Chapter 2

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It's lunch time and I am going to the cafe from the washroom where my friends are waiting for me.

I was looking down and walking thinking about something when I bumped into something hard.

I looked up only to get stunned.

It was him who is holding me from falling. It has been long time since we have been this close.

Our gazes are locked.

We are staring at each other.

We got interrupted by ringing sound of his phone.

I moved away from him. I don't want to awake those feelings again.

" Careful." He said

" Umm yeah......... actually I was not looking.....sorry Sameer." I said looking at him.

Something changed in his face when I called him by his name. A flicker of emotion passed on his face and I saw  hurt in his eyes.

But I can't help it.

Before ,only I had the right to call him Sammy.......he wouldn't like anyone calling him that.

But now as I said everything has changed.......guess he gave that right to someone else also......

Now someone is calling him Sammy.......

So I stopped calling him that.

I turned to my left to leave but he stopped me........

" Where are you going Piyu ?" He asked me.

" To the cafe." I replied smiling at him.

" I am also coming with you." He said.

I looked shocked at him as he stopped eating with us long back.

We both walk into the cafeteria to our usual spot where our gang has been sitting from first year.

Jai and Rads also looked shocked at him.

" Look who is here?" Jai chided.

" The one and only Sameer Khanna." Rads continued.

" Shut up guys !" Sameer said annoyed.

Soon our orders came when we were talking and laughing like old times.

I wished time would stop here.

I missed all this.

But all good things come to an end right.......

So when Sam was about to eat his food, his phone started ringing indicating he had to leave.

We all know who called him.

" Sorry guys I have to go now." He said apologetically.

" We know." Jai and Rads said rolling their eyes.

" It's ok go." I said smiling at him.

" Thanks.....catch you later guys......." He said and went away.

And I know that later may never come.

" Unbelievable.....he is so much whipped by her." Jai said shaking his head in disappointment.

" That to an extent that he had to leave his best friends behind." Rads scowled.

Yeah they were right.

He wasn't like this's like she had done some black magic on him.

If only I had little courage to express my feelings to him.

First we were just friends but eventually in the second year I have grown feelings for him and started falling for him......very hard.

I loved him but didn't had courage to express my love.

I tried many times but I just couldn't may be because of fear of losing him and his friendship.

But suddenly from nowhere she came into our life.....Tanya.

She is beautiful,bold, courageous, seducing and hot.

Any guy would fall for her and he also did fall for her.

One fine day I mustered up all my courage to say that I love him but what I saw in front me made my words die in my throat.

Sameer and Tanya were together and they announced it officially.

I couldn't bear it but I had to.

I couldn't see it but I had to.

I couldn't face it but I had to.

He was very happy with her and I was happy seeing him happy.

Maybe I don't deserve him.

But things were changing gradually.

He started changing.

He started avoiding us.

He started ignoring us.

He started spending less time with us.

He started going away from us.

He started keeping secrets from me.

He started behaving distant lately.

And so today see where all we are.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

" Hey , muffin it's ok......he will come around." Jai said rubbing my back.

" Yeah sure in your dreams !" Rads said curtly.

" Guys.....I miss him.....I miss us......I miss our old times." I said sniffing.

" We too." Jai and Rads said together sadly.

They looked at each other and looked away.

No matter how much they show that they don't care but I know they also miss him very much.

I smiled at them.

" Look Piyu ,I don't want you to waste your tears on him anymore." She said angrily.

" We already know how much you have gone through by loving him and by seeing your crying like this ,we are scared for you Piyu." Jai said worried.

I looked at their worried faces.

I can't see them like this that to because of me.

" Guys I am's just that.....forget it......I want to forget it all and be happy." I said smiling.

Their faces lit up.

" And we know how to cheer you up." Rads said looking at Jai.

" So we are going to mall today evening after college." Jai declared.

" Yeah we gonna eat ,shop, roam around and enjoy ourselves." Rads chirped loudly.

We three high-fived each other laughing just then Sam with his girlfriend crossed our table looking at us.

We ignored and walked out of the cafe joking and laughing with each other.

Soon college was over and we three went to the mall.

We shopped around for sometime then we went for bowling.

After that we went to the Pizza hut in the mall and ate all our favorite items in the menu.

Oh god ! How much I missed all this.

After Sam started behaving wierd with us we were hurt and stopped all our regular plans we used to do together.

But now we are not going to do that.

Yes ! We decided that if he is enjoying without us then why can't we.

I looked at my two idiotic friends who are bickering with each other throwing fries at each other.

I love them so much.

I am not gonna leave them or hurt them anytime in my life.

And I will not allow them to feel void because of him and my love for him.

Yes ! It's decided.

Time to move on.

I have them both who care and love me so much and it's more than enough for me.

I don't want anything more.

I don't want him

And his love.

I think my love was meant to be unrequited.

To be continued........

Guys please do comment whoever are reading.

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