Part 1

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We had been running after Lucy who claimed she saw Aslan standing in the forest in a dream, when Peter ended up in a sword fight with a stranger. Lucy screamed for them to stop and when they did, I finally saw the face of the person who attacked my brother. That was the first time I felt it. A pull at my heart. It was a feeling of shock. I was immediately intrigued by this stranger. I wanted to know who he was very badly. In Narnia, I tended to be like that. More curious and interested in what was going on outside the life of my family. Had I seen him back in England, I wouldn't have given him a second glance, but one look at him here and I had the suspicion that he was part of the reason we were here. Turns out, I was right. His name was Prince Caspian and he was being hunted by his uncle. I was so intrigued by this new story. I had been so bored in England and finally, here was some excitement. Not that Caspian thought this was exciting. Being hunted by your family isn't exactly anyone's definition of fun. As soon as everyone understood the situation and stopped trying to kill each other, we started to walk through the forest and I went straight over to walk with Caspian.

"Hi." I said when I approached him.

"Hello." He said, looking a little confused. I knew right away that he didn't know who I was.

"I'm Y/N Pevensie."

"Prince Caspian. Pevensie? You are related to the rulers of Narnia?"

"Yes, I'm their sister."

"You are not a queen though?"


"Why not?"

"I didn't want to be."

"Is there a reason for that?"

"You ask a lot of questions."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude."

"That's okay. I was coming over here to ask you some questions anyway."

"You were? About what?"

"Your life. Being raised in a castle and being told that all this was either extinct or a myth. I find it fascinating that you could live so close to something yet be kept from it s well that you didn't know it existed."

"Well I could say the same about you, couldn't I?"

"What do mean?"

"You lived somewhere else where all these sort of things, the talking animals, the magic, the moving trees, were all just stories."

This was true. I had never realized it before, but it was true. We had been told that all this that I we standing in middle of right now, wasn't real.

"I guess you're right." I laughed. "Wait, how did you know that?"

"I was taught about Narnia through storybooks. My professor, the one who warned me to leave the castle, he use to teach me about everything that was outside the Telmarines Kingdom."

We talked as everyone around us continued their path toward the caves. The caves were currently the only shelter we had and I wandered how long we were going to have to stay there. The caves might be large but there were a lot of us and they weren't in any state for people to live in them.

Caspian and I were still talking when we arrived. I wanted to keep talking to him and I had the feeling he didn't want to leave me either. But the second we entered the caves, Peter started discussing strategies and moves. I groaned. I didn't want to be a part of this but I knew that Peter would drag me saying something along the lines of "we need all the help we can get, that means you as well " or "we were brought here for a reason, if you don't want to help then go home". At that moment I heard Peter calling for both of us to enter another part of the cave with him, Edmund, Susan and Lucy.

"For fucks sake, I finally have a decent conversation with someone that isn't one them and of course I have to be pulled away to help them try and save the world."

He laughed and agreed with me. He told me he had never really had a decent conversation with anyone who wasn't family or his professor or even his age. I laughed this time and reminded him that I was 1300 years older than him. We entered the other, more private part of the cave and everyone began discussing how we should approach the situation. Caspian and I stood together and I would whisper little side comments to him every once and awhile. He would contain his laughter pretty well though, playing most of it off as a cough. By the end of the night, we still hadn't left each other's sides and I couldn't help but notice just how much I didn't want to. We had set up places to sleep in the cave. I knew that Peter would probably want me to be somewhere with Lucy and Susan, but I wanted to stay up. Peter was always fairly protective of me. I was the reckless one who didn't tend to think things through. I knew that there was no way he would be okay with me sleeping in the same area as a strange prince that we had met not 24 hours ago, it didn't matter if we were trying to help him or not.

"Alright, it's late, I have to go." I told Caspian. We had been sitting on the floor of the cave for about two hours.

"Do you really have to?" he asked.

"Yes, I do. Peter will kill me if I stay up all night with a stranger." I said, standing up and starting to walk in the direction that I had seen my siblings disappears.

"I didn't know I was still considered a stranger."

"Well I guess you're not anymore, but Peter will kill me all the same. Goodnight Prince Caspian." I said, exiting that part of the cave in a sweeping bow and mischievous grin on my face.

"Goodnight, Y/N." he smiled. It seemed like he didn't want me to go and that was sending these unmistakable shivers through my chest, straight to my heart. Was I seriously beginning to like this mysterious prince that I had only met that day? Yes, yes I was.

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