Chapter 3

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I’m casting Megan Fox as Akira while I’ll be placing Ian Somerhalder in the other role, just wait and see. =) HELP THIS STORY TRY AND CLIMB THE CATEGORY’S TOP 15!

Unofficially Yours

Akira slowly got up on her feet, patting Bradley’s head softly as she bolted from her position. She bit her lip as she trotted towards the direction where her father went. She felt guilty for having Bradley put to sleep. Although she doesn’t really have much choice. She does not want to be left alone with a total stranger with creepy pick-up lines.

          Her hair whipped after her as she ran through the dark layer of trees, unsure which way to go. The night was foggy and the moon the illuminated the sky was halfway covered by dark clouds. The cold gust of wind gave Akira goosebumps, causing her to wrap her arms around her as she decided to slow her pace with an uncertain beat.

          She scanned her surroundings frantically, her violet eyes gleaming with panic. Maybe entering the woods alone wasn’t a good idea after all. She’s got no knowledge of which direction her father and his group took, especially when she’s deciding which way to take between right and left.

          Gritting her teeth out of fear of wrong decision, she closed her eyes and pointed her fingers at the right before turning it to the left. She repeated this while singing. “Eenie meenie minie moe, which direction shall I go?”

          Her fingers ended up pointing on the left side, but she hesitated and stomped her foot due to frustration. Smacking her head with confusion, she grimaced to herself and forced herself to take the right. But then she doubted and steered back to the left.

          “No.” she muttered, and then turned back towards the right. “No.” she stopped and stopped between the two directions. Glancing in between, she spun around a few times with her eyes closed and then proceeded heading towards the direction where she last faced.

          Huffing silently to herself, she uttered curses incoherently while blaming Bradley for stopping her. If he hadn’t ever even interfered in the first place she would still have been with her father right now. She could feel her heart thrumming inside her chest as an excitement built up inside her. The forest seemed creepy all of a sudden, and she wanted to go back to where Bradley was.

          She stopped at her tracks and looked over her shoulder, tempted to go back where she came from. She shook her head in her idea’s disagreement and told herself there is no turning back.

          She continued walking deeper into the forest, her feet randomly taking her into different directions. The moon seemed to be shining brighter than it has been a few whiles ago.

          Without even thinking, howls resonated in the air and Akira felt a shiver travel up her spine. The blow of the wind did not give her a chance to recover from her shiver for it flew by her face and whirled in the air, carrying fallen leaves along with it.

          Akira’s gaze traveled around her, growing cautious of her surroundings. She then heard a rustle coming from her left, causing her to jump from her position.

          “Who—who’s there?” she asked out loud. She threw her look at every possible direction.

          Another rustle answered her question. Akira was getting herself crept out.

          “Hello? Is anyone . . . is anyone ah-out there?”

          She didn’t get herself. She used to be the badass, rebellious teenager—risky at everything she does. She was someone who does not fear of danger. But why is she growing afraid right now? Where was her usual self? Taken away by the wind? That would be ridiculous.

          She took a deep breath and calmed her wracking nerves. It was just the exact moment when a growl erupted behind her and she yelped in surprise. She spun around and took numerous steps back as two, glowing, sterling-grey eyes stared at her with intent . . . determination—like she was the prey, and it was the predator. And the way it looked at her, there was a hint of possessiveness.

          Akira stared back at it with wide eyes, her whole body starting to tremble with fear. Her heartbeat accelerated its pace and she could feel the adrenalin being pumped on her veins. She could see the eyes getting closer. The leaves of the bushes it hid behind rustled as white paws took small steps forward.

          Akira shook her head as she saw a wolf emerging from the dark. “Good . . . doggy. Don’t . . . don’t come any closer.”

          She eyed the wolf. The moon beamed from the sky, illuminating the forest that was mysteriously dark before. She had the chance to get a good look at it. Its fur was marbled with the colors of brown, caramel-white, black, and then pure white. The wolf was exceptionally big—big enough to reach her shoulders.

          Akira froze.

         No. Something in the back of her mind told her. Don’t move.

          Ignoring the advice, she took a step back. This has caused a growl to resonate from the wolf’s throat. Akira yelped in fright and shifted her feet, turning her back while beginning to run. Her feet felt very shaky and she feared that her knees would buckle and fail her in any second.

          She ran as fast as her feet can take her. The wolf growled even louder than it had before and shifted from its feet, chasing after Akira fervently. Its gaze followed her move and its primal instinct was definitely to go after her.

