Chapter 23

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Continuation of previous chapter :-

Piyu looks to and fro at the people sat in front of her. When Rads said that we should do some work evilly at Sameer, she thought she is just initiating something evil but now looking at them she thinks it's just childish.

Of course she is enjoying their bantering as she missed it so much because they used to banter like this in college also.

Piyu is trying not to laugh at their childishness but others who are on the team were looking at them as if they are seeing some ghosts with wide eyes and open mouths.

" Ms. Mishra, this is not an elementary school and you are not a kid for you are presenting such drawings." Sameer said angrily at Rads shoving the designs on her face.

" But Mr. Khanna you only said that the designs should be understood and liked by a small kid also." Rads said innocently blinking her eyes at him.

" Urghhh.....that doesn't mean that you should draw some kids drawings. I meant that it should please every person even a kid also." Sam said frustratingly running his hands through his hair.

" Oh." Rads said dramatically forming her mouth into O.

" Ms. Mishra, I have already informed you that you should behave professional at your work but this is clearly unprofessional." Sam said glaring at Rads.

" But what did I do that you are thinking it is unprofessional?" Rads asked innocently faking hurt.

" This." He pointed at her expressions and her work.

" If you don't like me and my work then I will take my leave." She said bluntly collecting her things leaving all her acting.

" Oh! Now I understood why you are doing this all." Sam said standing up looking pointedly at her.

She raised her eyebrows at him.

" Ms. Radhika Mishra, you are not going anywhere from here until you finish your work for what you have been called." Sam ordered sternly looking straight pointing his finger at her.

" Don't you dare to order me around like that." Rads shouted pointing his finger at him.

" I will and I can . As I am the Boss." Sameer said blankly.

" Along with Piyu." She reminded him.

" Yeah of course but in this project, you should follow both the bosses." He said annoyed at her behaviour what exactly she wants that is -  annoying him.

" So I am definitely not following you." She argued again pointing her finger at him.

" Ms. Mishra, you are......" Sam was about to argue but got cut off.


Piyu shouted at them making them stop their silly arguments and others gasp as she said Mr. Sameer Khanna to shut up.

" You both are worst than kids." She scolded them glaring at them crossing her arms.

Sam and Rads glared at each other and then looked at Piyu.

" Piyu....." Rads was about to say but Piyu showed her hand to stop.

" Ahem.....actually....." Sam was also  about to say something but one glare from Piyu shut him up.

Rads chuckled loudly at him making others also laugh at them.

Sameer gave a stern look to their staff which scared them so much that they went back to their work as if they didn't see nothing and nothing is happening in front of them.

Sam's hard glares which were throwing at Rads who is ignoring them successfully were disturbed by Piyu.

" Now enough of your stupid fights, get back to your works.....NOW." Piyu sternly ordered both of them who nodded their heads like kids and went back to their respective works.

Whole staff watched three of them with amusement as they never expected such behaviour from their bosses and never saw someone ordering Sameer Khanna and most importantly him obeying someone's orders. They don't know nothing about them but they understood that there is more than what they are seeing and it's definitely related to their past.


All of them continued doing their works. Piyu while working occasionally checks upon Rads and Sam who are throwing dead glares at each other in between their works.

Rads smirks internally that she is successful in annoying Sam today. But the whole fight wasn't planned it came out naturally as they used to fight like this in college also and Piyu used to always pacify them while Jai used to laugh at them enjoying it.

Her smirk drops when she realised that she actually enjoyed fighting with Sam. Though she will not admit it she missed him, she missed taunting him, she missed fighting with him, she missed their good old days.

Oh No! I am not supposed to miss him and grow softness towards him.

If I am only feeling like this in just one day then what must have happening with Piyu and on top of that she loved him.

She looked up and glanced at Piyu who is working continuously with a blank face. She couldn't read what's going in her mind. How much of self control and practice is needed for a person to maintain such blank face which is devoid of any emotions and feelings.

Now I can understand how much Piyu is controlling herself from showing anything especially in front of Sam.

Then she glanced at Sameer who is working like if he stops working storm will come. But she also didn't miss Sam stealing glances occasionally at Piyu who is clearly unaware of his gaze.

