Chapter 15

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After the meetings I went straight home as I had promised Pari that I will spend time with her.

I stepped inside the house and saw Pari watching T.V with a bored expression on her face clearly not happy.

I went near her and stopped in front of her blocking the view of T.V. She looked up at me frowning and then her face brightens with a wide grin looking at me.

" came?" She asked me with wide eyes surprised at me.

" Yes! for my princess." I said picking her up in my arms.

" Yay!" She yelled and hugged me giving a kiss on my cheek.

I laughed at her excitement.

" Mumma said that you will be busy in meetings I thought you will not come." She said looking at me.

" Of course I was busy.....but nothing is more important than my princess." I said to her kissing her cheek making her giggle.

"Meer! " Mom and Di exclaimed looking at me.

"Hmm" I hummed putting Pari down.

" You actually came?" Di asked me surprised.

" Of course Di." I said smiling at her.

She narrowed her eyes at me as if to see what's wrong with me.

" Meer beta you never came home before 8 but now it's just 5." Mom looked stunned.

" Ha Mom....I promised Pari that I will spend time with her today, so I came early." I said smiling at her and sat beside Pari who is bouncing on the sofa with excitement.

Mom and Di looked at each other and then looked at me with questioning gazes.

" Mom I am very hungry.....please give me something to eat." I whined at her rubbing my belly.

Both again looked baffled at me but nodded their heads and went to the  kitchen.

I went to freshen up and came down in my casuals. Me and Pari started talking about random stuff about her school, her friends, her grades which I missed from 2 years.

Yeah, I involved myself into work so much that I didn't even have time to eat and sleep and then Di was also away from us for a while, so I guess I missed a lot.

Soon, I started tickling her and Pari started laughing loudly and yelling at me to stop between her laughs. I also started laughing with her.

How much I missed this!

I looked at my side to see Di and Mom stood there stunned and they were  looking at us with open mouths.

"Mom? Di?" I said frowning.

They came out of their trance and smiled at me.

" Food is ready, come both of you." Mom said and we all went to dining room.

Food looks very tasty and I started eating and in between I am also feeding Pari some bites here and there.

I looked at other dish, it's Kheer! Piyu's favorite.

The thought of her itself brought smile to my face.

I started eating thinking about her and our encounter today. Not even a day has passed and I am already missing her. I hope we will meet again soon.

Sensing silence at the dining table I looked at Pari who is nowhere to be seen. I think I zoned out thinking about Piyu. Ha! Again I am smiling.

I looked at Mom and Di who are staring at me wierdly. Mom looked concerned and Di has disbelief look on her face.

" What happened?" I asked them.

" What happened?" Di asked me back.

" Di, that's what I am asking you." I said to her.

" But that question should be ours." She said.

" What do you mean?" I asked.

" What happened to you Meer?" Di asked again.

"Are you okay Meer beta?" Mom asked me worried touching my forehead.

" Nothing happened to me. Why are you both asking like that?" I asked annoyed at their wierd behavior.

" You are being wierd." Di said looking at me.

What! I thought they are behaving wierd.

" What? Why?" I asked them frowning.

They looked at each other and then at me and went silent.

" Why you two think I am behaving wierd." I asked them loudly.

"Meer.....You are smiling." Di said.

Oh.....wait what?

I am what?

" So?" I asked them.

" Meer beta, from the time you came home, you are smiling." Mom paused and thinking ".....a lot." She added.

I just stared at her.

" Not only that,you are playing with Pari, talking a lot and also you were laughing." Di said smiling at me.

I smiled back at her.

" See again." Di pointed at my face.

" So?" Mom chided looking at me.

" So?" I asked innocently.

" Can we know the reason?" Di asked.

" Reason for what?" I asked looking here and there.

" For your happiness." Mom asked me.

" I don't know what you are saying?" I stated.

" But we know." Di said.

" What?"

" That you are happy." She said.

" Oh."

" And?" She added dramatically.

" Di stop being dramatic!"

She laughed.

" And I know that someone is the reason for your happiness."

" Who?" Mom yelled in excitement.

I just looked at them and looked here and there for Pari. Where is she when I needed her?

" I don't know that person but I will find out soon." Di said smirking at me.

I looked away.

" Good luck Di, but there is no one." I said defending myself.

" Oh really?"

" Why do you think I am lying?" I asked her.

" Because we saw you happy, smiling and laughing like this after years Meer!" Mom said with a glint in her eyes which I missed seeing from years.

