Chapter 2

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Akira hastily tried catching up with her father’s long-legged strides. She stared at her father’s nonchalant face as she tried reasoning with him about not needing a bodyguard. She was trying to make her father understand that she was perfectly capable of protecting herself.

       “Dad! Please . . .”

       “Akira,” her father said, stopping at his tracks as he raised his hand at her. He gave her a disapproving look and began speaking. “Where we are going is somewhere far from the city. You cannot use your black-belt against wild animals. Bradley is an accomplished hunter and he’ll be able to protect you no matter what.”

       “But dad . . .” Akira whined.

       “No, Akira. If you want to come with us, you will do as I say.

       She never realized they were already standing in front of a pick-up truck until her father pulled open the door and stepped inside the vehicle. Akira threw her hands in the air due to frustration as she watched her father point a finger at her. Minutes later, there was a loud rumble and the vehicle’s engine started.

       “As you can see,” a voice rang behind her. She spun around to see Bradley spinning the car keys on his finger. “We need to go.” He finished.

       Akira swiftly snatched the keys from him and ran towards the car which was parked behind the vehicle where her father was currently sitting on.

       “Sneaky,” Bradley remarked as he watched Akira enter his truck and start the engine.

       Akira hastily stepped on the gas and followed the moving car in front of her. She smirked as she pulled into the driveway, laughing mentally from being able to escape the horrendous idea of having a bodyguard by her side twenty-four-seven. How can she enjoy this hunting idea when she has a bodyguard following her all around like a lost puppy?

       “Having fun?” a familiar voice startlingly remarked beside her.

       Akira’s head snapped towards the source of the voice and she gaped at the sight. Bradley was there, looking at her with a smug expression. Akira felt her jaw drop as she stared disbelievingly at Bradley. Her mind jumbled as she tried forming a possible explanation how he managed to do what he just previously did.

       “I don’t appreciate the fact that you tried taking off with my car.” he yawned. “But look on the bright side . . .  I won’t be the one driving towards our destination the whole day.”

       “H-how did you get there? I-I just left . . .” she looked back at the fading view of her house, checking whether she was having a mirage or not.

       “Don’t bother trying to escape me, love. Your father assigned me to this . . . babysitting. I can’t possibly let him down.”

       Akira felt her face go red. “I am not a baby!” she yelled, curling her hands into fists she pounded the steering wheel. This action caused the car to swerve momentarily, the tires squealing.

      “Whoa, careful there, baby. Wouldn’t want to crash into something, would we?” he chuckled.

       “That is it!” she said. “I do not accept the idea of having a bodyguard who’s more of a nanny!” she yelled.

       Bradley frowned. “Do you think you’re the only one who’s not with the idea?” he asked. “I’m sorry. But if it weren’t for your father’s desperate plea for your protection, I wouldn’t have agreed.” he sighed while Akira continued glaring at him. “It turned out that his lovely daughter was a magnet of trouble. Apparently, he couldn’t take risking your safety when you are clearly always damsel in distress. You might want to spare some glance on the road if you don’t want to crash to your father’s car.”

       Akira diverted her gaze towards the road and found herself driving straight for car where her father was currently riding. She immediately slowed the car’s pace in order to prevent any accidents from occurring. Sighing, she rolled her eyes and stuck out her bottom lip childishly—an old habit of hers which she couldn’t remove.

       “Quit looking like a puppy. It wouldn’t do you any good.” Bradley bluntly stated.

       Akira flashed him a sharp glare before taking the nearest thing in front of her and throwing it to him. It appears the man keeps a wolf-figure in his car. The wolf’s head kept bobbing up and down, sensitive to the slightest movements of the car.

       Bradley caught the figure with ease and placed it back where Akira took it. Seeming her attempts to hurt, leave or even cause the slightest damages to Bradley were futile, she growled to herself.

       Victor merely chuckled as he watched the car where Akira Martins was sitting on swerve numerous times. He turned to look at her father, who was laughing quietly to himself as well. They both observed the two bicker through the side-mirror of the pick-up truck they were sitting on.

       “Hey, Michael.” Victor called. “The two’s getting along well.”

       Michael Martins laughed. “You bet.”

       A thought suddenly crossed Victor’s mind, creating a sudden change in the topic. The laughable atmosphere suddenly changed into eerie seriousness.

       “Hey, isn’t the mating moon’s tonight?” he asked.

       Michael casted him a glance, a line appearing between his brows. “Yes, it is.” he paused and thought deeply. “So, I received orders from the high court—directly from the empress. She wants us to hunt down as many weres as we can.”

       “So, does this include Aves as well?”

       “Well, no. All she said was to hunt as many wolves as possible.”

       “Did she tell you why?” Victor queried.

       “No.” Michael answered. “But that’s our objective.” he added.

       “I’m starting to think she’s going crazy. Hunting down wolves like that—their anger against us will fuel.”

       “What can I say?” Michael sighed as he glanced back at his daughter who was busy glaring at Bradley beside her. “She’s the octopus.” he stated softly. “We’re just her arms.”

       More cars trailed behind them, carrying cargos of supplies of necessities and things that they might need while there. Some vehicles though, had the hunters in them—boarded and ready to perform whatever they are tasked to do.


Akira angrily stared out of the road, following the vehicle in front of her. Bradley had a hat perched on top of his face, snoring to himself. Huffing, her brows curved down to an angry frown as they approached a rock-strewn, sandy road.

       They’ve been driving for hours and the sun had long set. The headlights of the car provided some light, illuminating the dark ways they’ve approached. Just moments ago, as Akira observed, they’ve taken a sandy road that eventually led to a dark layer of trees.

