable sound of a motorcycle down the street, a spark of something igniting inside my chest.

It can't be.

My head turn to the left where the approaching motorcycle is coming from, practically every single other head turning with mine.

My eyes latch on to the fast approaching sleek black sports motorcycle that's currently heading straight for us, the rider dressed in all black as he leans down over the front like some extravagant racer.


There's a chorus of mixed feelings as everyone else makes MidKnight out in the dark gloom, faces ranging from relief, all the way to hate.

Is this the real MidKnight? The one that's saved me twice, that's saved hundreds? Or maybe the villain MidKnight is really MidKnight.

Maybe he has split personality?

That's also happened before.

He pulls up by the fire truck to my left in one quick movement, immediately dismounting with a grace that would make any Russian gymnast proud. His back stays facing all of us, and he positions his head down before quickly pulling his shiny, pitch black helmet off his head. Immediately snapping the concealing hoodie up so fast it looks like a blur.

He walks with a quick yet smooth pace towards the chaos, everyone simply staring at him with disbelief. He doesn't seem at all affected by their mixed feelings they're showing on their faces, keeping his shoulders squared as his head stays angled to the ground.

Face pitch black. A dark void.

The higher up officer suddenly snaps out of his daze, walking a few steps towards MidKnight from his position next to the poor woman that's too emotionally wrapped up in her own grief to even comprehend MidKnight's presence.

"There's a possible three year-old on the eighth floor. None of my men could get to her." The captain cooly informs MidKnight like it's a daily occurrence to talk to a superhero who may be rogue.

They stop halfway, facing each other with a mere five feet between them. And I find it kinda comical the way MidKnight faces the crowd of people with a wall of fire behind him like some badass magical hero that's ready to save the day.

Though right now I'll take a cheesy hero. And I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking that.

MidKnight goes completely still, standing straight up. His head tilts to the side, almost like he's listening really hard. His hands abruptly fist at his sides, his head snapping back so it's straight up.

He quickly walks the ten yards towards the ambulance. Walking by the stunned paramedics, he pulls a small portable oxygen tank along with a mask off the door of the vehicle, redirecting his path back towards the burning building that's now creaking like a old and rusty swing set.

No. He's going to actually....

Without even pausing, without even a hint of hesitation, he ducks through the burning door frame. Like he's simply walking into a coffee shop for a double espresso.

I think I'm going to need one of those after this evening.

He completely disappears into the fray of smoke and flames, a sudden gasp of surprise resounding out around the crowd.

"Step back everyone!" The officers yell as they continue ushering the crowd back from the building that's practically wobbling now. Their faces turning mildly panicked.

The officer assisting with the frantic woman urges her to her feet, but she's too distracted. She stares over at the building, completely transfixed as she mutters words under her breath.

"Please, please. She's my baby girl."

I continue to walk backwards as the officers usher us back, my own gaze locked on to the blazing pile of fire. Fear and dread tighten in my chest, the fumes from the fire only making it even harder to breathe.

Please make it.

There's a large gasp of surprise from the crowd as another explosion goes off inside the building, everyone hastily shuffling backwards along with the fire and police men. Everyone's eyes stuck on the crumbling building.

My blood runs cold as the middle of the building suddenly crumbles beneath the upper floors, the weight too much. There's a tense second that seems to slowly go by. Everyone transfixed as the bottom of the building falls, the top seeming to stay suspended in air a few seconds longer before it to follows the rest to the ground.

There's a torturous scream that pierces the air as the woman reaches out towards the falling structure, everyone ducking and covering their heads as a large cloud of smoke, dust, and debris explodes outwards from it.

My hair smacks my face as there's a large gust of wind, and I hold my arm up to cover my face. A overwhelming feeling of dread filling me.


The powerful sound of a brick structure collapsing finally goes silent after ten whole seconds. Only the occasional sound of a few bricks sliding down a hill heard. Everyone frozen.

