Chapter 1

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Tick. Tick. Tick

Tick. Tick. Tick

Tick. Tick. Tick


I hate these alarms.

Always disturbs my sweet dreams and peaceful sleep.

I groaned, stopped the alarm and again I slept.

Tring. Tring. Tring

Tring. Tring. Tring

Tring. Tring. Tring

Not Again.....

I saw on my right to see alarm is off.

I glanced at my left to see my phone ringing.

I sighed and picked up my call.

" You are sleeping. Aren't you ?"

Came a shrilling voice from the other side of the phone even before I say hello.

" Umm.....yeah and you disturbed it as usual."

" Oh God ! What do I do with you Piyu ? Get up from bed now !!! it's 8:00 now ,we have college at 9:00."

A yelling came for me from other side.

" Hmm.....ok ,don't shout like will make me deaf someday rads."

I replied sitting straight on the bed rubbing my ear.

" Shut up and get ready soon."

She yelled and hung up the phone.

I ran into the washroom, did my morning chores, showered and got  dressed.

It's 8:40 now.

I should reach college in 15 mins.

My Mom is shouting to have breakfast but I don't have time for it ,so I ran to my car and drove it to college.

On my way to college I checked my phone for any messages or calls from him.

But No.

I smiled sadly don't know how to react.

He stopped all those things long back.

He is busy now.

My mind went to those days when we used to be best friends.

Not that we aren't now.


Things aren't the same.

My thoughts got halted as my car reached my destination.

I parked my car in the parking lot and stepped out of it.

I locked it and entered the premises of our big college.

I am walking inside but my eyes are searching for him.

Gone those days when he used to wait for me to enter the college together.

" Piyu. "

I turned around to see my best friend running towards me.

" Hey rads....." I greeted and hugged her.

" Thank God ! You are on time !" She said releasing from hug.

Rads....aka..... Radhika Mishra my best friend from childhood.

She knows everything about me and I know everything about her. It's like we are like soul sisters.

We both walked inside the college and I am searching for him.

" Don't look for him." Rads said angrily looking straight.

" I am just......" I trailed off not knowing what to say.

" I know but you should stop thinking about him he stopped it long back." She said squeezing my hand looking at me.

" I know.....but I can't help it." I sighed.

Rads shook her head dismissively.

Bell rang.

And our college starts.

We are in last year of our graduation.

We went to our class and took our seats.

" Hello ladies....."

We turned to see a grinning Jai looking at us.

He came and sat beside our desk.

" So girls , what's up ?" Jai asked.

" Sky " Rads replied blankly.

" Oh ! I thought it's ceiling." He said sarcastically.

I laughed and rads glared at him.

Poor Jai why is she taking anger on him.

Jai hugged me from side.

" So ,muffin are you ok ?" He asked me.

I just smiled and nodded at him.

He smiled at me.

He knows me very well.

And he knows what's going in my mind too.

He is like a brother to me. Very caring and over protective of me and of course Rads too.

Just then he entered from the door.

Everyone's attention is on him.

It was obvious.

He was famous, handsome, funny, kind and hot too......

Seriously Piyali ? Hot ?

We looked at him and he looked at us.

Our gazes locked.

He waved his hand smiling at us and I just smiled.

He went and sat near her.

And he no longer sits with us .

I saw Jai and Rads are giving him a disapproval or disappointed look.

But Sameer Khanna is too busy to care.

Once we four were a group.

Not that we don't talk with anyone else but we four are too close........

We were friends from first we all were inseperable........

Note the key word ' were '.

Most of the them used to envy our friendship, some used to feel jealous and well some of them just don't care.

And now everything changed.

Our friendship too.

That we are just three now.

To be continued..........

I hope you all like it guys.........

This is not any fanfiction.

This is a normal love story with romance and friendship.

Please comment and let me know how it is.

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