Chapter 5: A Decent Day

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Okay, first let's get this straight. I'm not stalking. I'm investigating. Again another two words that sound similar, yet are completely different.

Keep that in mind folks.

I take a left eight seconds after Dravin, still keeping my distance. I walk down a mildly crowded street, everything looking slightly familiar.

Wait. Isn't this the same street mom drove me down to get to school?

I suddenly get a sneaky suspicion in the corner of my brain.

He takes another turn into another familiar street, his pace even and his head bent down as he expertly maneuvers himself through the crowds of people.

I on the other hand, probably made a new record with how many times I've bumped into someone within the last forty minutes.

Something hits my elbow, and I turn my head to the left. "Sorry." I softly yell back to the person who didn't even acknowledge the fact they were pretty much just elbowed.

A true New Yorker.

I face frontwards again, hoisting both of the backpack straps further up my back. My eyes frantically searching the busy street for the person I've been tailing since what feels like forever.

I feel instant relief as they land on his backpack that's now a good distance up the street. I move my feet faster, practically shoving past people in the process.

And as we turn onto E 30th St. My suspicions are confirmed.

Dravin walks a little further up the street, his left hand already digging into his pocket. He stops in front of one of the apartment buildings, unlocking the door before going inside.

He's the guy we almost ran over yesterday. I thought something was familiar about the specific way he walks, that slight stoop in his posture - and yes, I did think that thank you very much.

I quickly walk past his building, ducking inside mine. I only shut the screen door, standing there as I wait to see if he leaves. Deciding not to risk missing him, I refrain from going upstairs to put my backpack away.

Dropping my backpack beside me, I stare out the door. Waiting.

*Time Skip*

I find myself counting all the holes in the screen door as I start to lose patience. A quick check on my phone revealing I've already been standing here for ten minutes.

Great. I could've run up and put my backpack away and I'd still be safe.

I sigh, leaning my forehead against the wood doorframe as I blow a piece of loose hair out of my eye.

This is getting to be just a - My head jerks up as I hear the sound of a squeaky screen door being opened, soft footsteps walking down the two steps that are positioned right outside the building.

I lean to the right, squishing my face up against the screen in order to look out at that specific area.

A tall woman walks down the sidewalk wearing a pair of black slacks and a white silk shirt. Topping it off with a pair of black flats.

Well someone looks ready for work.

She's probably somewhere in her early thirties, her golden skin and straight black hair making her look like a living, breathing goddess.

If she's Dravin's mother - though she looks too young, I can see where he gets his looks from.

She walks up to a cherry red Ford Focus that's parked along the street. Opening the door before she disappears inside. The engine turns on, then she pulls out, heading down the street.

Hmm, I wonder - The screen creaks again, and I spot Dravin walking out. He tucks his hands in his pockets, walking up the street.

I swing myself over to the left to hide as he passes the door, holding my breath for some reason. I wait ten seconds, then I open the door. Opting to leave my backpack on the floor instead of lugging the heavy thing around, I look up the street.

Zoning in on my target who's also disposed of his backpack, I start walking purposely up the street. I stay a good twenty yards back, trying to make myself not stand out if he just so happens to look back.

He continues walking straight, crossing two smaller, not-so-busy roads. And one very busy road.

I stand in a crowd of people who are waiting for the walk sign, Dravin up at the head of the crowd. I see him pull a phone out of his pocket, his head angled down as he look at it from waist level. He doesn't press any buttons. Just stares for a whole two seconds before irritably shoving it back in his pocket.

What's got him all upset?

The walk light suddenly glows green, the yellow sea of cabs stopping. Everyone suddenly walks forward, like we're a synchronized heard of antelopes.

I keep my eyes on Dravin, my right hand firmly grasping my camera incase someone decides to try and take it......What? It is New York.

He turns left onto Madison Avenue, continuing on his way. We cross four more small roads, still going straight.

There's suddenly greenery to my right, a large open field filled with trees and shrubs greeting my eyes. A huge change from the glaring cars, the cement buildings and skyscrapers we'd just been passing.

