Chapter 14

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What should I name this feeling that I am going through now?

I wanted to scream and jump around happily but at the same time I am scared and lost.

Would it be stupid if I say that I am crying?

Yes! I am crying.....tears are brimming in my eyes and I am having a hard time controlling them.

If anyone sees a top businessmen  crying in a conference room suddenly out of nowhere they would be shocked and also they might think I am insane.

But it's hard to keep control on my emotions seeing my life in front of me after whole two years and I don't know what to do now.

When I saw her I just stood rooted in my place....until my secretary Priya came to me and snapped out of my trance to remind me about the meeting.

I nodded and took a seat looking at Piyu.

But she didn't see me....she was busy preparing for the presentation.

She is in her formal clothes that is a shirt, a trouser and blazer. She looked professional thoroughly. I have never seen her like this in her formal attire.....she has changed.

I don't know about her and her life now but her physical appearance has changed a lot.

I observed that she is frowning and thinking about something like she is getting distracted.

Soon lights were off and the presentation of AJ's started.

Piyu started giving her presentation about the company and I sat there  awestruck seeing her presentation, her skills, her confidence, her talent, her ideas, her voice..........

And her beauty also of course!

It's not like she is not like that before but now she is more confident, more determined, more intimidating and also more.....beautiful.

I just sat there staring at her in the dark. I missed her so much. I just want to hug her tight and apologize.

But I know that is not going to be easy.
I don't even know how she will react when she sees me. I don't even know if she remembers me or not also.

Ofcourse she will remember you, you are her best friend.

My mind said.

No, you were her Best friend..... keyword 'were'.

My inner conscience mocked me.

I sighed thinking how to face her.

My reverie of thoughts came to an end when I heard a loud applaud.

I looked around the room and saw that their presentation is over and now it's our turn.

I sighed at my secretary to give the files and my laptop.

" So Mr. Khanna are you ready to represent your company?"

I heard someone asked me in the dark maybe their manager.

" Yeah." I simply said.

I looked at Piyu who sat opposite of me thinking deeply in a daze.

Maybe she recognized my voice.........

I shook my head to get rid off the thoughts and concentrated on my presentation.

I connected my laptop to the monitor and started my presentation.

As soon as my presentation is over, I heard claps. I just smiled and looked at Piyu.

She just sat there blankly staring at the wall.

I think she recognized my voice and I think she started to put the dots together now.

She knows it's me now.

I am nervous.

How to face her?

How to talk to her?

How to apologise her?

How will she react seeing me?

Soon the lights were on.

" Your presentation is flawless....well done young man." AJ said shaking my hand.

" Thank you Sir." I said smiling at him.

From the corner of my eye I looked at Piyu. She still sat there....her face blank and expression less and still staring at the wall.

" Your presentation is also amazing Sir." I said to him.

" Oh's done by Piyali....she is very talented." AJ said proudly.

He turned to Piyu.

" Piyali come here...." He said and then turned to me " She is the one."

" Yeah she is the one." I said with a smile looking at Piyu who is coming towards us looking down.

She came and stood in front of us looking at AJ with a small smile but didn't glance at me.

" So Piyali this is Sameer Khanna, one of the youngest successful businessmen and young man this is Piyali." AJ introduced us.

" Hello Ms. Piyali....nice to meet you." I said smiling at her.

She looked at me for the first time which made my heart thump inside loudly against my chest.

" Hello." She said smiling reluctantly.

I looked at her smiling face but her face turned to blank again. She is looking at me without any emotion on her face.

I wanted to know what is going on in her mind but she is hard to read.

We stood staring at each other for some time until AJ decided to break our moment.

" So young boy about Piyali....she is m......." AJ was saying but cut off by one of his staff.

" Sir, you need to sign some urgent papers." His PA reminded him.

" Oh ok....I am coming." He said and continued " I will leave you two to talk." He said to us and went away.

I looked at Piyu who just want to be anywhere in the world but here.

" That was a great presentation from you." I said genuinely impressed by her work.

" Thanks." She said looking into some file.

" How are you Piyu?" I asked her praying in my mind that she wouldn't bash at me.

She looked up and glared at me.

" It's Piyali....infact Piyali Jaiswal to you..... understand?" She said angrily pointing her finger at me.

She tried to look intimidate but me knowing her didn't effect me.

Infact she looks cute when she is angry going all red.

" Okayyy....." I said smiling at her.

At least I saw some emotion in her instead of her blank face although it's anger.

She narrowed her eyes at me to know why I am smiling and then again she got only smile from me.

She shaked her head in annoyance and stormed out of the room angrily.

I so love her so much.

I smiled.

I met my Piyu.

I talked to her.

I am so happy.

She is working here so I can meet her again if our company won the deal.

I am sure we will crack the deal.

I went outside the room where Priya is waiting for me.

" Sir you have another two meetings to attend, one before lunch and one after lunch." She said to me strangely looking at my smiling face.

Not her fault never smile.

My inner voice mocked me again.

I nodded at her and took out my phone to see a text from di saying-

Call me back.

I said her to wait and dialed Di's number.

" Hello Di.....just finished the meeting and I have still two meetings today to attend.....oh!.....why?.......not's ok give the phone to her.....dont worry I will talk to her.....Hello Pari.....oh....ok.....I will come home soon and we will do whatever you want to do......ok baba....ok....bye."

I talked to Pari who wants me home soon today so that we can go wherever she wants to go. I should get back home today as soon as possible.

I put off my phone back in the pocket and looked up to see Priya stood stunned staring at me.

" Ms.Priya...." I said waving my hand in front of her.

She snapped out of it and I went into a daze staring at the person through he glass wall.

Piyu was there talking to someone in the cabin with a wide smile on her face.

Seeing her smile made my lips to curve upwards automatically.

" Umm..... Sir, Are you ok?" Priya asked me concerned.

" Yeah, why?" I asked and looked at her who is looking at me as if I have gone mad.

And that's when I realized that I have been smiling since I met Piyu and it must have creeped her out as I hardly ever smiled.

I quickly got my composure back and started to leave AJ'S office.

I just turned to see Piyu once and that's when she came out of the cabin and looked at me.

I smiled and turned to her completely walking backwards and shouted.....

" See you again Piyu."

I grinned at her and she scowled at me in return.

" Don't call me that! " She shouted back.

I laughed at her.

I heard a loud gasp and looked at my side to see Priya in shocked state.

Awe....I am scaring this girl too much today with my smiling and laughing.

" Ms. Priya, Are you coming or not?" I asked her.

" Y.Yes Sir." She said and followed me.

I turned and saw Piyu walking away scowling at me and you know what I did......yeah right......I just smiled.

God! I am smiling a lot today.

To be continued...........

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