Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

‘This is seriously the worst day ever.’ Akira thought as Adam dragged the seatbelt in front of her and locked it on her side—with only one hand. The alpha secured his own safety, he held out a thumb at Ann, who returned the gesture with greater enthusiasm.

      They were about to leave the protected area of Adam’s territory. They had gone to the ‘secret underground parking lot’ that Akira had been to when they were going to school. This time, Ann had taken the back seat on Adam’s other car which has three passenger’s seat and a driver’s seat. Akira did not know the model of the car, but it was certainly expensive—that’s for sure.

      “I thought this doesn’t lead to civilization.” Akira grumpily stated.

      “We’re not going to the direction of the school, love.” Adam said with a smirk. “We’re going to the direction of the city.” He then pressed a new button which opened a door behind the car, instead of the front.

      Akira felt her eyes widening and her brows furrowing in confusion as Adam stepped on the gas and they began to drive backwards to the direction of a dim tunnel. Before entering, he made the car face forward and they immediately rushed through the ‘secret passage’ Akira just came to know.

      “What the heck is going on?”

      “I’m so excited! This is my first time riding Alpha Adam’s car! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! I’m so honored!” The girl giggled in the backseat.

      Akira’s exaggerated expression of shock did not leave her face as Adam accelerated the pace of the car. Beams of light speedily passed by Akira’s vision. This modern tunnel looked specifically built for a drive!

      “What the hell, Adam?!” Akira yelled. “This kind of passage existed under a forest?! Seriously?!”

      “What do you expect?” Adam haughtily asked. “We werewolves are a secret existence. We’re in a place where we’re completely isolated from the city. You can’t expect us to stay hidden forever, right? So we build this kind of passages in order to make our coming and going as inconspicuous as possible.”

      “Who are you, James Bond?!”

      “Nope,” He answered with a lopsided grin. His eyes gleamed mischievously. “I’m Adam Stanford.”

      Akira felt her jaw dropping down further as she stared at the arrogant alpha sitting beside her. This certainly was the last thing she expected—just how rich is this guy? They continued the ride until the car approached a pair of metal doors. Adam pressed another button and the doors began to instantly slide open.

      Akira couldn’t get more surprised when the car rolled on a normal-looking underground parking lot with a lot of civilian cars scattered around. She craned her neck to look at where they came from. Apparently, the passage itself is a secret since the doors were disguised as walls.

      Akira faced forward and shot a look at Adam, who was watching her with a smile. She tried to pull her hand to cross it with the other, but unfortunately, she remembered that her wrist was cuffed to Adam’s.

      “Ugh. I really hate you.”

      “Aw. I know you love me.” He teasingly stated.

      As the car rolled towards the light, Akira felt herself being blinded by the light of the city. After almost a week of being held captive, she finally got to lay her eyes on civilization.

      “Where is this?”

      “Darling, welcome to North Carolina.”

      “N-north Carolina?”

      “That’s right. This is the place where the most population of werewolves on America lives.”

      “On America?”

      “There are a lot more werewolves out there, love. Our country of origin is from Alaska. The royal family is there.”

      “Wait . . . so you’re telling me there’s like . . . werewolf royalty?!”

      “That’s right.”

      “I thought alpha was the highest position?”

      “No. It’s Alpha Royale. I’m only one of the branch leaders. You can treat my position as . . . let’s say a country representative.”

      “That’s too humble of you, Alpha Adam.” Ann said. “But you’re one of the Alpha Kings.”

      “A-alpha Kings?!”

      “There are about fifty-five packs in America, both North and South. All these packs are under the command of one pack only. So that means, each pack, despite having an alpha of their own, should obey the words of the Alpha King who governs them.”

      “I don’t understand.”

      “Let me see. We werewolves have what we call as ‘social hierarchy’. The one on the very top is the Alpha Royale, the second highest position is composed of the one hundred and ninety six Alpha Kings which represents each country in the world. Alpha Adam is an Alpha King, which means he’s the ruler of America. So the Bourne Harlem Pack, despite being only the second biggest pack, is officially the ruling pack of America.”

      “Who’s the biggest pack?”

      “Sander’s pack.” Adam answered.

      “Why do they recognize you as the leader, and not Sander?”

      “From the words of the Alpha Royale himself. He trusts Adam more than he trusts Sander.”

      “Are you amazed?” Adam winked at Akira.

      “I won’t deny that that’s impressive.” Akira admitted. “But I still hate you.”

      “You’re not here to hate me, Akira. You’re here to love me.”

      “. . .” Akira fell silent because of his words and decided to just look out of the window.

      “I’m nervous.” Ann whispered from the backseat. “I’m going to meet my mother . . . but what if she doesn’t like me?”

      “There is no mother who doesn’t love her child.” Akira said.

      “That’s right. Trust your Luna.” Adam told Ann.

      “I guess you’re right.” Ann said. “I wonder what will be her reaction when she sees me? I mean . . . she never even knew she had a daughter.”

      “There’s bound to be some drama, of course.”

      “Thank you for bothering to come with me. I’m glad you’re with me today.” Ann said.

      “You don’t have to worry Ann. I’ll be there for you.”

      “Yeah, me too.” Adam quipped.



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