          Akira stumbled on her feet, a scream threatening to escape from her throat but she held it back. She could hear her own heart beating in coordination with the wolf’s footsteps. Her breathing was short and ragged, but something inside her told her that there will be no harm done.

          She looked over her shoulder and instantly regretted it. She tripped over a rock and fell on the ground with a loud thud. She yelped as she managed to put her hand in front of her to prevent her face from hitting the ground.

          For once, she thought about knocking a wolf down on the ground with her black-belt. But as her father said, this profession’s for hunters only.

          The growling died down, and so did every noise around her. She slowly shifted from her position and looked towards the direction where she came from. Instead of a wolf, she spotted a man standing behind her.

          She can’t help but stare at him. His body was obviously well-proportioned. His stomach was tight and muscled with traces of abs bulging from his skin. Akira’s eyes snapped towards his face. His jaws were perfectly sculpted and angular, with traces of hair covering the skin around his mouth. His nose was straight, not too big or too small for his face. His eyes were of a sterling-grey with a dark, black ring that adorned its corner—they were accentuated with a dark fringe of lashes, making him look sexier than he normally is. His hair was chocolate-brown, slightly wavy but cut short.

          Akira’s mouth watered unexpectedly. But then she discovered one thing.

          He was naked.

          The corner of the man’s mouth curled up into an amused smile. Those pink lips that seemed so lush and supple—they looked so tempting, and it was too good to be true.

          Why the hell is he naked? Akira shouted inside her head. She forced her eyes to never look down as he slowly made his way towards her.

          “Do—don’t come any closer.” If she couldn’t defend herself from the wolf. Then she’s perfectly capable of beating up this man if he ever attempted on touching her. She stared straight into his eyes, and all of a sudden . . . she was captivated. It was like a swirling hypnotic vortex that sucked her into a whole new dimension. Where no-one and nothing else existed . . . but them. She felt somehow connected without prior notice.

          She started crawling away from him as he leaned down. An animalistic growl tore from his throat as he grabbed her wrist possessively and pulled her into his arms. “Mine.” he said.

          He buried his face into her neck. The sparks that flew the first time they touched seemed to have gotten stronger as his soft lips neared her neck. Akira tried pushing him away, but he was so strong. She was even caged inside his arms, restricting her from performing any movements. She never felt so helpless and weak. She didn’t understand the way her body unpredictably melted under his touch.

          “No,” she muttered helplessly. “Let me go.”

          Fight. Her mind quietly told her.

          She struggled but her body failed her. Her bones felt like jelly.

          He inched closer to her neck, his hot breath fanning her skin. She shuddered under him as she made an effort of keeping herself under control. Her eyes were closing without her concern, so she fought about keeping them wide open.

          What was he doing to her? For that she had no idea.

          He brushed away her long, brown hair from neck and began sucking on a certain area. Just the contact already made a moan tear from the back of her throat. Akira mentally scolded herself from allowing such sound to escape her. She felt him smile against her skin as his mouth opened.

          “No . . .” she tried resisting. “Please. Let me go.”

          Fight. She mentally said. I have to fight.

          But she can’t. Something was holding her back.

          “I’m sorry.” That might be the longest word she heard him say, but they were still melodic.

          She felt something sharp beginning to pierce the skin on the base of her neck. She whimpered silently as her eyes shot wide from the pain that sliced through her. And then without second thoughts, he bit down, making her gasp from the sudden sensation that tingled through her body.

          As he pulled away and gently licked the wound he created, Akira felt herself drifting off with an unknown reason.

          “You’re mine.” she heard him say.

          She looked up as he spotted him gazing down intently in her deep, violet eyes. “No.” she said quietly. “I’m not anyone’s to be owned . . .”

          She felt her body growing weak each seconds that passed by. The man took her in his arms and lifted her from the ground, carrying her bridal style. He began walking in a slow pace, as if savoring the moment he cradled her inside his arms.

          For a moment, she heard wolves howl in a distance, followed by a gunshot that rang through the woods. The sound resonated and caused the birds in the trees to fly off to another place, their wings flapping furiously as they tried getting as far away as possible—their primal instinct.

          The man hurried his pace as he looked down at Akira’s limp form, a small gap existing between her eyes. “Sleep.” he told her.

          And she did. But before that, she murmured her last word. “Dad.”

          For once, she regretted disobeying his advice.

Oh god. This might be the first time I ever wrote this kind of a story! *nervously shaking* How'd I do? I do hope you enjoyed it! CHECK OUT THE SLIDESHOW OVER THERE FOR THE CHARACTERS!

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