He walks a little further before turning right, entering the green area. What could he possibly be doing here? Meeting a gang or something?

I glance around at the brightly lit area, the sun still up and shining.

Though, in the daylight...?

I read a large sign as I pass it, finally discovering what exactly this is.

Madison Square Park.

He walks along one of the many cobblestone pathways, not a hint of hesitation in his movements. I jump behind a large bush - I was thankfully next to, as he abruptly looks backwards. His eyes scan the surroundings, then he steps off the path, pushing two bushes apart before walking through them and disappearing.

I raise an eyebrow.

We're over in a large corner of the park that's full of overgrown trees and bushes, obviously not kept up. Trash litters the ground in this particular area, even the grass appearing a little taller then the rest of the park.

I wait a second. Then I exit my hiding spot, walking over to where he disappeared. I push the two shrubs apart, holding my head up as I squish in between them.

I dust any leftover leaves and twigs off my clothes, looking around. A thick forest now stretches out as far as I can see, the temperature much cooler than out in the sun.

My eyes land on a small worn, old dirt path that leads off into the forest.

Without even thinking it over - something I sadly do a lot. I walk down the path, snapping a few pictures of the creepy looking forest on the way.

The forest suddenly opens up, and I'm met with a ten foot tall cement wall.


I look up it, noticing it has a chain link net that starts after the cement ends. It goes up about eight more feet, poles suspending it out so it has a overhang on the opposite side I'm on.

It kinda reminds me of a....

I walk back in the woods, forging my own path as I head around the cleared area.

Yup, that's what I though. An old baseball field sits smack dab in what I can only assume is the middle of the forest. That odd cement wall with the chain link net is positioned so it hangs over the home plate, explaining as to what it is.

It looks like your typical baseball field, only old. Four worn white plates sit around the diamond shaped dirt field, setup exactly how they should be if they were still in use.

A somewhat grassy outer field sits out further towards the left, a couple old wood bleachers spread out along each side. Two old dugouts sit with one on each side of the cement wall, their roofs practically caved in with age.

I duck down when Dravin suddenly appears out of an old shed that's at the far end from where I'm sitting. His leather jacket now gone, leaving him in a plain white T-shirt.

I'm seated in the outskirts of the forest, a cover of bushes surrounding me. I can see him, but he can't see me....Well, I hope anyway.

He doesn't seem to notice anything out of ordinary as he walks up to a pitching net, a glove now on his hand.

Wow. I did not see that coming. All he came out here for was to play himself.

Something still doesn't add up. Why would he go to all the trouble of secretly practicing baseball?

I watch as he gets into a pitching stance, his fluid movements one of a obvious expert. He winds up, throwing a fastball into the awaiting net.

Well, I guess this calls for more waiting.

*Yet Another Time Skip*

I sketch the ladybug that's currently crawling up a leaf, making sure I get each line as perfect as possible. I hold the small notepad - the one I keep in my back pocket, up to my face to examine it, sliding the pencil behind my right ear.

I've now successfully turned my mini notepad into a sketchbook.

I sigh, laying the notepad down beside me as I lean back against the tree I've been using as a - very uncomfortable might I add, backrest.

It's been officially an hour and a half now since I found myself at this abandoned baseball field. Occupying myself with doodling anything I can find as I wait to see what Dravin's next move is.

He's been doing all sorts of different baseball stuff throughout the ninety minutes he's been here, not resting once. Some hair now mats to his forehead from sweat, his shirt looking - even from this distance, soaked in most places.

I lazily lift my left wrist up to eye level without moving my head from its laid back position, checking the time: 5:32 P.M.

I blow a breath out, my patience wearing thin. Hey, I can only handle so much. My clothes now uncomfortable stick to my skin, seeing as I sweat too. Yes, I know. Don't be so shocked. And I really should've gone to the bathroom before venturing out to follow someone.

Really regretting that now.

I sit up when I notice Dravin disappear back inside the small shed. He comes back out in a little under a minute, his leather jacket back on despite how warm he obviously already is.

