Chapter 4: The Start of Something Interesting

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(Part 2)

"Hey, there was something else interesting I heard this morning." I bring up, hoping to stall their little dispute.

It works. "What?" Zoey asks, confused. "I also heard something about new evidence regarding the airplane crash a year and a half ago that killed hundreds including Miles Storm." I take my last bite of pizza crust, washing it down with more water.

"Eh, no one knows what it is." Zack lazily says, not seeming very interested in the topic. "The governments keeping it from everyone - as usual." He mumbles the last part out, almost so quiet I can't hear him.

Miles Storm: one of the two scientist that discovered the serum that turned people into Celestials.

He's often thought of as some evil scientist guy with a small humpback minion for a sidekick. A classic case of mistaken identity. But in reality, he worked hard, he raised a family, and he'd literally never committed a crime in his life. He only did what the government asked him to do.

And it backfired. Like majorly. But it wasn't technically his fault. He wasn't even there when the explosion happened.

Zoey grows remorseful. "Every time I think about that horrible plane crash I get goosebumps." She shudders. "I mean, hundreds died and the only survivor was that man's - Miles Storm's, very own son." She leans back. "Coincidence, I think not."

Zack places his elbows on the table, raising an eyebrow at his sister. "You're being very one sided about this."

Zoey huffs. "Well yeah. Hundreds," she makes sure she enunciates on the word hundred, eying her brother. "Died because a Celestial decided to revenge all Celestials by killing the man who created the serum in the first place. And after he killed him, he makes the plane crash, killing everyone on board except Miles's own son." She shakes her head. "So yes. I am being one sided."

"Well," Zack starts off, lowering his voice. "Did you even stop to consider that maybe that thirteen year old son at the time, is now traumatized from that whole disaster?" He goes on, only getting more fueled. "That maybe his son is no different from you or me, and even Heavyn over here. That he has feeling's like us, that he more than likely witnessed his own father's death and lived while hundreds others died." Zack let's a breath out, calming himself.

Zoey suddenly looks like she just watched her favorite pet cat get run over. "Well now that you put it that way, I kinda feel bad about it." She looks down at the table, ashamed.

Is it just me, or does it seem like Zack has been defending a lot of things throughout all our conversations?"

Zoey's eyes seem to zone in on a particular table in the center of the room. "Oh, but on a completely different subject. Who's the new hottie?" She jabs Zack on the side again, getting his attention.

Zack looks over at where Zoey's frantically nodding towards, his right eyebrow going up. "Must be another new student." He takes a drink from his water. "And from the looks of it, I'd say the jocks already claimed him." He distastefully states.

Looks that way to me.

There's a long table set up directly in the middle of the cafeteria. Eight or nine guys wearing matching blue jackets with the letters ERHS printed in bold letters on their backs, sit together around the table. Obviously the football jocks.

What I can only assume are the cheerleaders, also sit around the table with them. Their heavy makeup making them look almost like a barbie to me. A few other guys sit around with them, probably trying to get on their good side.

And the one specific person Zoey must be talking about, sits with his front facing us.

And I do have to agree that he is pretty handsome. Though not really my type....Wait. When exactly did I have a 'type?'

He wears a dark blue polo shirt, and what I can only assume are kaki shorts since I can't really see them from my position. His face looks like it came straight off a model magazine with his soft white skin clear of any traces of acne or freckles, his bright blond hair is styled where it's longer on top and shorter on the sides - like almost a buzzcut short. His large brown eyes are even noticeable from all the way over here, his dazzling white smile flashing across the room.

He laughs easily along with everyone else as someone says something amusing, almost like he's longtime buddies with them.

I look back over at Dravins' table as the bell rings out, only to find his spot now empty.

I scrunch my eyebrows together, my hands already working to clean off the table. "So I believe we all have PE together now." Zoey says, checking her brothers schedule to compare.

Zack stands up, grabbing his tray. "Well, I'll see you ladies there then." He gives us a playful salute, walking over towards a trashcan before exiting the cafeteria.

One minute he's the carefree talker like Zoey, then the next he's closed off and defensive, then he's back to his old self.

Something very interesting is going on around here.

Zoey follows me to my locker so I can put my backpack away, pulling my gym shorts out before she leads me to the girls locker room.