       The moon was on its fullest phase, beaming silvery rays across the night sky. The atmosphere was quite eerie—with an owl that shrieks loudly while perched on a branch of tree, twisting its head and looking through its round, yellow, glowing eyes. The sounds the crickets, along with the gentle rustle of trees and the sounds of birds flapping their wings echoed through woods.

      The car rumbled as it rolled through a rough surface. The continuous shaking caused the hat on top of Bradley’s face to fall off, causing him to jolt from his seat and hit his head on the car’s ceiling. Akira mildly laughed at his accident, muttering incoherent things about him being so tall.

       Bradley groaned groggily and stretched out his arms. Yawning, he began speaking. “Are we here yet?”

       “Why’d you ask me? I’m just following.” Akira answered, the smile still spread across her lips.

       “What are you laughing at?” he asked, slightly irked.

       “Why’d you ask?”

       “Because it’s irritating.” he answered coolly.

       “Quit complaining.” Akira told him. “You’re just looking.”

       As the two continued being infuriated with each other’s presence, the lead car stopped on a wide clearing. This has caused the other vehicles trailing behind them to stop as well.

       Akira and Bradley disembarked their ride, followed by the other passengers boarding the other means of transportation as well. Akira took notice of the guns they carried in their arms. They weren’t anything like she’d seen. They clearly look like new models of firearms that was just released by this year or so.

       “We’re setting up camp here!” her father, Michael, barked.

       The people around them shuffled and began unloading their cargos. A few began setting up their camps, preparing tents, and lighting up a bonfire. All of them automatically knew what they were going to do. It was obvious that they’ve done this before—and so have her father. Akira never knew why her father had kept this from her, but she couldn’t care less. She was exhilarated to whatever kind of hunting they’ll be performing. The excitement gave her some thrill, making her mind jumble about the new adventures she was about to face.

       She stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. “Okay, men. Highest rankers, follow me in the meeting tent.”

       Akira stepped forward, but was immediately stopped when someone grabbed the collar of her shirt. Bradley was there, holding the back of her collar. “Just where do you think you’re going, baby?”

       Akira frowned. “And what do you think you’re doing, grabbing me by the collar, babysitter?” she snapped back, taking her collar off from his hold and moving away. She glowered at him under her lashes.

       Bradley shrugged. “Babysitting.” he answered.

       “Will you shut the f**k up and leave me the f**k alone?” she cursed.

       He merely placed a hand on his chest, feigning hurt. “Ow. Mademoiselle! What harsh words to leave such beautiful lips.” he reached out to touch Akira’s face but she slapped his hand away. “Off with that inappropriate language! Wink at me with your exquisite eyes so that I may fly and float to cloud nine.”

       Akira growled. “If you don’t shut your friggin’ mouth I’ll take some needle and thread to stitch it myself!” she threatened.

       “Such hurtful remark for a lovely, young maiden. Why not justify that beauty you possesses and state a complimentary utterance for my heart to flutter?” he asked, placing the back of his hand against his forehead like a Victorian heroine.

       “Quit the gay lines!”

       Bradley’s bottom lip quivered as he went down on one knee, his eyes bright. “My lovely maiden. Please accept my love for you! It is all that I can give. No words can describe the feelings I have for you. That overwhelming beauty of your curvy, well-proportioned body’s simply empowering. You are like the velvety petals of a rose, concealing such sweet and fresh honey that I, as a drone, buzzes all about.” He stood from his position and took Akira’s hand in his, cupping her cheek while staring deeply into her eyes. “Eyes, violet—like a silky ribbon that flutters helplessly against the evening breeze.” he gently traced her lips with his thumb. “Your lips . . . so lush and red. Oh! How irresistible. My will of power deeply decreases. For I, so much, want to take you into my arms and bring down my lips on top of yours.” He leaned down slowly.

       Akira’s hand flew towards his face, landing on his skin with a loud impact. “Don’t even dare and try touching me.” she snapped. “I’m a young woman who’s capable of protecting myself. Your words have no effect on me.”

       There was some loud shifting of clothes, followed by footsteps. The men who previously entered the meeting tent have already left.

       “We will execute the plan when we are able to cover the entire area!” Michael said.

       “Dad,” Akira ran up and waved her arms. “Where are you going? Can I come?” she asked hopefully.

       “No, Kira.” her father’s voice softly drawled her old nickname as he reached out and caressed his daughter’s face. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “This is dangerous. You will stay here and Bradley will watch over you.”

       “No! What’s the point of me coming and driving all the way here if I won’t come with you?” she whined. “Come on, dad. Please let me come!”

       “No.” For once, she heard a stern edge to the tone of her father’s voice. “What we are doing is dangerous. I agreed of you coming. But that doesn’t mean you can join the hunt.”


       “Let’s move out!”


       She lurched forward as her father began moving, but Bradley held her waist and pulled her back. “Let me go, you jerk!”

       “Now, now. I’ve been trying hard to be polite.” he spoke. “You will stay here with me.”

       The hunters divided into four groups and left in different directions.

       As they all trotted away, Akira struggled to get out of Bradley’s grip. She then raised her right arm forward and fisted her palms. Her hand flew, landing on Bradley’s left cheek. The impact caused his head to whip to the right.

       Akira suddenly remembered the sleeping dart on her right pocket which she always brings with her. She uses this to get through the security guard when wanting to skip school, or when she just feels like putting the teacher to sleep. She used the advantage and took the dart from her pocket, stabbing it straight to Bradley’s exposed neck.

       He looked up at her with wide eyes. “What . . . ?”

       “Sleeping dart.” she replied, lacing her hands around him and setting him to the ground as he slowly lost his consciousness. The black dots that danced around his eyes slowly engulfed him and pulled him into a dark abyss. The last thing he saw was the blurred vision of Akira murmuring a small apology at him.

       For once, he can’t believe he underestimated a girl.

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