Chapter 12

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I am hurrying to go to office.

Actually not my office but to the one of the top companies for a business meeting.

I shouldn't be late today.

I quickly got ready and came downstairs for breakfast where Mom is already present there.

" Good Morning Mom." I greeted kissing her forehead and took my seat on the dining table.

" Good Morning Meer." She smiled at me.

I looked at her.

She is happy.

Infact more than happy.

Not that I mind but I didn't see her like this from long time.

I brushed off those thoughts and continue to eat my food.

Door bell rang.

One of the maids went to open the door.

I frowned who is it in the early morning.

Mom is smiling.

Means she is expecting someone.

" Mom, you know who is on the door right?" I asked her and she nodded her head smiling widely.

" Who?"

" Me "

I heard someone say from behind.

I swiftly turned my head.

I am surprised and excited.

" Di !!! "

I shouted and engulfed her in a tight hug.

I missed her so much.

" I missed you Di."

I said releasing from hug.

" Awee....I also missed you so much my baby brother." She said ruffling my hair.

" Di !" I whined as I have to go to work now and she is spoiling my hair.

She laughed.

" Ma ! " she screeched and hugged her.

" are you beta?" Mom asked her.

" I am fine are you?" Di asked her.

" I am good beta." Mom smiles.

" Where is my doll?" Mom asked Di.

Ahh! I totally forgot about her.

" She was here only with me." Di said looking here and there.

We looked around and saw our doll sitting on the sofa pouting at us.

" Pari.... What are you doing there? Come here." Di said to her.

She nodded her head in no still pouting.

How cute.......

" Come here my baby doll." Mom went to her and picked her up in her arms and kissed her on the cheek.

" Why are you angry beta?" Mom enquired seeing her calm.

" Because you all forgot me." She said in her baby voice.

Mom and Di laughed.

I smiled at her cuteness.

" We can never forget you." Mom said.

But Pari is stubborn.

Di says she is just like me.

" Hello Pari....want an ice cream?" I asked tickling her.

She giggled.

" Yes !" Her face brightens.

" Ok, come to me" I said and took her in my arms.

I kissed her on the cheek.

She also kissed me back on the cheek giggling.

" Meel..... Ice cream." She screams in joy.

" Ok baby" I said.

" Pari call him Mama not by his name." Di said sternly.

" Its ok Di, I like her calling me like that." I said to Di.

" Meer, you are spoiling her." Di said shaking her head but smiles at me.

" Me and Pari are going to eat Icecream now " I announced loudly making her squeal.

" Yay! Meel yay!" Pari squealed loudly making us laugh.


I am in my car on my way to AJ industries.

I don't know but I am happy today may be because I met Di and Pari after many days.

Di and Jiju were in Delhi from many days for some business deals there.

But now they are back and I am more than happy.

I am happy that Mom is happy after many days.

My thoughts were interrupted when I reached AJ.

Their office is huge full of glass with many floors and offices.

I entered into the building looking around.

I must say I am impressed.

The interiors and maintenance are wonderful.

It's calm, peaceful and also gives some sort of positive vibes.


I entered into the elevator and pressed No. 15 where the meeting is scheduled.

Many people enter and exit at different floors.

My phone dinged with a message.

It's a message of my today's schedule.

I have to attend another meeting after this.

I sighed looking into my phone.

Just then elevator's door opens and someone enters.

I feel something different.

I feel my heart beats faster.

I looked up to find many people in the elevator.

I looked back at my phone but that special feeling is not leaving me.

Not to forget about my racing heart beats.

What's happening?

Just then I reached my floor and I exited the lift without looking back.

What just happened?

I halted and stood there for sometime to control my heartbeat.

I never felt like this.

But the question is why am I feeling like this?

I don't know the answer.

And that scares me.

I brushed off this feeling and walked towards the meeting room.

I reached just in time.

And I met AJ.

I met him before at some business parties.

I must say that I have never met such a wonderful person in my whole life.

He is very nice, polite, talented and also Intimidating at the same time.

We discussed about the deal and I left from there as I have to attend another meeting.

These sensations in my heart doesn't fade away.

I strode outside the building towards the parking lot rubbing my forehead.

What's happening to me?

What are these wierd sensations?

Am I having an heart attack or what?

Wow! Sameer Khanna you have gone insane now!

But what's with these fastening heart beats?

I sat in my car leaning my head back on the seat.

As I am about to start the engine I heard an angelic sound.

No...not's a laugh.

It's a girl's laugh which is like soft music to my ears.

It sounds familiar.....

And this wierd feelings are not helping at all.

I looked outside the window but I didn't see anyone.

Come on Sameer..... Get a grip.....

I scolded myself and put on my shades.

I closed the glass window and started the engine.

I am about to exit the parking lot but stopped seeing a white dress.

I mean a white dressed girl.

Her back is turned towards me.

She is in full white dress with a white dupatta flowing due to the wind.

She has a waist length long black hair which is also flowing in the air.

She looked like an angel with sunrays falling on her.

My heart beat raises seeing her, in the same way that I am feeling from that time.

What am I doing?

Ogling at a girl?

Feeling for a girl?

That to an unknown girl.

Sameer Khanna never does that.

I am feeling different because of her.

My heart is thumping inside my chest because of her.

These wierd sensations are all because of her.

Oh God!

I Love Piyu.....

And now I am feeling such things for another girl.


No Sameer Khanna.

Remember you don't have any feelings and emotions.

I started my car and moved forward towards the Gate.


My heart always feels like this for Piyu.

My heart beats always beats for Piyu.

And why am I feeling all this for this girl?

Oh No!

It means that this girl might be Piyu.

Is that possible?

How can Piyu be here?

What if it's her?

I am approaching the gate.

She stood right side of me far away from the gate enough for me to see her.

I think I should take a chance and look at her to see who she is.

If she is my Piyu or not.

I decided to take a glance before I pass the exit.

And I looked at that side where that girl is standing tilting my car window down.

She should turn so that I can see who is this girl.

Please turn.....




As if sensing something she turned.

And I froze.

I stopped the car with a screech.

I am.....




I removed my glasses and looked at her.

Many emotions are running through my heart and body now.

I just sat in my car dumbstruck.

She is there in all her glory.

She is there standing in flesh in front of me.

She is there laughing and talking to someone.

She is there evoking a whirlwind of emotions in me.

She is there without knowing that I am here looking at her.

That's why I am feeling such sensations since I entered this  building.

She was there near me all the while.

I was unaware of her presence.

Although my heart was giving me signs but my dumb mind couldn't understand.

I noticed some dampness on my face.

I frowned and checked my face in the mirror.

I didn't realise I was crying.

Yes! I am crying but this time because of happiness.

I am happy atlast to see my Piyu again.

My hope and wish is fulfilled.

A honk from back disturbed my thoughts.

I realised that I have been blocking the way.

I started my car, moved little forward and parked it aside.

I got out of my car hurriedly to see her.

But she is not there.

She is gone.


To be continued...........

Piyu is back!!!

What will Sameer do now?

So now the story starts guys..........

Stay tuned.......

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