Chapter 21

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Everything is going on routine at the office. All the team members were working on their plans and designs.

Piyu sensed that Sameer still didn't come out of that bad mood from yesterday.

Yesterday though they didn't talk much, Piyu stayed with him in the corridor staring off into the space. It was the least thing she could by staying at his side because she couldn't comfort him or console him.

He is in a very sour mood today and a deep frown etched on his face. He even lashed out on his PA for giving him wrong files making everyone around him go frighten.

Piyu also got scared seeing him like this as she never saw this side of him  and so worked cautiously around him.

Sameer on the other side is drowning in different emotions.

He couldn't get Piyu's forgiveness.

He couldn't get some peace of mind.

He couldn't get that picture of his father's death out of mind.

He couldn't sleep for sometime also yesterday night.

He somehow managed to come to work but his heart is going through so much pain at this point that he couldn't control his emotions.

He was already in a sour mood and his PA Priya misplaced his files and all the bottled up frustration is bursted out in anger towards her.

After sometime he felt guilty for bashing at her in front of everyone that to in AJ's office but what could be done now.

I should apologize.

He thought sighing loudly rubbing his forehead and when he opened his eyes he saw a scared pair of eyes of the person he loves the most looking at him with worry and fear.


But why is she scared?

Oh! No! She is scared of me and my anger.


I scared her!!!

I am making her run away from me more than she already is.

He closed his eyes and calmed himself for a minute.

" Ms. Priya." He called.

" Y.Yes S.Sir....." she stuttered in fear.

" I am Sorry." He said looking at her.

Priya stood shocked and dumbstruck in her place. She couldn't believe her ears and thought that she may have heard wrong. He lashed out before many times but didn't apologize as he is known for his rudeness and arrogance when it comes to the work.

" Pardon Sir." She said still looking at him bewildered.

" I said I am sorry for my behaviour, I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that." He said politely to her.

Priya's throat went dried and no words came out of her mouth.

" It's ok was my mistake that I misplaced the files." She managed to say.

" Still though." He said to Priya who nodded her head unsurely of what's happening and he looked at Piyu who smiled at him slightly.

He felt good seeing her smiling at him which says that what he did was right.

He didn't see any fear in her face now which made him sigh in relief as he was terrified that he scared her Piyu.


" Sir, you have a meeting in two hours with Nihar group." Priya said cautiously to Sam.

He looked up at her and just nodded his head. Frankly he was in no mood to attend meetings and he didn't want to come for work also today.

He just came so that he can meet Piyu. He didn't want to miss this time he had with Piyu which will be over when the project is completed.

He was not feeling well since morning. His head was aching, he is feeling hot, his throat feels sour and dry.

" See if there is any chance of postponing the meeting." Sam asked tired.

Piyu is watching him while doing her work on the laptop. She can sense he is not feeling well at all and as the workaholic person he is, he will not postpone the meetings. But If he is asking it means, he is definitely not feeling well.

" No Sir, we are actually delaying them from long back and they already called and informed that they will be waiting for you." Priya said and he sighed nodding his head.

" Are you okay?" Piyu asked concerned.

" Yeah, just a little headache.....I can manage." He said and smiled at her.

The fact that she is still concerned for him is overwhelming his heart. Yesterday also he felt warmth in his heart when she just came and stood at his side even she didn't talk much.

That was enough for him at that time where the love of his life was at his side when he is in pain with comfortable silence around them.

That's why he came to office even though he is not feeling well just to see her face and smile which takes away every worry in him.


" Here." Piyu said and he looked up at her.

" What?" He asked confused looking at her.

She gestured him to look down on the table from his files.

There is a bowl of soup on the table with a glass of water and pills.

" What are these?" He asked her.

" Are you blind?" She asked him irritated as it took lot of inner battle for her to do this for him.

She didn't want to show him any kind of feeling towards him but she couldn't leave him just like that, when he had to work so much even with illness.

" No." He said innocently.

" Urghhh.....take a break from the work and just finish the soup and take the pills." She said closing his files in a bossy way and he was just staring at her surprised by her actions.

Everyone went for lunch break. He didn't go because he had meeting in half an hour with Nihar company.

" What are you looking at? Come on start now." She said keeping her hands on her hips.

" Ok?" He said in a daze still surprised.

He didn't move but still staring at her. She huffed and took his hand to the spoon in the bowl but stopped in the midway frowning .

Whereas Sameer's heart was racing due to her touch but looked confused at her who stopped her action and is frowning now.

She left his hand and touched his forehead while he closed his eyes feeling her touch.

" Oh My God!" She exclaimed with wide eyes.

" Huh?" He asked.

" You are burning." She said widening her eyes.

" Where?" He asked not  understanding looking down.

" Idiot! You have fever." She scolded him.

" Oh." He said.

Now he understood why was he feeling ill since morning.

" Oh? That's all you have to say?" She asked irritated at him.

He chuckled.

" It's ok.....I will drink this soup and take the pills you brought, then I will be fine." He said drinking the soup.

" These pills are for just headache. I will bring pills for fever.....just wait." She said and moved out of the room.

Sam is more than happy to see his Piyu taking care of him exactly like she used to do back in college.

" Here." Piyu came back and handed him the pills.

He finished his soup and took the pills gulping with water making faces while gulping them.

" You are such a kid." She chuckled shaking her head at him.

He glared at her playfully but inside he was happy that she is warming up to him.

There was a knock at the door and they looked at it to see Priya standing there.

" Sir, you should start now for the meeting." She said to him.

He nodded and got up from the seat.

" Is it necessary for you to attend that meeting as you are not well?" Piyu asked him.

" Yeah.....I need as I am postponing their meeting from long back and today I should meet them at any cost." Sameer said to her sighing.

" Ok." She said reluctantly.

" Don't worry I will be fine.....your medicine started working." He said to her smiling to which she smiled back.

" Good but you may feel drowsy due to the medicines so you need to take rest." She said.

" soon as the meeting is finished I will go home and rest." He said to her assuring.

" Ok.....bye take care." Piyu said and collected all the files from the table.

" By the way maam that designer you have been talking about has just  arrived." Priya said to Piyu.

" Oh! Where is she?" She asked excited to which Sam and Priya looked confused but shrugged it away.

" She is in Sir's room, meeting him." Priya said.

" Ok, I will go and meet her and you can go ahead for your meeting." Piyu said.

Piyu is coming towards them but slipped on her heels for which she would have fell down if not for Sam.

Sam held her from falling tightly by her waist and they instantly locked their eyes which filled with unknown emotions for each other.

Priya started picking the files that are all scattered on the floor now while they both were in their own world.

But their moment is disturbed by a loud shriek for which both of them snapped their heads towards the person.

" YOU !!!!! "

That person yelled looking shock at them. They became straight from their position and stood away from each other looking at the person in front of them.

" What the hell are you doing here?"


To be Continued.........

Who do you all think that person is?

Stay tuned.........

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