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My name is Y/N Pevensie. I am the younger sibling of Peter, twin of Susan and older sibling of Edmund and Lucy Pevensie. I am not a queen of Narnia like my sisters. I don't technically have much power over Narnia at all. The first time my siblings and I came here, they were all crowned kings and queens after defeating the White Witch. When Aslan told us that we were going to have a coronation, I immediately protested. I wasn't fit to be a queen, I didn't always make the best decisions and I would much rather be making the weapons and training to fight with them than trying to come up with battle strategies and being pressured to find the right way out of all the chaos. Aslan agreed with me almost right away. I was... well I wasn't exactly anything. I didn't have a title. I didn't have power. The only reason people recognized me was because I was related to royalty. People talked about me when they were telling the story of how my siblings and I saved Narnia, but I wasn't as important. I was talked about as if I were a follower, not a fighter. This of course was not true at all. I had saved each of my siblings and several of the people we met along the way, on numerous occasions.

I didn't mind that I wasn't royalty or a hero in other people's eyes. I loved Narnia. I had never felt comfortable or normal in the real world. Narnia was full of magic and adventure and I could actually do things and go places other than home and school. When we had left Narnia the first time (by accident might I add), we decided to stay for a little while. We all agreed that we should spend some time back home. Before we could go back to Narnia though, we ended up back in England. I was furious. I didn't belong here and there was no chance in hell that I was going to stay. I hoped everyday for a sign that an entrance to Narnia was around, but there was never anything. Lucy seemed to be the only one who was as keen as I was to get back. Susan always told me that perhaps it was best we stayed here in England, but I was against the idea.

All I wanted was to go back to the place where I didn't feel like I was wasting my time. Where I felt like I was actually making a difference in the world, where I was more confident and didn't slink back into the shadows or disappear into a crowd but rather stand out as a warrior who wasn't some helpless girl, waiting for someone else to take care of everything. So when I felt the unmistakable pinch of magic at my back while on a bench in the train station with the others, I was beyond thrilled. What I didn't know at that point was why we were being brought back or that the person who called for us was going to change my life.

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