Chapter 19

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Which is far away from me.....

I thought once I will apologize to Piyu I will be at peace.

But seeing tears in Piyu's eyes today made me feel like I am the worst person in the whole world.

I made her cry again and I hate myself for that.

I know she will not forgive me but that didn't effect me as much as her tears affected me.

Today I understood one thing that I can never be at peace after what I have done.

And that will haunt me forever.

But I at least want her to be happy and be in peace.

What was I thinking when I went to apologise her?

I hope she is alright.

I didn't interact with her after that incident. It has been 1 week and I am totally staying away from her as I cannot give her more pain and I cannot bear tears in her eyes.

We just worked in our cabins and I for once also didn't talk directly to her. If anything is necessary I made my PA Priya to interact with Piyu.

But I used to have a look at her whenever she is busy or not paying attention towards me.

I deserve this.


" Come in." I said when I heard the knock.

" Sir, Ms. Piyali sent these files to you to check out the works done by the designer she is talking about." Priya said and gave me those files.

" Ok." I said and looked at the designs.

Wow! These are extremely good. Piyu was right, this designer has perfection.

I looked for the name of the designer but every design is named as RM.

" Where is Ms. Piyali now?" I asked Priya.

" Sir, she is in the meeting room with everyone." She said.

" Ok, come with me." I said and we made our way towards the meeting room.

When I entered everyone looked at me and I just smiled at them.

" So guys I am here to inform you all that we are going to work with one  more designer." I said and looked at everyone who are nodding except for Piyu who is glaring at me.

I know she is thinking that I am hiring another designer of my choice.

" I have seen the works of that designer just now. I must say that the designer has perfection and we need that perfection." I said and paused.

" So Ms. Piyali, whoever is that designer you said, can you call them tomorrow so that we can start off the work as soon as possible." I asked her.

I am talking to her directly after whole one week.

She looked startled at first, then confused, then surprised and then turned her expressions blank again.

" Ok." She said and nodded.

I smiled at her and walked back to my cabin.


" Good morning guys " I said as soon as I saw my best friends and they greeted back except Piyu.

" Hey Piyu....."

" Hey Sammy....."

" Hey what's up with your sad face?" I asked her who sat gloomily at her desk in our class.

She just nodded her head in no looking down.

" Her brother is going to London for a business deal." Rads said to me sighing munching on her chips.

" So what? He will be back in a few days." I said keeping my hand on her hand.

" Actually he will be away not for just few days but for few months." Jai added.

" Oh" I said.

I know...... what I heard from Piyu is that she is very close to her brother and she never stayed away from her family for a single day also. So it must be very hard for her to digest the fact that she will be away from her brother for many months.

" Hey, look at me Piyu. Don't be sad, I am here with you and will be always there for you whenever you feel alone." I said smiling at her and she nodded her head but a lone tear escaped from her eye which made something inside my heart that I didn't understand.

" Hey Sam! What do you mean by Piyu feeling alone? How will she be alone when I am glued to her 24/7?" Rads scowled at me and continued eating her chips.

" Yeah yeah, you will be glued to her always but you will be also glued to your food 24/7." I said laughing at her.

" So?" She asked me confused.

" So the fact is that you will forget everything around you when it comes to the food." Jai said to her as a matter of fact.

Jai and I high fived each other laughing.

" How dare you Jai to tell me that for me food is more important than Piyu?" She growled at Jai.

" I didn't say like that." Jai defended himself and her glare turned towards me.

" We just said that you will forget everything when food is around you." I said to her.

" So you are saying that I eat a lot and I am fat." She yelled at me.

I looked astonished at her.

" When did I say that?" I asked her bewildered and Jai started laughing.

" You just said it." She glared at me.

Before I can respond to her she inserted handful of chips into Jai's mouth who was laughing hard and now choking hard with tears in his eyes.

That made be burst out laughing which earned a dangerous glare from rads.

Uh oh! Angry Rads is more dangerous.

I think I should stop laughing and before I could do anything my face got smacked with a book.

It hit pretty hard, my nose and my mouth are stinging.

Seeing us like that Rads started laughing hard clutching her stomach.

The next minute Jai and I were attacking her.

Jai dumped all the chips on her head and I throwed the book back at her which hit her on one side of her face and fell down.

" Owweee....." Rads yelped in pain.

And soon we three were fighting like mad people but soon stopped hearing something.

It's not something but it's a melodious thing.

