Chapter 17

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I walked into the building and reached the floor in the elevator where we are supposed to work. I already missed two days of work and I have to check what my team is up to.

I entered the meeting room where everyone are present and already working.

My team went stiff looking at me and immediately stood up to greet me. I greeted them back and gestured them to sit down.

I looked around and saw Piyu and her team who were doing their work are  now looking at me.

" I am sorry.....I am late.....but please let me know what you all are doing." I said looking at Piyu.

She didn't say anything but just looking at me as if examining me.

" Sir we are working on designs, we already made take a look at them." One of the team member of AJ's replied passing the file to me.

" And we are working on some ideas and budget." My manager replied showing a file to me.

" Good." I said and started looking at their work to know how they are doing.

They are quiet good.....I am impressed but I am not going to let them know.

I went and sat beside Piyu and started  working on our project. I started explaining about how we should do this more perfectly and corrected their mistakes.

My team looked stunned at me as I am not scolding them for their mistakes but I ignored them.

It's not their fault as I wasn't there to guide them and they had done  wonderful job so far in my absence.

" And about the designs Piyu....." I was saying looking into the file but stopped when I heard loud gasps in the room.

I looked up and saw everyone looking at me stunned. What did I do? I recalled what I just said and then realized......


I slowly turned towards Piyu and saw her shooting daggers at me.

Oh No! I think I am in trouble.

I sighed.

I cleared my throat awkwardly.

" What happened guys? Continue to do your work." I said to them sternly and they nodded their heads quickly resuming their work.

" And as I was saying Ms. Piyali, I must say designs are very good but I think they must have been more of cosmopolitan." I said looking at the file.

" Yeah.....actually they are especially working on cosmopolitan designs only now." Piyu said referring to her team.

" Good job guys." I said smiling at them and they nodded their heads going back to their work.

" sche......?" I was saying but before that she quickly ran to my side and handled me my schedule.

And all the while Piyu was looking at us.

" Yes Sir, it's have meeting with shareholders and members of the company at 2pm....." I stiffened at their mention.

I was in my own thoughts and I didn't heard her further.

" Sir.....sir....." She called me out.

" Yeah, I got it." I said to her frowning.

I think I should be back to my cold, emotionless, ruthless and arrogant self again to deal with them.

" And Sir you have a meeting with Mehras at 4pm." She told me and I nodded my head at her.

Here goes my resolution to waters.

I have to meet Mehras means Rohan Mehra will be there.

He will annoy me to death.

God give me strength to tolerate him.

" At a restaurant." Priya finished.

I huffed.

Rohan is coming there to eat food along with my brain and I bet the  actual purpose of meeting will be long forgotten.

As if there is any purpose.....

I groaned at the thought of my meetings today.

I snapped out of it when I heard someone clearing their throat.

I looked at my side to see Piyu staring at me worried.

My heart fluttered.

" Actually everyone are working here together for any ideas, suggestions and opinions. But from now onwards each department will work in their own assigned cabinets. Designing, Marketing, Accounting, Management.....every department has a separate cabin so that it will be easy to work and you people can discuss, share your ideas and opinions with each other while working. You can come to us for our approval and If there are any doubts or if you are stuck in between, you people can come to me or Mr. Khanna for help and suggestions." Piyu explained professionally with confidence with a constant smile on her face.

I just sat looking at her.

" And Mr. Khanna you also have a separate cabin whenever you are here." Piyu said turning to me and I stupidity nodded at her.

" Ok now I think everyone can go to their cabins and start working now." Piyu said and everyone nodded and stood up to leave.

I also stood up to leave but stopped when I heard her.

" Are you ok?" She asked.

I turned and looked at her concerned face.

My heart swelled by her concern.

" Yeah.....why are you asking?" I asked her.

" You didn't come to work for 2 days and that day also you left hurriedly. I was mean I was wondering if everything is alright or not."

I smiled at her slip of words.

I am happy that she still cares for me.

" Yeah everything is alright now.....don't worry." I said to her smiling.

She stayed silent for a moment.

" May I ask what happened? I mean..... Is anything serious?" She asked fumbling with her words.

" Of course you can ask me whatever you want." I said smiling and started to talk.

" Actually my Mom fainted that day and I had to rush to her but doctor was already there and said she fainted due to weakness." I explained to her.

