Chapter 22

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Continuation of the previous chapter:-

" YOU !!!!! "

That person yelled looking shock at them. They became straight from their position and stood away from each other looking at the person in front of them.

" What the hell are you doing here?"

Three of them looked at her. One is surprised, one is shocked and other one is confused.

" Rads "

Both of them whispered at the same time.


That to now.....when I am not feeling well.

I will have tough time dealing with her.

And at that time the team came back to the meeting room on finishing their lunch break.

Rads stomped towards Sameer and stood in front of him glaring at him while others looked confused.

" What are you doing here?" She asked angrily.

" I think I should be the one asking that question to you." Sam said blankly trying to control ache in his head for which Rads glared at him hardly.

" Why? Please enlighten me." She said sarcastically.

" I am part of the project....." He said seriously to her.

" So am I. I have been called here for designing." Rads stated crossing her arms.


Radhika Mishra.....

Of course.....

Here goes all the Piyu's warming up to me.....

Rads will not let piyu stay near me also now.....

" And I am the CEO of the Khanna Industries, the project partner of the AJ's." Sam said in an authorative tone putting his thoughts aside.

Rads glanced shocked at Piyu who is a silent spectator till now.

" He is right Rads, he works with us." Piyu said calmly.

" Ok then." Rads turns to leave angrily.

" Where do you think you are going Ms. Mishra?" Sameer asked sternly in a tone to which his staff shakes with fear.

Rads stopped in her tracks shocked at his tone but composed herself and turned to him.

" I am leaving, because I don't want to work with you." Rads spatted.

Everyone in the room gasped loudly to see someone talk to Sameer Khanna so rudely.

Piyu closed her eyes tightly rubbing her forehead not knowing what to do. She expected Rads to behave like this but not such hyper that to in front of everyone.

" Rads....." Piyu said softly to calm her down.

Rads looked at her best friend who is worried and then glanced again at Sameer who is angry now.

" Ms. Mishra, we saw your designs and your work which were perfect. I thought you would be some professional and behave professionally at your work place but you are proving me that you clearly aren't." Sameer said angrily looking at her who is looking at him with wide eyes.

" I don't need you to judge me.....if I am professional or not because I know I am professional and I love my work." Rads said fuming with her head high crossing her arms.

" Ok..... Then prove me you are one." Sameer shrugged.

" I don't need to prove myself to you or anyone else." Rads said pointing her finger at him.

" You are a professional designer and we need you here for your work. So we hired you and I expect you to behave professionally and complete your work perfectly." Sameer ordered and started to move but looked back at Piyu.

" Ms. Piyali.....I can't handle her right now as I am already late for my meeting. So please handle her and explain her about the work." Sam stated rubbing his forehead.

Piyu nodded unsurely. She looked at Rads who is staring at him with open mouth angrily unable to say anything back to him. Then she looked at the staff who stood there dumbstruck there not understanding anything.

" Ms. Priya, are you coming or not?" Sameer asked looking at his PA who stood stunned in her place witnessing the whole scene in front of her not understanding a bit.

" Yes Sir." She said coming out of her state and went outside with him.

Rads slowly turned sternly to Piyu who sighed in relief.

" Care to explain?"


Sameer smiled getting out of AJ's office. He is happy to see his friend after a long time.

Although she gave tough time in front of the whole team, he wasn't angry on her as he expected such behaviour especially from Rads.

He was arrogant and stern towards her only to make her stay and not to leave.

After all he should make it up to her also as he hurted his other best friends also along with Piyu.

He smiled shaking his head at the thought of Rads shocked face when he ordered her to stay and behave professionally.

He is sure Piyu could convince Rads and he hoped he could meet Jai too soon so that he can apologize even though he knows that they will not forgive him.

He is feeling good right now because of the medicines and so he finished his meeting without any trouble.

When he came out of the building in which meeting was held, he remembered Piyu's words to take rest. He smiled and went to his house to take rest dropping his PA on his way.


" So why did you approach me for designing when you know I should work with him?" Rads yelled at Piyu after listening about the whole ordeal of the project.

" As Sameer said that we need a perfectionist for our project.....and the first thought in my mind was you." Piyu exclaimed.