There, where a ten story building used to stand, now sits a pile of bricks, charred wood, and furniture. Looking like it belongs in the middle of a dump yard. Not on a street in New York.

The only signs of fire are now just small flames grasping onto a few small objects in one last chance of life. Almost like they're teasing us.

Could even MidKnight have lived through that?

I desperately scan the large twenty foot tall pile of debris, my right gripping the strap of my camera so hard my skin turns white.

Please be alive.

There's the sound of more sirens off in the distance, a few people crying, and crackles from what's left of the fire. Everyone too afraid to move.

"Only serves him right!" Someone in the crowd abruptly yells, immediately earning a mixture of agreements and disagreements.

I frown, looking back over my shoulder as I try to pinpoint where that voice came from. A bubble of anger growing inside me.

How dare he. Especially right after we just saw him risk his life to help someone else.

"Yeah! That piece of garbage got what was coming to him!" Another voice joins in, and I spot the captain glaring back over the crowd.

I almost march up to the man who had the spunk to voice his opinion and give him a piece of my mind, barely refraining from doing so.

Is it bad I had the urge to roll my sleeves up?

"Quiet down-" The captain cuts himself off as there's a sudden small landslide down the front of the pile of debris, catching everyone's attention.

My eyes widen as a large metal crossbeam that's sitting towards the top suddenly moves to the right, a trickle of dust running down the side.

No way.

One of the officers suddenly shines a spotlight up there from his vehicle, and there's immediately a gasp of wonder through the street.

MidKnight pushes his way past the thick crossbeam that blocks his way, head down as usual. He stumbles down the side of the hill, bending at an odd angle to help balance himself as he uses his right hand to support himself.

He steps down onto the cement ground, his footing a little wobbly. Which is kinda odd to see on him. He's bent down in a slight forward position, his left arm wrapped around his stomach -

No. Not his stomach. Around the bundle he has firmly pressed up against him.

He didn't.

The mom lets a gasp out, flinging herself up before she practically sprints towards MidKnight. The officer letting her.

As she reaches him, MidKnight pauses his steps. He then slowly holds the bundle out toward the woman like it's some fragile China, revealing the oxygen masked face of a small three year old.

How in the world?

A large smile immediately breaks out on the soot covered child as she notices her mom, and she quickly reaches out towards her. The woman squeezes her daughter tightly to her, running her fingers through the child's matted hair as she mumbles incoherent words to no one in particular.

And as MidKnight's drawing his hand back from extending it out, I spot something that makes my heart stop.

I honestly don't know how I even saw it from this distance. If you asked me later on, I'd tell you I simply have no idea.

He seems to have lost the glove on his left hand somehow. And there, smack dab in the middle of his palm, is a unmistakable, four-ish inch long zigzag scar. Completely unique in its own way.

My mouth goes dry, shock making me stare over at him like some idiot.

No. It can't be.....

Yet it is. It can't be anything else.

MidKnight steps back from the family reunion, his gaze seeming to search the whole area around him before he turns to his right. Heading towards his motorcycle. Only to pause as a voice speaks up a few seconds later.

The mother suddenly snaps her head up. "Thank you, MidKnight! She means more to me than life itself." She softly says to his retreating back.

He seems to give a slight nod after a few still seconds, continuing on his way towards his escape.

No one trying to stop him.

I hear him let a few hoarse coughs out before he mounts his motorcycle, his movements slightly jerky now instead of fluid and smooth.

I watch as he rides away, only one screaming thought running through my head. The evidence flashing before my eyes.

MidKnight is Dravin Smith.


Ahhh!! Quite the discovery there Heavyn. 😳 But is she right....? 😏

So I'm sorry for not updating in like...forever. But no ones really reading this and I've just been so busy lately I didn't bother. So I apologize if anyone cares.


1.) Do you think Heavyn is right? Do you think Dravin is MidKnight?

Next update: Whenever I get to it.

VOTE!! Come on guys, it honestly makes me a little more motivated to see a few Votes here. ⭐️⭐️


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