Chapter 4

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I came out of the college a little late as I went to library to give back some books while Jai and Rads went to their homes.

I went to the parking lot which is empty by now only to see him  standing near my car leaning on it looking down.

Is he waiting for me ?

My heart beat raised.......

He looked so handsome even just standing like that......

He needs no effort to look hot..........

As I went near my car he looked up and met my gaze.

He is waiting for me !!!

But Why ?

I unlocked my car ,opened the door and kept my bag inside.

I shifted on my foot nervously because of his gaze.

" Hey " he said.

" Hi " I said and looked at him.

" Why were you so late ?" He asked me.

" I had some work in library...... By the way what are you doing here ?"

I asked him as he stopped waiting for me long back.

" Why ? Can't I wait for my best friend ?" He asked me frowning.

Best sounds so foriegn to me from his mouth now.......

" Not like that but I have seen you here waiting for me after long time." I said and looked away.

He was silent.......

God it is getting awkward now.......

" I just wanted to talk to you." He said in a low voice.

" Ok...." I said unsure.

Again silence......

" Sameer ?" I chided.

He looked at me again with those hypnotised eyes making me gulp.

" Call me Sammy Piyu." He stated.

I just stared at him blankly.

" What do you want to talk ?" I said seriously.

He looked with hurt in his eyes which made something inside me burn.

" Who was that guy ?" He asked.

" Which guy ?" I asked confused.

" The one whom you were talking freely after your lunch." He said.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

" He is Akash our classmate Sameer." I  stated.

He closed his eyes and opened again as if he is controlling himself.

"And what was he doing with you talking and laughing like that ?" He asked furiously.

My anger raised......

" We were doing nothing......he was just explaining my doubts." I paused.

He was about to say something but I cut him off.

" And I don't need to explain myself to you that what I am doing, with whom I am talking and for what I am laughing ok ? I spat.

He looked stunned.

" And I don't understand why do you care ?" I said angrily with rage in my voice.

He looked at me angrily.

So what ? I am also angry.

" Piyu......I am your best friend, of course I care for you Damm it." He said raising his voice.

Now he remembers our friendship.

And he cares for me.......

What a joke.......

I laughed bitterly.

" I need to go I am getting late." I said and turned to leave.

But he grabbed my hand and swiftly turned me that I fell on his chest.

I looked up and he brought me close to him which made my stomach flip.

We stared at each other for sometime.

" I still didn't finish my talk with you Piyu." He said.

I widened my eyes with fear and felt conscious with our proximity.

He noticed my fear and his face softened.

" You believe or not but I do care for you Piyu.......I know you were just being friendly but guys outside are not good. You trust people easily and they may use you by gaining your trust." He said softly looking into my eyes.

I just nodded my head.

Words are not coming from my mouth.

He sighed and just stared at me for sometime.

" I need to go." I said still staring at him.

He is looking intently at me.

" Sam....." I stopped as he placed his finger on my lips.

He shued me and hugged me.

I stood stunned and forgot to breath.

It's not the first time he hugged me but that was always a friendly hug.

But now it was something else as if he want to say something but unable to.

He was showing it by hug.

I hugged him back smiling.

His warmth soothed me.

I feel safe in his arms.

He cares for me.....I know.

Although I was hurt and sad but he didn't do anything intentionally.

He doesn't know that he was hurting me.

It's not his mistake but mine.

If only I could say to him how I feel about him and how much I love him.

He buried his head into my neck and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

" I missed you." He breathed into my hair.

A lone tear escaped from my eye.

I don't know how and what happened to us.

We used to spend time together......

We used to crack jokes, play pranks on each other.......

We used to laugh and enjoy being with each other........

But that all now had just became memories........

I wish I could say how I feel about you .

I wish I could stop time here itself.

I wish I could hug you like this for my lifetime.

I wish I could say ' I love you ' to you.

" I missed you too." I said closing my eyes to control my tears.

I so badly want you Sammy.

I wish I could tell you.

Everything was fine in our life.....

Until she.......

She ......Tanya.......and the reality slapped on my face brutally.

I moved away from him breaking the hug.

I composed myself looking down.

I looked up to see him confused at first but then looked down maybe understood why I moved away.

" I am getting late.....I need to go." I said smiling slightly at him.

" Ok " he said shrugging.

" Bye " I said and opened my car door.

" Bye.....see you tomorrow." He said and went towards his bike.

We both drive away back to our lives again......normal.

I went to my home and opened the main door to be welcomed by darkness.

I frowned and looked here and there.

Suddenly someone lifted me up from the back.

I screamed in fear.

Lights were on and there stood my parents smiling at me.

Here I was screaming in fear some theif had caught me and my parents were smiling at me as if they are seeing some movie scene.

I wriggled on his hold screaming to leave me.

I heard a fact a familiar chuckle.

I tried to see him struggling in his hold.

" Not so easy shorty....."

I heard him say.

I stopped struggling.....he called me shorty...... of course who does that......

Only him.

" BHAI......" I shrieked loudly.

He put me down and I attacked him with my hug.

" Whoa......"

I attacked him fastly and so we fell down losing our balance.

" You guys still behave like kids." My mom said laughing at us.

We both got up and I saw my elder brother scowling at me.

" Is this the way to welcome your only  brother who came home after 6 months from foriegn." My brother asked him with fake hurt.

" Yes ! " I said grinning at him.

He looked at me no glared at me.

" Ok....Bhai first say.....when did you come back ?" I asked him as he didn't inform me yesterday when we talked on Skype.

" Today morning itself.....after you went to college." He said smiling at me.

" But Why didn't you say me yesterday.....I would have been there today to welcome you home." I asked pouting.

" Because I want to surprise you.....If I had told you yesterday I would have missed the reaction I got now when you saw me." He said hugging me.

I missed him so much.......

He went to London for a deal with a top company there on behalf of our company 6 months back.

Though we used to chat daily on phone or Skype I missed him.....I missed his stupidity.....I missed his hugs.....I missed his over protectiveness.....I missed his presence beside me.

" I missed you Bhai. " I said with tears  hugging him tightly.

" Oh my little princess is crying.....I am here now and I am not going anywhere anytime chill." He said concerned wiping my tears and kissed my forehead.

I saw tears in his eyes also but he is quick to hide away them.

I bet my parents also must be crying now looking at us.

" I missed you too my I will make it up to you for the past 6 months." He said smirking at me.

I looked at him and my parents curiously.

" How ?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

" We along with Mom and Dad are going to spend tomorrow entire day outside ." He said grinning at me.

I looked at my parents who are nodding and smiling at me.

" Yay !!!" I yelled feeling happy and again tackled him in a tight hug.

My parents also joined us in our hug.

How much ever old I grow I know I will always be their little princess.

I love my Family so much.

I am nothing without them.

To be continued.............

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