Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Having an expensive car park in front of a simple café was enough to catch attention. What if a seemingly beautiful couple were to disembark while being tied together by cuffs? With a cute teenager prancing after them?

      “Wow.” A woman gushed. “Those two are so romantic. They even bothered wearing eternity bracelets.”

      When Akira heard the woman’s statement, it took all her willpower not to punch the lights out of her. Who the hell mistakes cuffs for a ridiculous eternity bracelet? What the hell? Seriously?

      “Adam.” Akira said in a low, cold voice. “Remove these cuffs. Now.”

      Adam turned to Akira with an innocent-looking smile and raised his brows questioningly. “Hmm? Did you say anything?”

      “You—“ Akira was about to tell him off when she saw Ann eagerly looking through the large glass windows of the café. She didn’t want to ruin everything just because of her and Adam’s usual bantering, so she instead kept everything to herself and crossed her arms.

      “This is where we’re supposed to meet Ann’s mother?” She asked instead.

      “Yes. This is it. Café Rogue.” He stated.

      “I’m happy the two of you came with me.” Ann suddenly spoke. “But you could’ve let me go by myself.”

      Before Akira even opened her mouth, Adam beat her to it. “What are you talking about? You’re my precious little assistant. You’ve done well helping me out these past few years even with your current age.”

      “I only did that because I needed to work for a place to sleep.” She told him. “You’ve done a lot of things for me, Alpha Adam. You were the one who allowed me to go to school and stuff. You didn’t need to go this far.”

      “Well, I’ve got to thank you for taking care of Akira, right? You’ve been with her serving as her little maidservant this past week.”

      “But I did that because I wanted to . . . what you’re doing is really unnecessary.”

      “Nevertheless, we’re a family. You’re already like a little sister to me.”

      “That’s true.” Akira added. “Despite the short time we’ve been together, I can’t help but see you as my little sister already. So don’t ever say it’s unnecessary, alright?”

      “Oh . . . um . . . yes . . .” She trailed off, her voice going faint until it totally faded on the very last word. Ann dropped her gaze to the ground and remained quiet.

      Curious of her sudden silence, Akira bent down and cupped her cheek. “Hey, are you okay?”

      Warm tears fell on her hand and that was the only moment when the girl realized she was crying. Akira was about to comfort her when the teenager suddenly ran into her arms and sobbed.

      “Thank you very much, Akira.” She then pulled back, wiping her wet cheeks dry.

      She hugged Adam next and pulled away after a few seconds, whispering consecutive apologies and thanks. When the drama in front of the café was over, Adam suggested they enter finally in order to avoid keeping her mother from waiting.

      “Let’s go.”

      When they entered, however, they were taken aback by what was waiting for them. The whole, peaceful ambiance of the café shattered when the supposedly everyday customers pulled out guns and pointed it to them. Even the ones at the counter had their own weapons with them.

      Adam heard a gun being cocked at his head. He didn’t dare move. He only pulled Akira, who already embraced Ann protectively, into his arms.

      “It’s good to see you, alpha of the Bourne Harlem pack. Alpha Adam Stanford, it seems.”

      “Looks like somehow got their homework done.” He smirked despite the current position he was in. “I thought we were supposed to ‘meet’ Ann’s mother. Was this all a set-up?”

      “You hit the mark.”

      “But the informant was one of my trusted subordinates. Unless . . .”

      “A little threat to a beloved mate and family, werewolves can easily surrender.”

      “I see. You hunters are sly bastards.”

      Akira glanced at the one who had his gun pointed straight into Adam’s head. She withheld the gasp that formed in her throat and stammered.


      “It’s good to know you remember me, princess.” He smiled at her and continued with his speech. “To think you even forgot the person who you shot with a sleeping dart just to escape . . . it causes a dull ache in my chest.” He clenched his fists and pressed it against his chest.

      “Again with the creepy lines.” She shivered.

      “But in spite of your naughty deeds, I have come to rescue your royal highness from the Big Bad Wolf.” He continued.

      “Who are you supposed to be? My knight in shining armor?” Akira crossed her arms over her chest and huffed.

      “You guessed right, mi amour.” He replied.

      “More like that stupid count in Romeo and Juliet.” She rolled her eyes.

      “As usual. Those harsh words never cease to escape those beautiful, luscious lips.”

      “I don’t appreciate you talking to my mate like that in front of me.” Adam said, his voice suddenly turning low and hostile. Akira saw him clench his teeth. “With a gun or not, another word from your damn mouth and I’ll rip your head off.”

      “How dare you call this renowned, beautiful maiden, daughter of the great Michael Martins, your mate? Nothing else disgraces the name of the hunters with your ridiculous claim!”

      “What in the hell? What kind of nonsense are you spouting now, you blabbering pervert?”

      “You forcefully chained her to you.” He took hold of the cuff that bound Akira and Adam together and raised in front of Adam’s face. “And you dragged her away against her will, I’m guessing.”

      “I won’t correct you for that.” She said.

      “You know that mates are made for each other.” Adam told him, ignoring Akira’s statement. “Akira’s mine.”

      “I knew you might say that. But she’s still the daughter of Mr. Michael. That alone makes it impossible for you to claim her as yours. It’s simply not possible.”

      At his previous declaration, a smirk made its way into Adam’s lips. His silver eyes tauntingly stared straight into Bradley’s as if saying ‘Oh, really?’.

      Silence ruled over the whole room and Bradley made his way to Akira’s side with his gun still pointed at Adam’s head, shakily sweeping her hair aside. When he saw the mark carved on her skin, he did not know what to think. At first, a look of disbelief crossed his face until he began shaking with rage. He clenched his fists and punched Adam on the face.

      “You f*ck*ng bastard! How dare you!”

      “Adam!” Akira shrieked as she was suddenly pulled along when he was thrown to the ground.

      The door of the shop opened again but Akira didn’t see who entered just recently.

      “Bradley!” A voice yelled. “That’s enough.”

      Akira’s head snapped towards the direction of the familiar voice and she swallowed hard. “Dad?”

      The man came about, looking somewhat displeased. “I never imagined that a leader of the enemy would take my daughter and claim her as his. But I guess this was something I should’ve expected from the very start.”

      “Well, I apologize for suddenly taking your daughter away. I never really expected her to be a daughter of the enemy side as well, but she was born as my mate so despite all the odds, I’ll make sure to keep her by my side even if it costs me my life.” Adam said with conviction, seriousness lacing the tone of his voice. He stood up from his fall, a confused Akira pulling him up.

      “I’m afraid I can’t allow you to do that.” Michael whispered. “You were the ones who took my wife away from me. I’ll never accept one of your kind to be the life-partner of my one and only daughter.”

      “You cannot go against fate.”

      “Watch me.” He answered. “Break those cuffs.”

      “Can someone tell me what’s going on?” Akira yelled, feeling as if she was kept in the shadows this whole time—which was practically true.

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