I open my other locker, finding the mandatory school PE shirt neatly rolled up inside. It's a dark blue, and it has the schools name written out in a large circle on the upper right.

I quickly change into the shirt and my pink and white gym shorts I'd thankfully remembered to bring this morning, all the while ignoring the unnecessary gossiping the group of cheerleaders are doing over in their corner.

Zoey finishes at the same time as me - her outfit basically the same as mine, only her shorts are black and pink. And together we follow a couple other girls out towards where we'd already been instructed to go.

I shield my eyes as we walk out into a large sunny field that's positioned directly behind the school, buildings in the distance going around it like a fence.

There's a football field inside a track, bleachers gleaming in the sun on both sides of the field.

I spot a group of people out in the middle of the grassy field, recognizing Zack in the group of rowdy teenage boys.

All the boys are dressesd in the same shirt as us. Their shorts ranging from too short, to sweatpants.

We walk up to the group, stopping a few yards from the coach. He's a large burly man, his age probably around late forties. He waits for the last of the girls to trickle out of the locker room, then he starts his introduction.

"Alright, listen up." He places his hands on his hips. "My name is coach Mark Strasser. But y'all will address me as, sir." He eyes everyone. "Got that?" He almost yells.

There's a surprised chorus of, "Yes, sir." And my eyes land on someone I yet-again share another class with.

Dravin stands a little out from the semicircle everyone's made around the coach. That impassive look on his face as he stands there. He's wearing the same short sleeve T-Shirt everyone else is forced to wear, simple black sweatpants with a pair of black and white Nike tennis shoes.

He folds his naturally tan looking arms across his chest, his well defined arm muscles standing out against the dark background of his shirt.

"Alright, get moving!" The coach abruptly yells, and I suddenly realizes I'd been zoning out again and completely missed what he just instructed us to do.

I just follow Zoey as she runs along with the crowd of people toward the track. Once we're a quarter of the way around, I glance over to my right where Zoey is. "So what are we supposed to be doing exactly?" I ask, keeping my breaths even.

I notice everyone's already either fallen back, or have expertly moved ahead.

There's a decent group around me and Zoey who are just trying to survive the run, while there's already some really out of shape people way back in the back. Then there's the fit, athletic people up front. Who basically look like they're sprinting compared to us.

Of course all the football guys I recognize from lunch are at the almost way front, even the new guy up there with them. A group of a few other people - both girls and guys, have the lead in front of everyone. Probably part of the track team.

I surprisingly spot Dravin in between both groups, him choosing not to belong to either one. He keeps a steady pace, and though I believe he could've easily outrun all of them judging by how relaxed he looks, he simply keeps himself directly in the middle.

"Well, if you hadn't been so distracted." She glances over at me, a cheesy smile on her face. "Don't tell me you weren't, because" She huffs out between breaths, her face growing steadily redder.

I roll my eyes at her. "He's" She informs me as we pass over the one lap marker, her breathing more like desperate heaves now.

"Don't pass out now, Zoey." A smirking Zack jokes as he passes us, even showing off by running backwards for a few seconds before flipping back around and sprinting up the track.

"" Zoey hisses, glaring at his retreating back. "That's the only...reason they wanted him...on the football team." She rolls her own eyes. "Because...he can run circles around...just about...anyone." Her strides grow shorter, her upper body bending slightly. "It's not my fault I got the...short genes. He probably stole them...from me while we were stuck in the same...womb for nine months." She rambles, somehow finding the energy to speak.

"Why doesn't he do track then?" I ask, curious. She shakes her head, her short hair bouncing with each step. "He't" She gasps out.

Deciding I shouldn't ask her anymore questions unless I want her to actually pass out. I keep quiet.

We finally make it over the lap marker for the third time, Zoey immediately sprawling out on the ground like a couple other people.

I stay standing like you're really supposed to. Keeping my back straight as I take deep, measured breaths.

The coach has us all do some push-ups and crunches, then it's back to the locker room to change.

I glance at my watch as I walk down the hallway: 12:35 P.M. I'm now dressed back in my other clothes, Zack and Zoey having already split up with me after giving detailed directions to my next class: Science.

My backpack once again hangs from my right shoulder - having picked it up right after changing, my camera from my left.