He walks towards the beginning of the dirt path, his eyes down on his phone as he types something in. Face still as impassive as usual.

I narrow my eyes. What's he up to now?

I quietly stand up, making sure I have a tree in between me and where I think Dravin might be.

I peek around, my eyes finding Dravin walking down the pathway. Completely oblivious to me.

Maybe I am better at this whole sneaking around thing than I thought.

I give myself a mental fist pump, smiling at myself. I slowly walk down the path, making sure I don't step on anything that could potentially alert my presence.

Making it out of the secret forest, I spot Dravin already a ways up the cobblestone path. I speed walk to catch up to a relatively close distance, following him as he makes a left out of the park.

Twenty minutes later, I find myself back at the apartment buildings.

Dravin disappears - once again, back in his building. The door shutting behind him.

Well, that went decently I'd say....

If there's one thing a reporter needs to be good with, is patience. He might not of done anything very interesting today, but there's always tomorrow.

I square my shoulders, lifting my head up. I walk into the air conditioned building, feeing relief after being out in the hot weather for however long that was.

Mom is already back - due to her car sitting out front, which that would include Michael also. She's probably working on supper, and Michael's most likely playing with action figures.

Which is totally what a ten year old should be doing.

I grimace as I notice my backpack is now gone from where I left it earlier. Oh crap. I take the elevator up to the last floor, unlocking the door.

As I walk in, I'm immediately met with a delicious aroma that's coming from the kitchen. Michael's sitting on the floor in the living room, a pile of action figures - what'd I say, scattered around him as a Alvin and the Chipmunks episode on tv plays.

I pass through the living room, lightly smacking Michael on the back of his head in greeting as I pass him.

He completely ignores me, continuing to sort his 'dolls' instead.

As I come up to the kitchen, I lean against the door frame. "Hey, mom." I greet her. She looks over at me as she pulls a meatloaf out of the oven, a smile growing on her lips. "Why hello, Heavyn." She cuts it in half, checking to make sure it's not pink on the inside.

"How was your day?" She questions, looking back over at me. "Good." I tell her, fiddling with my camera strap. "Uh, so did you by any chance see my backpack by the door downstairs when you got back?" I ask her the question I've been working up to.

"Actually, I did." She gives me a pointed look. "What were you thinking leaving your backpack with all your schoolbooks just laying on the floor for anyone to take?" She places her hands on her hips.

"Well technically it wasn't where just anyone could take it. You'd have to be renting a apartment here to have the key to get in, or be a friend or family member." I thoughtfully point out.

Mom hopelessly shakes her head. "You and your father are just too much alike." She sighs, stirring something on the stovetop.

"It's in your room." She relents. "Thanks!" I yell out as I turn around, heading for my room. "Hey, next time don't just - oh never mind." I hear mom attempt to yell back at me, only for her to give up.

I walk into my room, pulling my computer out of my backpack before pulling my shoes off and plopping down on the bed.

Taking the memory card out of my camera, I insert it into the computer.

Alright, bathroom break first.

*And Yes, Another Time Skip*

"So, how was your new school? Make any friends?" Dad questions as he places a scoop of mashed potatoes on his plate.

It's now 6:30, an hour after I'd gotten back from following Dravin. All four of us are now seated around the table for supper, dad having gotten back twenty minutes ago.

I swallow my forkful of meatloaf. "School is as good as school gets. And as for the friends part, I believe I've made two." I tell him, squirting more ketchup on my could say I'm a ketchup lover.

Dad smiles at my school remark. "That's good." He says, taking a bite of mashed potatoes. "But how was your day dad?" I switch it over to him.

"Oh you know," he leans back. "Learning the ropes and all that. Nothing too interesting." He wipes his mouth before getting another bite of meatloaf.

"Well I've already got ten friends at school." Michael oh-so-helpfully adds, stabbing a piece of broccoli with his fork.

Mom raises her eyebrow, only looking mildly surprised.

Michael is literally the 'social butterfly' of the family. No matter where he goes he somehow manages to make friends. Just give him a week and he'll be friends with the whole school - teachers included.