" Wow! I feel so loved." Rads said sarcastically.

" If it was someone else I wouldn't have approved immediately, it's because you are my best friend, my soul sister and I trust you blindly, so I approached you." Piyu said seriously  and her words melted Rads....maybe a little.

" Does Sam know before that it's me who is going to join ?" Rads asked narrowing her eyes at Piyu.

" No! He doesn't know. I suggested that I know a perfect designer then he told me that he will not approve until he sees the previous works of the designer. But when he saw your works, he was impressed and told me to call you immediately." Piyu said smiling at her.

" Ok.....but are you ok? I mean are you fine with all these arrangement of working with.....him?" Rads asked cautiously to Piyu.

" Yeah, I was afraid at first. But Sameer made it easy and comfortable by being himself as workaholic and by maintaining a professional relationship that's it." Piyu said seriously.

Rads frowned at this. Piyu took his name more than required in their conversation who would always looked pained at the mere mention of him back then.

Is she growing feelings for him once again?

Has Sam changed?

Whatever it is, I won't let him break her heart once again.

I should be around them and protect her even if it is in the name of this project.

And I should also show that idiot Sam how professional I am.

" What are you thinking Rads?" Piyu asked worried.

" I am in." Rads declared smiling at her.

Piyu squealed happily and hugged her.

" But if he hurts you again or pisses me off then I am going to kill him for sure this time." Rads said sternly and Piyu nodded smiling at her.


Rest of the day went in a blur by Rads meeting Piyu's dad and brother, meeting the whole team of the project and touring the whole office with Piyu.

Piyu is in a dilemma whether to tell Rads about Sam's apology and his father's death. She don't know how she will react and decides to tell her later.

On the other side, though he has severe fever Sam is very happy. He is happy to know that Piyu still cares for him. He grinned widely thinking about the incidents happened at the office today.

How Piyu took care of him, how she fell into his arms, how they lost themselves in each other's eyes, how he met his other best friend, how he bickered with Rads.

Today was really a eventful day for everyone. He thinks to prepare himself to face Rads wrath tomorrow as he knows how much she hates him.

Rads on the other side is happy to meet and work with her best friend cum sister. She felt devastated when she saw how broken was Piyu and how she left everything and everyone behind to go to New York two years back.

But she was also happy as Piyu was trying to move on in her life from Sam. Although they used to talk regularly, she missed her so much when Piyu left for New York. It's like she was left all alone here as Jai was also busy in his education and business.

For now her only goal is to make sure Piyu is happy and don't let anything break her again. She thinks to keep Piyu away from Sam as much as possible.

She knows Sam is not a bad person and will not hurt Piyu. But after what happened in the past she couldn't trust him again. She knows somewhere in her heart that Piyu still loves him but he may not love her  and so she should make sure not to let him break her heart again.


Next day morning, Everyone starts their work as soon as they step into the office. Piyu describes the whole project to Rads. She also tells Rads about how they want their designs.

Rads nods and starts on her work occasionally talking with others in between the work. It's easy for rads to mingle with everyone and talk with them like she knows them from long time.

Priya comes and informs them that Sam will be arriving late. Piyu wonders if he is alright or not. Piyu looks at rads who will be blabbering continuously with their colleagues and smiles shaking her head.

After sometime the door of the meeting room opens and reveals Sam looking as usually devilishly handsome in his attire. The girls in the room will be gawking at him.

Piyu's expression turns to blank as usual hiding her emotions when she sees him.

Everyone greets him and he greets them back. He looks at Piyu and smiles at her and she just nods her head mumbling a good morning.

Then his gaze turns to Rads who will be glaring pointedly at him. He smiles at her and greet her who just ignores him.

Priya explains to him about what they have been doing and shows him some files.

He looks at the files and looks at rads to tell her something but stops seeing her smirking at him evilly.

" So ready to do some work Mr. Khanna?" Rads says rubbing her palms smiling evilly at him.


To be Continued.........

So guys it's Rads!

You were right about Radhika  anisha_7659.

What do you think about Rads?

What do you think about her and Sameer's interaction?

Please comment about how you feel about the chapter.

I would like to thank the following people for your votes and comments:-





Stay tuned........

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