Piyu was laughing out loudly with tears in her eyes by clutching her stomach.

We just sat there staring at her and we were happy that her mood got lifted by our madness.

" Guys what happened?" Piyu asked stopping her laugh once she saw that we are looking at her.

" You are not sad and crying anymore muffin." Jai said smiling ruffling her hair.

" When you people are there with me why I will be sad?" Piyu said smiling at us.

We all moved closer and group hugged.

" wasted all my chips.....what I am going to eat now?" Rads whined.

And with that we all bursted out laughing again.


I opened my eyes and sighed at the memory. Everything was alright until I messed it up when that Tanya came into my life.

I miss those days.....

I miss my best friends.....

I miss my Piyu.....

I sighed and went out of my cabin to give some files to Piyu and go home.

Piyu is standing outside the room talking to some staff and I made my way towards her.

I halted when I noticed someone behind her who is sneaking their way way towards Piyu.

And in the next moment Piyu was picked up in the air with a loud shriek leaving from her mouth.

I glared at the person who did that and who is now laughing. He put down Piyu on her feet and smirked at her.

I don't know what I expected from Piyu to do but I surely didn't expect this.

" Oh My God! You are back." She said and engulfed him in a tight hug which made me burn with jealousy.

That guy is very good looking, hot and also holds a special place in Piyu's life because I know she will not run into some man's arms like that.

Who is this guy?

" I missed you so much you know." Piyu said releasing from the hug.

" I missed you too my princess." He said kissing her forehead.

Oh No! They hugged and now he kissed my Piyu and even called her princess.

Wait! This guy looks familiar.....I saw him somewhere.

From no where I saw AJ also came to them and started talking with them. They all seem pretty close to each other especially with Piyu.

I was in my own thoughts until I heard someone calling by my name. I looked up to see AJ, that guy and Piyu  looking at me.

" What are you doing there young man? Come over here." AJ called me over and I walked over there smiling at him.

" Ms. Piyali these are the files which you asked for, I rechecked and corrected them. So you can check once more and tell me if anything is to be corrected." I said to her giving the files and she just nodded.

" So, busy in work ah?" AJ asked me smiling.

" Yeah Sir, but for today it's over and I am heading home." I replied with a smile.

" Ok but before you go I want to introduce you to my Son who just came back from abroad." He said to me.

I looked at that guy who is smiling warmly at me and I smiled back.

Oh! So this guy is his son that's why he looked familiar.

" This is Aditya Jaiswal, the CEO of AJ's, my one and only son." AJ stated proudly and I nodded at him.

" And Adi this is Mr. Sameer Khanna, the CEO of Khanna industries." He introduced me with the same proud in his voice which filled warmth inside me.

" Nice to meet you Mr. Khanna, heard a lot about you." He said shaking my hand and I smiled.

" Mee too." I said.

" Dad I need to go home quickly to meet Mom." Aditya said.

" Yeah sure go." AJ shrugged.

" Yeah you should hurry up, if she comes to know you came directly to the office she will get angry." Piyu smirked at him.

What are they both?

" You wouldn't tell her. Would you?" Aditya asked her tensed.

Piyu acted like she is thinking about it and smirked at him nodding her head in yes.

" Princess!" He exclaimed.

" Ok baba ok, I wouldn't but I can't guarantee about dad." She shrugged.


" Dad?" Aditya looked at his dad.

" Princess!" AJ warned Piyu playfully.

What's going on?

"Dad wouldn't say anything but I doubt you because you can't keep your mouth shut."

" Dad!" Piyu whined.

" Adi!" AJ glared at him.

Ok! I am confused now.

"Doesn't my little princess wants her gifts." Adi smirked at her.

" Gifts!" Piyu exclaimed brightly and he nodded.

" You are the best Bhai." Piyu says hugs him tightly.

Are they a family?

" So coming home with me princess?" Aditya asked.

She nodded and went with him leaving me surprised and stunned.

" Only I know How much they missed each other." AJ said shaking his head.

I just looked at him.

" Adi has to go abroad for the business deals and Piya always doesn't like this about staying away from her only brother." AJ said smiling at me and I nodded my head smiling.

So they are brother and sister.

Of course her name is Piyali Jaiswal and is in AJ's so obviously she is AJ's as in Anand Jaiswal's daughter and sister of the CEO, Aditya Jaiswal.

How can I be so stupid?

Because you are always.

Shut up!


To be Continued............

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