Chapter 5

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I entered into the college and surprisingly I didn't find Rads waiting for me at the entrance as I am early today.

Maybe because I was tired yesterday enjoying whole day with my family and so I slept early and woke up early.

I entered into my class and looked at my friends talking something with serious expressions.

I frowned.

They usually will be joking around or fighting with each other.

But they are serious.

Something is wrong.

" Hello guys!" I said going near them.

They jumped in their places looking startled.

"" Rads said in Surprise.

" Yeah me but what happened to you guys? Why you both are looking so serious ?" I asked looking at their wierd behavior.

" came early today !" She said dismissing the topic.

" Yeah but....." I was about to say but bell rang.

I sat in my place and looked up to see Sameer walking inside with serious expression on his face.

Now he is also serious.

What happened to my friends ?

I was wondering looking at them to know what happened when Sam looked at me and smiled widely.

He was happy to see me.....I guess.

I also smiled at him.

He looked at Jai and Rads and again his expression changed to serious.

I looked at Jai and Rads exchanging glances with a serious look.

Oh god ! What happened ?

Something had definitely happened between them in my absence yesterday.

I need to find out and just then our Professor came in.

I gave my both friends a look that says that they have to explain me what happened and they sighed looking at each other.

I couldn't concentrate on the lecture throughout the class. Infact I couldn't concentrate on any class after that. I waited eagerly for the lunch break to know what happened.


Now we are sitting in the cafe silently. My friends are behaving as if nothing happened to avoid the topic.

But I am not going to leave it so easily.

" Guys " I called them seriously.

They looked at me.

" Would you like to explain me what had happened in my absence ?" I questioned them sternly.

" No " rads said simply and my eyes widened at her carelessness.

" Rads !" I exclaimed but she just shrugged.

She is of no use.

And so I turned to Jai and his expression became serious again.

" Jai please tell me what happened ?" I pleaded him.

He sighed.

" Yesterday Sameer came to our table to ask about your absence." He paused.

" And ?" I probed him to say further.

" I kinda confronted him." He said fastly and looked away.

I kinda expected it looking at their expressions but I want to know about whom and what.

" About what ?" I asked him frowning.

He looked at Rads for help who is busy checking her nail polish like she didn't heard anything.

Jai scowled at her.

And she ignored it and continued her work.

I raised my eyebrows at him to proceed.

" So ,I asked him why does he care if you come or not ." He said and again looked at Rads for help.

He groaned in frustration realising that she is of no help.

I stiffled my laugh as I should know what happened further.

" He said he cares about you ,he said he cares about us but I argued that he don't as he stopped being our friend long back." He said without stopping.

I looked at him stunned.

Why did he do that ?

I don't want to ruin our friendship which is already on the verge of breaking.

" They both argued about it for sometime and then Sam left furiously from here."

Rads finally opened her mouth taking her eyes off from her nails.

" Thank you so much Rads for being  so helpful." Jai said sarcastically.

" Anytime Jai " Rads said grinning at him clearly ignoring his sarcasm.

Jai facepalmed himself.

Normally I would have laughed at them but the matter is serious now.

" And what were you doing all this time ?" I asked Rads turning to her seriously.

" She was just a silent spectator. She just stood watching all this like a movie and throwing glares at Sam occasionally." Jai said smirking at her.

" No! I was just keeping an eye on Jai so that he wouldn't punch Sam." Rads exclaimed defending herself.
Jai chuckled.

" Oh really ? I just want to punch you right now." Jai scowled at her showing his fist.

Rads gulped.

I looked at her to say something.

" Ok ok.....I didn't say anything because I also feel the same what Jai was feeling and I felt what Jai was doing was right." She said sulking like a kid.

We both looked at her and she smiled sheepishly at us.

" Jai, Rads , it's his life ,he can do anything he wants. We can't control him and we also don't have right to do it. He was just giving his time for his relationship and we cannot blame him for that." I explained him.

They both looked at me as if I have grown two heads.

This is gonna be difficult.

" It's not that I am supporting him guys.....but it's not right to fight with him for that. I know it hurts us a see were very close once but at some point everything change, priorities change, people change and we can't stop them guys. It's better to enjoy with what we have than to ruin it." I finished my ranting.

I looked at them who were looking amused by my banter.

" We can't force him to do anything. True friendship doesn't expect anything. We can do whatever we want  but we can't expect something  in return. We can't be selfish in friendship like that. We will fulfill our friendship but it's up to him to do or not."

I tried to make them understand and by their looks I understood that they understood.

" So you both agree with me ?" I asked them hopefully.

They nodded in yes while thinking.

" That means you both will not fight with him regarding this matter again." I said to them.

They sighed and nodded again.

" You know muffin I can never say no to you ." He said defeatedly.

I grinned.

" I know " I said.

Then I saw Sameer stopped at our table looking at us and then tried to walk past us.

But I stopped him holding his hand and he turned to look at me.

I smiled at him and guestured him to sit beside me.

" So, I want you guys to patch up." I declared banging my hand on the table.

Three of them looked at me surprised.

They were about to say or argue something but I cut them off.

" I don't want my friends to fight within themselves for silly reasons." I said looking at them seriously.

They nodded their heads.

I know they can't deny me.

" So..... Patch up now !" I exclaimed.

Jai chuckled and forwarded his hand at Sam.

" Sam yaar....sorry maybe I over reacted." Jai said slightly smiling.

" It's ok Jai....I was also wrong at some point." Sam said shaking his hand with Jai smiling at him.

" I am sorry too." Rads said smiling at  them and Sam nodded his head.

Sam looked at me smiling.

" Where were you yesterday ?" He asked me.

" I went outing with my family." I said smiling at him.

Then we talked ,teased, laughed and ate together like old times.

I am happy seeing my best friends all together once again.

May be It won't happen daily but it's ok with me as long as they are happy.

I don't want fights between them especially because of me.

I couldn't tolerate that.......

I know my love, my feelings cannot be reciprocated by him but I cannot ruin what's between us which is more important than anything even my love and that is Our Friendship.

I love them and care for them.

I know they all also love and care for me and that's enough for me.

Maybe my love for him always stays one-sided.

Maybe me and Sameer are not meant to be.

Maybe we are just meant to be friends.

Maybe my love is better off staying Unrequited.

And maybe it's good for all of us and our friendship.

To be continued.........

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