Chapter 18

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They say that when you are in love, you will be on cloud nine, you feel like the happiest person on the earth and  everything seems beautiful.

But for me I never felt such things because I realised I was in love in such awful circumstances when I lost my best friends, when I lost my Piyu and when I lost my love.

With love came all guilt, regret, helplessness which overcomed the feelings of love.

I just want to apologise to them so badly that's it.

I thought I would do it immediately when I meet them, when I meet Piyu.

But now when I met her, I don't know how to apologise, I don't even have courage to do that.

But I had to.....


I stepped into the room where everyone are present discussing about the project.

There she is looking as beautiful as ever with a beautiful smile on her face talking to others.

As soon as she noticed my presence her smile dropped and her expression went blank.

My heart ached seeing her like that and knowing the reason for her blank face.

I walked to them and sat on a chair.

" Ok guys listen I have to talk about something with you all people." I said glancing at everyone and then at Piyu.

She nodded her head slightly telling me to go on.

" The designs we made are great but those are not enough for our project. Don't take me wrong guys, all of you have done a fabulous job but I think something is missing in them. I mean like some essence is missing, like they need some final touch which gives them it's perfection."

I said and looked at everyone who are looking at me in awe.


I expected them to oppose me or argue or something like that but.....

But they are looking at me in surprise.

Even Piyu also.

" What happened guys? Is something wrong?" I asked frowning at them.

" Sir, actually Ms. Piyali also said the same thing that you said just now to everyone just before you came and we are discussing about that only." Priya said to me smiling.

" Oh!" I looked surprised at Piyu who just looked blankly at me and I sighed.

" So, any suggestions Ms. Piyali? " I asked her thinking about what we should do.

" Yes, I know a famous and a  wonderful designer who is known for her perfection in her designs, so I am thinking to call her here." Piyu said with straight face.

" Ok, but I would like to know and see her designs or her earlier works first, then we will see about taking her into this project or not." I said checking the files of the budget.

" But she is good....." Piyu tried to say but I cut her off.

" Yeah but I don't take any risks  regarding my work, so it's better to check once." I said in a business tone.

Piyu glared at me but I didn't budge because I am like this only when it comes to work. I don't trust people easily after what happened in my life.

And now risking means, it not only effects my company but also AJ's which I couldn't imagine to do and Piyu may also get into trouble if something happens and I cannot let anything bad happening in her life.

" So Ms. Piyali, let me know about this designer works and I will tell you what to do." I said to her.

She huffed at me and stormed off from the room.

I smiled at her.....she looks cute when she is angry.

Focus Sameer focus.

" So guys, I would like to know about the budget plans." I asked them and they told me about their plans. They were good and so I nodded at them and checked their files.


I came out of the room and stood in the hallway to take the call on my phone which is ringing from 2 hours.

" Hello Di, you called.....yeah I was busy.....ok..... that's good.....when?.....oh ok.....yeah I will make sure to come early.....ok baba ok.....tell Pari that I will be home soon." I cut the call and turned back only to collide with someone who is about to fall.

I quickly caught the person and saw that person is Piyu who closed her eyes tightly in fear.

It feels so feel her in my arms. I looked at her features her eyes, her cheeks, her lips, her earrings which are dangling, her silky hair falling on her face, her hands clutched on my shirt tightly.

Overall she is gorgeous.

She opened her eyes slowly and when she saw that she didn't fall she sighed in relief.

But when she noticed me, her face hardened.

" I am sorry " she said looking down releasing from my grip.

" It's ok." I said staring at her.

She was about to leave but I stopped her.

" Piyu....."I said and she glared at me.

" Piyu I need to talk to you." I said nervously.

" But I don't want to talk to you." She said sternly.

" You don't need to talk anything ,but please just listen to me." I pleaded her.

She looked at me frowning but didn't said anything.

" Please....." I begged not even caring about my reputation.

Nothing is important than her.

" Ok." She sighed.

" Thank you so much Piyu." I grinned at her.

" What do you want to talk?" She asked me.

" Not here, let's go somewhere." I said to her and she nodded hesitantly.


We are standing in her cabin, she is waiting for me to start but I am nervous and I don't know from where to start.

" Are you going to say something or not?" She asked me irritated.

I closed my eyes breathing heavily and again opened my eyes.

" I am Sorry."

I said quickly and sighed in relief.

I looked at her who is looking confused at me.

" What?" She asked me.

" I am Sorry." I said again a bit louder this time.

Oh god! I feel so though some burden lift off my chest.

I know she will not forgive me, she might lash out on me also but I am ready to face it.

" For what?" She asked me raising her eyebrows.

" For everything." I said.

She is looking at me to complete my explaination, so I continued.....

" For everything what I had done in the past, for everything what I had said to you, for everything what I did that hurted you.....for everything." I said to her looking straight into her eyes.

Hurt flashed in her eyes which soon changed into anger and I am waiting to face her anger but what I heard next made me stood dumbfounded.

Piyu is laughing.....laughing so hard that tears are spilling out her eyes.

She stopped after sometime and wiped her eyes with her palm.

" What made you think I will forgive you Mr. Khanna?" She said with so much bitterness that it sliced my heart.

I deserve it and so I stayed calm to listen whatever she has to say to me.

" You thought that you will say sorry and I will forgive you? Then you are so wrong Mr. Khanna. It's easy to hurt people and say sorry but it's hard to forgive and forget. I will never forget what you did and will never forgive you. And lastly, I don't want your sorry and I don't want to forgive you."

She shouted at me with tears flowing from her eyes. Her tears hurted me more than her words.

" I know." I said and paused.

" I know Piyu, I have hurted you so much, I know that you cannot forgive me, I know you hate me and I know you don't want to see my face also. But I am apologizing you because I want to, not for you to forgive me. I wanted to apologise you the minute you slapped me that day but I couldn't and after that you just vanished and I didn't get chance to apologise. I searched for you so badly to say that I am sorry but I couldn't find you. I am drowning with guilt and regret from 2 years Piyu that I have hurted you and that I at least couldn't say sorry to you." I said all those things that I wanted to say since long time with my heart and looked at her.

She is still crying but looked little  calm.

" I am not asking for your forgiveness Piyu because I know I don't deserve it. I just want you to know that I am ashamed of what I have done, I didn't do it intentionally, I was manipulated and I wanted to apologise for my mistakes." I said to her looking down so that she couldn't see my tears.

I looked up at her blinking my tears and she looked away.

" I am sorry for everything Piyu and I am sorry for today also because I made you cry again. I am sorry if I have hurted you again in any way. I know that you hate me, you won't forgive me but still I will apologize and will apologize till my last breath for the hurt I have caused you." I said and turned to leave.

I stopped at the door and looked back at her who is wiping her tears.

" I know you hate me and don't consider me as your friend now but I would like to say that you are always my best friend and I always will be there for you. So please don't hesitate to ask me if you want any help or something and I would be glad to help you. And if you think that if there is some way that you will forgive me then please tell me, I would do anything for your forgiveness even if it costs my life." I said with tears in my eyes.

I Love You Piyu

I said in my mind and
I wanted to say that aloud but I couldn't. She looked at me intenly when tears spilled out of my eyes and so I immediately stormed off her cabin to control myself.

To be continued.......

What do you think of this chapter?

Did Piyu did the right thing?

What do you think of Sameer's apology?

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