Di nodded agreeing with Mom and I sighed.

I don't know what to say.

Just then my princess came with her toy bag in her hand and saved me.

" Meel.....let's go, we will play." She said jumping up and down grinning widely.

" Ok, let's go." I smiled at her cuteness and quickly escaped from there.

" Meer, don't think I will forget about this.....I will not leave until I find it out." Di yelled loudly at my back.

I chuckled but didn't respond. If she comes to know about the reason of my happiness she will freak out.


Presently I am working out in the gym. Today is Sunday......the only day I get to work out so I came out to the gym.

I have my private gym at my house but working out with my trainer beside me is different because it gives me better results.

I came out of the gym tired and proceeded towards my house to go and take shower.

As I am walking towards my car in the parking lot, I heard someone calling my name and looked at that person waving at me standing in front of the Starbucks which is located in the ground floor of the building.

I walked towards that person to see he is one of my important clients. He is Rohan Mehra, one of the youngest CEO like me but still under the guidance of his father. Lucky guy!

We greeted each other and started talking about random stuff like sports, parties and friends.

Well! He is talking and I am just listening to him like always.

Rohan is a nice guy, sometimes annoys me with his stupid jokes but overall he is a good person to be with. He insisted me to hangout with him many times but I didn't have time and ofcourse I didn't want to.

And now he is practically dragging me into the Starbucks for having coffee ignoring my pleads that I need to take shower first and I am just in my gym clothes.

With Rohan dragging me, I am unable to see my surroundings and I collided with someone.

" Ouch!"

I heard and pulled Rohan's hand to stop him.

I turned back to look at the person and apologize but words didn't come out of my mouth when I saw the person.

There she stood glaring at me. How beautiful she looks when she is angry.

"Can't you see and walk?" Piyu shouted at me which brought me out of my daze.

" I am sorry." I said smiling at her.

She looked at me from top to bottom glaring at me which made me embarrass as I am in sweating clothes.

" Whoa there Miss.....we are sorry..... " Rohan said and paused. "I am Rohan and you?" Rohan asked smiling at her flirtingly.

Piyu looked at me and I glared at him.

"Rohan!" I said sternly.

"What man? I am just introducing myself." He said to me shrugging his shoulders and again turned to her grinning at her like an idiot.

Ahh! This idiot!

I turned my attention to Piyu who is smirking at me now.

Wow! But why?

" So Miss?" Rohan asked helding his hand out making me scowl at him.

Piyu looked at his hand then at me and when I am about to say.............

" Hi, I am Piyali." She said smiling at him and shook her hands with him.

I want to rip his hands off.

How dare he touch her?

And she is smiling at him!

Awe.....someone is jealous.

Shut up!

Yes! You are definitely.

Get lost!

Hey! Where should I go? I am your soul.

Then shut up! I am already very angry.

And that's what we call jealousy.

Just shut up and get lost!

Great! Now I have started talking to myself!

I came out of my thoughts when I heard a laugh and then what I saw made my blood boil.

Rohan stood there laughing with Piyu.

I cleared my throat to gain their attention.

" Sameer, what happened to you?" He asked me.

" Nothing." I said blankly.

" No, you look like you want to murder someone." He said to me but looking at Piyu.

Yeah.....and that's you.

I looked at Piyu who stood there smirking at me.

She knows how much over protective I am for her that's why she is doing  this wantedly with Rohan.

But what she doesn't know is I am also very much possessive about her because I love her.

" Rohan can we go now?" I hissed at him angrily.

" So Piyali, we would be glad if a beautiful girl like you joins us for a cup of coffee." He smiled at her again flirtingly ignoring my anger.

This Rohan is pushing my buttons.

I am clenching my jaw tightly and balling my fists to control my anger.

Piyu looked at me like she knows my state of mind now.

Of course she knows me.

" Umm.....sorry.....I just had coffee with my friend .....I have to leave now.....bye." she said looking at him and then at me.

" Oh! It's was nice to meeting  you." Rohan said smiling at her.

" Nice to meet you too." She said and turned to leave before looking at me.

I looked at her till she left in her car.

" Sameer yaar, come let's have some coffee." Rohan said walking past me.

" Oh, so now you remember at least." I muttered but I think he heard.

Because that idiot laughed!

Oh God! What I got myself into?

To be continued..........

I liked jealous Sam.

What do you think about Rohan?

Stay Tuned...........

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