22 | please don't fight

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"Let's split up." Luther command to Diego and Natasha.

Deigo rolled his eyes. "Wow. Good thinking."

With walking for a few minutes looking for Five. The three siblings ran into each other.

"Anything?" Natasha asked them.

They both shook their head. "No." Delhi whispered.

Diego gazes off thoughtfully. Luther stats to leave, not before receiving a glare from Natasha. She walked towards Diego and holds his hands.

Diego stared at her, before saying. "You wanna know why I left?"

Luther walks back towards him. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Why I left the academy."

"Yeah, 'cause you couldn't handle me being number one."

"Luther, watch it." Natasha warned. She nodded to Diego to continue.

"No. Because that's what you do when you're 17. You move out, become your own person. Grow up-"

Luther interrupted him. "You're a real grown-up."

"At least I make my own decisions. You've never had to hold down a job. Pay bills. You ever even been with a girl?"

Natasha widens her eyes. "Diego that's enough."

She looked at Luther then Diego. "You do realize that he had his reason? You also do realize that I've stayed in this house for my entire life, why? Because I had my reason."

Both Luther and Diego's eyes softened. Diego did realize that he's talking about his sister too.

"We both had our reason. Luther stayed in the house because he knew that the world needs him one day, that he must protect it-"

Natasha was interrupted by her phone ring. She took out of her pocket and look at the id number and it was Allison. She answered it.

"Hey, Natasha." She greeted her.

"Hey, Allison. Is everything okay?" Natasha starts to get worried.

"No, nothing's wrong. It's just me and Vanya are having a girls night, and we really want you to join us, so are you up to it?" Allison asked hopefully.

"Yeah, sure. I would love to." Natasha smiled.

"Great. I'll pick you home at seven. Be ready."

"Great." Natasha looked at her brother, who stared at her. "I'll go home. Call me if you find Five."


"please don't fight."

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