" Oh.....I am sorry..... Is she okay now?" Piyu asked.

" It's ok.....she is fine now......I stayed by her side all the time and personally took care of her till her health is back again in good condition." I said to her.

True.....I was there with her all the time and took care of her. I was scared when I got to know that she  fainted. I already lost so much.....I cannot lose her too.

" Good " she said smiling warmly at me.

I blinked to see if it's real.....yes! She is smiling at me.

For the first time since we met she smiled at me.

God!How much I missed her smile!

She said something about she will be going now and left but I just stood at my place grinning like an idiot.


" What's with your sulking face?" Rohan asked munching on his fries.

I just glared at him.

" Hey, now why are you glaring at me?" Rohan asked again sipping his drink.

He looked at me.

" Dude.....say something."
He said and stopped eating.

I sighed..... At least he stopped eating.

" You said meeting." I grumbled.

" Yeah we are meeting right?" He said and again started eating.

" So why do you want to meet?" I asked defeated.

" To talk." He said.

" About?" I raised my brows.

" About us, our know something like that." He said shrugging his shoulders.

I just looked at him blankly.

He sighed.

" Ok ok.....about parties, girls, dating......and all." He said and winked at me.

"I am not interested in any of those things." I again said blankly.

He stopped whatever he was doing  and was staring at me wierdly.

" Are you......" He said and stopped.

" What?" I asked confused.

" Are you Gay?" He asked me with wide eyed.

" No! " I yelled at him.

He laughed

" Ok bro.....there is no need to shout like that."

" Why do even ask me that?" I asked him angrily.

" You said you were not interested in girls so I thought you bat for the same team." He said shrugging his shoulders.

" No you idiot.....I didn't mean like that." I huffed.

" Oh, cool down Mr. Grumpy." He said patting my shoulder.

I just glared at him.

" You see.....I never saw you looking at a girl or talk to them, you run away if any girl approaches you I thought you might be a.......umm you know." He said sheepishly.

I shook my head at him and sighed.

" Sam see girls at the other tables, even the waitresses are looking at us especially's obvious that they are interested in you but why you are not interested in them?" He asked me seriously.

Yes! Seriously.....Rohan and serious.....

I don't know what to say.

" I don't like such girls who are ready to throw themselves at me or flirt with me." I said shrugging.

" Oh..... So whom do you like?" He asked me.


" What's with your questions Rohan?" I asked irritated.

" Don't need to be so grumpy.....I am just curious to know your love life." He said looking straight through me.

I just looked away.

And again when I looked at him he was still looking at me thoughtfully.

" I think this is the topic for another meeting." He smirked.

" There will be no another meeting again." I deadpanned.

" But Why?" He whined like a kid.

" Why you keep forgetting that you are a CEO of a company Rohan?" I said sternly.

" I am a CEO just in my office, and outside I am just a 24 year old boy who enjoys his life." He said.

I sighed.

" I think we should leave now." I said looking at my watch and my eyes widened.

" What the hell Rohan? You ate food and my brain for 2 hours." I shouted at him standing up from my seat.

He just stared at me blankly.

And then he burst out laughing.

Great! Just great!

" Over?" I asked him after his round of laughing.

" Yeah" he said.

" We will leave now." I said and turned to leave.

" Wait man!" He exclaimed.

I was just walking lost in my thoughts about this morning.

Piyu smiled at me.

I grinned at that thought.

" Whoa! What I am seeing here?" Rohan asked looking shocked at me.

" What?" I asked him confused.

" You are smiling like an idiot." He said shocked.

My smiling has been shocking everyone.

" So?" I asked looking here and there.

" So what Sam? I want to know what made you smile so widely." He asked curiously.

" Nothing." I said to him seriously and looked away.

" Oh my God! Is it a girl?" He squealed.

" Shut up Rohan! Stop squealing like a girl." I hissed at him.

" Is this about a girl?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows wierdly.

I frowned at him.

" I don't know what you are talking about." I said and walked to my car.

" Uh Sure." He smirked.

" Shut up Rohan." I said and got into my car.

" I am sure it's a girl." He said looking through window.

" Whatever." I said and started my car.

He laughed.

" Whoever it is I am going to find out my bro." He shouted.

I ignored him and his laughs and drove towards my house.

I smiled.


To be continued.............

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