I walk into the room with the correct number on the door, introducing myself to the teacher for what feels like the millionth time today.

The room has two rows of tables going up in a line, about five tables in each row. Each table has two chairs behind them, a few pieces of equipment scattered across the tables.

I take a seat in one of the last available places, the table positioned farthest away. A couple more people walk in, filling up the last couple of chairs.

Except the one to my left.

Wow. People around here aren't exactly the 'friendliest.' Though - I glance around the room, watching as everyone talks quietly to their partner, smiles on their faces. I guess people already have their friends from before summer and don't fee the need to make anymore, or at least be friendly.

I doodle on my notebook as the elderly teacher gets up to shut the door, stopping midway when someone suddenly steps through the door.

And yes, it's Dravin. Again.

He's back in the same attire he'd been wearing before gym, a slight scowl on his face as he scans the room.

Only for them to land on the only empty seat in the room: the one next to me.

He hoists his backpack up further on his shoulder, quickly walking down the row of tables. He sits down to my left, the wall on his left.

He leans back in his seat, crossing his arms as he completely ignores me as he does with everyone else. The teacher begins a short lecture, pointing at a few things on her whiteboard behind her.

My foot taps the floor as I eye the distracted teacher before looking back over at Dravin.

Might as well.

I take a deep breath, sticking my right hand out as I form a large smile. "Hey, I'm Heavyn." I introduce myself to him, still holding my hand out towards him.

He doesn't move a muscle. His face stares straight ahead, not showing any signs that he heard me.

Rude much?

"I just moved here from Kansas." I continue, raising an eyebrow. I slowly withdraw my hand when I get zero reaction again, only his nostrils expanding with each breath to show he's still alive.

I frown, facing the front as the room darkens. The teacher deciding to show a clip.

Five minutes goes by with pictures of atoms and what-not floating around in liquids, a monotone voice narrating what's happening.

I blink as the lights come back on, glancing over to my left.

Dravin still has his arms crossed over his chest, his head now hanging down as he....sleeps?

I scrunch my eyebrows together. Did he really just fall asleep?

And sure enough, his chest rises lightly with each breath, his body still.

I glance over towards the teacher who must be somewhere in her seventies. She's fiddling with a stack of papers, her back bent at a awkward angle.

Yeah, I don't think she's going to notice.

I lean my elbow on the table, placing the side of my head on top of my hand. I let a sigh out, glancing back over at sleeping beauty.

Guess I'll be doing all the assignments on my own today.

*Time skip*

"Wow, I feel so bad for you." Zoey honestly says, attempting to slide down the railing that suspends over the side of the stairway.

It's now 2:45 P.M. All my classes are officially finished for the day, and I thankfully ended up not having Dravin in my last class. Yeah, one out of like seven. Not good odds.

Zoey, Zack, and I are currently walking out of the school building. And I had just finished telling them how I have Dravin as my partner for science.

Zack stays quiet, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he stares down at the ground.

"And you even introduced yourself and he didn't say a word?" Zoey asks as we take a right out of the exit doors, those strange gray boxes sitting beside each door.

The High Rise Detectors or whatever those things are called.

I nod my head. "Didn't even blink." I readjust my camera strap, pulling my hat further down over my head.

Zoey sighs. "Like I said earlier, that's Dravin for ya." She shrugs. "I guess you'll just have to do your best with, or without him." She sums up.

"Yeah, guess so." I mumble out, suddenly distracted as my eyes land on the leather clad back of the person I was just complaining about.

I quickly make up my mind. "Hey guys," I get their attention. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Okay?" I look over at Zoey and Zack.

They seem a little surprised at my abruptness, but nod regardless. "Okay. See you tomorrow!" Zoey happily agrees, throwing me a wave as they break off to the right, heading for the parking lot. Zack waves also, giving me a smile before following Zoey.

I walk I little faster, determined not to lose sight of him in the busy sidewalk. I double check the battery in my phone, making sure it's not dead.

Sixty percent charge.

I smile, hoisting my backpack over my other shoulder so it hangs in the middle of my back. I keep my eyes on his black backpack, making sure I stay far enough away he won't notice me.

Time for some sleuthing.


   Ooh, Heavyn's being a stalker XD.

   I promise this will be getting more exciting soon!

   Stay tuned! Don't forget to Vote!

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