"I told them how dad almost ran someone over yesterday." He laughs. "They called us 'typical' tourists." He suddenly looks confused. "Whatever that means." He shrugs, not caring one bit.

Dad shakes his head in amusement, looking up at the ceiling. Michael continues to blabber on about school, but I'm not paying attention.

That's right, we almost ran Dravin over yesterday. When it was dark outside....

"Heavyn." I swing my gaze over towards Michael who's apparently been calling my name. Dad makes a noise, his face freezing. "Ah, it's a brain freeze." Dad grabs his head, continuing his little joke he made up every time I 'zone out.'

"It's not a brain freeze." I cross my arms. "It's called, zoning out." I - for the millionth time, explain to him.

"Well it sure seems the same." Michael shoots back. "Ooh." Dad reaches over, giving Michael a high five.

I shake my head, leaning down. "Ugh, you two seriously need to stop that. It's getting old." I feel a smile stretch across my face despite my words.

"So anyway." Mom gives dad and Michael a look. "What took you so long getting back after school, Heavyn?" She questions, staring at me.

I swallow, biting my lip. "Oh you know, darn curiosity." I tap the side of my head. Mom nods like she was expecting that answer, but doesn't look completely satisfied.

"Did you find anything interesting?" Michael asks, leaning forward. I sigh, slouching a bit in my seat. "Sadly, no." I dejectedly tell them.

"Don't worry, Heavyn." Dad cheerfully says. "All great reporters have their bad days. You just have to keep trying and not give up." He smiles, eyes sympathetic.

Oh I'm not giving up. Not by a long shot.

*Last Time Skip*

I walk down the only slightly busy street, the typical New York sounds ringing out around me instead of the normal country sounds I'm used to.

Car horns, sirens, jet engines, people talking, some pigeons cooing. The usual.

Letting a tired breath out, I check my watch: 9:06 P.M.

I've been out walking around since seven o'clock, hoping I might catch a glimpse of some Celestial robbing a store. Or maybe if I'm really lucky, catch sight of this mysterious MidKnight I keep hearing so much about.

But alas, I've seen nothing of any interest so far. And now I'm going to have to head back home empty handed if I'm going to be back by my curfew time.

Don't want mom to say 'I told you so.'

As I turn down my street, I go over the few facts people actually know about MidKnight.

He's usually seen riding a sleek black motorcycle around, or either he just suddenly shows up out of nowhere. He's only known to wear the typical motorcycle equipment; a form fitting black leather jacket that has his trademark bright blue stripes along his forearms - and it's always zipped....I pay attention to even the smallest bit of info. Black leather motorcycle pants, and a pair of Harley-Davidson leather boots - no idea why someone was paying attention to his feet when they saw him. And last but not least, a pair of black - yet again, gloves with that blue design on them.

If he's not wearing his black motorcycle helmet, he wears a deep hood that must be connected to the shirt he wears underneath his jacket. Sometimes people even swear his eyes glow blue from underneath it. Yet another fable like these so-called wings he has.

So he likes to blend in with the dark, and he likes leather. Not that any of that information helps me.

He prefers to fight hand-to-hand with a whole bunch of different combinations of fighting styles. And if the need arises, he mostly uses objects around him to take down his opponent. Though he's been seen with a bo staff in tough circumstances, and even seen using actual throwing stars when it's that bad.

People believe - because no one's one hundred percent sure, that his superpowers consist of a slight form of telekinesis, though he doesn't really use it that much if he actually has it. Plus abnormal strength and agility.

And again. None of this helps me figure out anything. Leaving me right back at the beginning.

Guess I'll just have to keep walking every evening, and hope I'll stumble upon something eventually.



Hehe, hopefully none of y'all got too annoyed with all the time skips?



1.) what'd you think of this chapter?

2.) Anything make you curious?

And that's all I can think of XD.

Thanks for tuning in! Don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT! Whippie!!

Next update: In a couple days probably. (I've already got it planned out, but not written.)


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