Chapter 3

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I was late today......again !

Rads gonna kill me.

It's already 8:30am.....oh god !

I took a quick shower,got ready and came down.

I saw a juice glass placed on the table.....

I looked here and there ,took the glass and quickly gulped it down.

It was my dad's juice, if my mom sees it she will scold me like anything.

I sprinted out of my house before my mom notice and lash out on me.

It's 8:50 and classes start at 9:15 so I started driving as fast as I can.

My phone is buzzing with messages.
Of course it will be from Jai and Rads.
I don't have time to reply them.

I reached college..... Yes!

It's 9:10 now and I can see college premises and hallways empty.

I rushed towards my classroom and when I entered it ,I saw everyone already present there chit chatting.

I mentally thanked God as our Professor didn't come still.

I looked around to meet with a glaring Rads, a smiling Jai and a staring Sam.

I looked away from him and smiled sheepishly at Rads and Jai walking towards them.

Wait ! Sam is staring at me !!!

But Why ?

Maybe because I am the only one late here.

Hmm yeah..... that's right.

" Sorry guys, I woke up late." I said smiling sweetly at them.

" What's new in that ?" Rads exclaimed.

I glared at her who glared me back.

I sighed and looked at Jai who was looking intently at me as if he wants to know something from me.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

" Piyu.... previously you always used to come early to college even before us but nowadays why are you coming so late ?" Jai asked me seriously.

He didn't call me muffin so he is actually serious.

I looked away nervously don't know what to answer.

Rads looks at me with a knowing look which makes me squirm in my seat.

" I. I don't know......I am unable to wake up early these days ." I replied looking down.

But before they question me further Professor came and our class started.

I sighed in relief.

What will I tell them ?

That daily I cry myself to sleep late at night thinking about Sameer and my love for him.

I tried so much not to think about him.

I tried to forget my feelings for him.

I tried hard not to love him.

I tried to distract myself from him and his thoughts.

But how much ever I tried to deny ,to forget or to distract myself, the feelings and the love for him come back infact grew more.

My heart aches seeing him with another girl.

The pain and hurt I feel knowing that he will never love me back is so heart wrenching.

What can I do ?


Just cry out myself to sleep.

I feel so weak.....I mean Why ?

Because being in love is hard ,

Being in love with your best friend is very hard ,

And being in love with your best friend who loves another girl is very very hard.

Neither I can confess nor surpress my feelings.

With all these things and crying out my pain my nighs will be over.

I will sleep somewhere near morning and it has become very hard for me to get up in the mornings and so I am being late to the college.

How would I tell them these all ?

If they come to know I am still mourning over him then I know how upset and angry they will be.

And I don't want that.

Oh God ! With all these stupid thoughts I didn't realize that class is over !

I should really stop day dreaming.

One by one classes are over and there came lunch break.

We walked towards the door talking with each other and all the while I feel a pair of eyes are staring at me.

I know whose those eyes are.

But why is he staring me like that ?

I didn't look at him, I know if I look at him I will get lost in those eyes.

I can't afford it now when I am trying to get over with it.

I walked fast and got inside the

I closed my eyes tightly to control my racing heartbeat.

Why he is looking at me like that ?

He was looking at me like I always wanted him to look at me.

But now?

Why ?

Does he also feel the same way as I feel ?

No no you are a big idiot Piya ! He has a girlfriend for God sake !

Why will he look at me leaving his hot and sexy girlfriend ?

Yeah yeah.......

I came out of the washroom and went towards the cafe.

We were eating, talking, laughing and I am trying my best not to look at that way from where I can feel a gaze on me.

What's his problem ?

Why he is doing this to me?

I feel so conscious right now because of the continous staring.

I finished eating and went towards our next class with my friends totally avoiding his gaze.

We came early before the bell rang so there were no one in the class. I went and sat in my usual place where as Jai and Rads went to library to fetch some books for the assignments.

I opened my book and started reading. I got stucked at one point where I am not understanding anything.

" Need any help ?"

I heard a voice and looked up to see a boy wearing glasses standing before me smiling at me.

Nerd.....I thought.

" Umm.....yeah......I am not getting this."

I said and showed him the page.

He sat beside me and immersed his head into the book.

" Oh ! This is simple !" He exclaimed suddenly making me jump in my place.

" Oh ok." I said and looked at him.

And he started explaining me and I was staring at him with wide eyes and open mouth.

I wasn't understanding a single word he is saying because he was speaking so fast looking into the book.

I just saw his lip movement, heard some words here and there and bobbling of his head that's it......but I didn't understand anything he said.

I looked at him amused.

He is a nerd.....I confirmed.

He finished and looked at me smiling.

" Did you understand ?" He asked me like a teacher adjusting his glasses.

" You are surely a nerd."

Words slipped out of my mouth.

He looked at me astonished.

I looked down embarrassed biting my lip.

" That I am." He said folding his arms.

" Umm....sorry....I didn't mean know......offend you......sorry." I said smiling sheepishly.

He laughed at me and I joined him.

We both laughed unaware of someone watching us intently.

" So you didn't understand right ?" He asked me.

" were speaking so fast as if you stop your express train you will die."

I blabbered again.

He looked at me amused by my stupid tongue slip and I bit my tongue.

" Sorry again." I said.

" It's ok....I didn't mind.....infact it's funny." He said smiling.

I smiled at him.

He may not be the most handsome man but he is good looking.

He started explaining me again this time slowly and I understood it perfectly.

I must say he is intelligent.

" Thank you." I said smiling at him.

" Your welcome......Miss Piyali right ?" he said.

" Yeah Mr. nerd." I said and he laughed at my silliness.

" You know you are a fun person to be with." He said.

" Thank you so much Akash." I said Sincerely.

" You know my name ?" He asked me surprised.

I know we don't talk much but I am not so proud and self centered person  who is atleast not bothered to know the names of their classmates.

" Of course I know we are in the same  class for years Akash." I said smiling at him.

He nodded his smiling at me and got up from his seat as bell rang.

" Nice to meet you Piyali." He said forwarding his hand.

" Me too..... Akash." I said shaking his hand.

He went and sat on his place and dipped his head deep into the book.

Such a Nerd I say !

My gaze immediately fall on the person who is standing at the door staring at me and Akash with anger.


Actually he was glaring at Akash.

Why ?

Soon everyone came into the class along with Jai and Rads and Sameer  went and sat in his place sulking like a kid.

I don't understand this boy at all.

What's his problem ?

Sometimes he will be staring at me like I am the only one present here.

Sometimes he will be glaring at me or rather Akash as if he had snatched away his favorite toy.

Such a kid he is !

What do I do with this boy ?

I sighed and continued with our classes.

To be continued...........

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