She sighed not knowing what to do but she decided she will not let piyu to get hurt this time.


On the other hand, Sam is happy. Him fighting with Rads like that reminded him of their old days. He so missed fighting with her like that. He missed her. For sometime he forgot that he is the CEO of a company and there are people around watching them.

He saw how shocked they looked when they were fighting especially when Piyu ordered him. His PA Priya is still shocked to see this side of him who fights with his friend, who obeys everything that Piyu says, who smiles remembering their good memories.

In all this Sam was more happy to see Piyu showing some emotions which she always masks with that blank face of hers.

He loved the way she scolded them, he loved the way she ordered him, he loved the way he got scared of her glare which made him shut up.

He glanced at Piyu who is working as usually wearing a blank face and sighed. Then he looked at Rads who is looking back at him narrowing her eyes as if she wants to know what is going on his mind which got him scared.

Rads can be scary sometimes.


Okay at all times!

I wish God, that there is something I could do to get their forgiveness and we will be like before.....happy.


Mr. Anand Jaiswal and Mr. Aditya Jaiswal are looking curiously at the scene in front of them.

All of them..... AJs , Piyali, Sameer and Rads are sitting in AJ's cabin to discuss something.

But the matter here is that they are not understanding what's going on with the kids in front of them.

The glaring match between Sam and Rads has started as soon as they got bumped with each other at the entrance of the AJ's cabin and to the top of that they have to sit side by side with each other as Piyu sat beside Aditya on a chair.

They sat down on the two chairs in front of AJ'S continuing with their glaring contest and Piyu on the other side sat there holding her head in her hands tired of their stupid bickerings since morning.

" Ahem. Ahem." AJ cleared his throat which got their attention.

All the three of them looked at him.

" Is something wrong?" Aditya asked them clearly amused by their behaviour.

" No " " Yes " " Mmmm "

They got three different replies from each of them at the same from Sam, next Rads and the last one is from Piyu.

With their Yes and No again the glaring started between Sam and Rads.

" Oh " was all they could say in amusement.

Piyu sighed.

" Papa, is there something you want to talk to us?" Piyu asked her dad.

" Yeah princess..... As your Bhabhi( sister in law ) came back today from her parents house, we want to conduct a function for her Godhbarayi ( baby shower ) tomorrow." AJ said to her who smiled at her brother.

" Wow! That's a good idea!" Piyu said squealing happily.

" Adi bhaiya congratulations.....I can't believe I actually forgot to congratulate you and Bhabhi for a new member in the family, I am sorry, I am so stupid........" Rads started her blabbering.

" At least she agreed that she is stupid." Sam muttered under his breath but loud enough to be heard earning a dangerous glare from Rads making everyone chuckle at them.

" So, you both are also invited for this occasion." AJ said to Rads and Sameer.

" Ok! Oh my God! I have to do so much shopping." Rads exclaimed excitedly.

" Umm..... Sir, I can't actually......." Sam started saying but got cut off.

" No excuses Sameer, you are coming that's it." Aditya said to him smiling.

" As the occasion is in the evening your work will also be finished." AJ said to him.

"'s a ladies function, what I will do there?" Sam asked shyly.

Piyu and Rads looked at each other who are suppressing their giggles looking at Sam.

" Yeah it's a ladies function but we will be there and few of our Friends will also be there, so no worries." AJ said to him smiling at his shyness.

" But still......"

" You are coming Sameer, that's it. No more discussions." Aditya said in finalty.

" Ok." Sam sighed.

" Good " AJ said to him.

" Ok Sir, I need to go for a meeting, I will take your leave now." Sam said and got up to leave.

While leaving Sam kicked the chair on which Rads is sitting making it tumble a little. Rads let out a squeal in fear which made him leave smirking at her.

She got up from her seat angrily to strangle him with her hands but got stopped by Piyu as it was useless because he had already left. Rads huffed angrily and sat back in her seat.

Both AJ'S looked at each other and burst out laughing loudly who witnessed their childish act now. Piyu who is suppressing her laugh from that time couldn't control and started laughing along with her dad and brother.

Rads huffed at three of them who are laughing at her crossing her arms angrily.


To be Continued............

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I have published a new story " WHEN WE MET.....AGAIN ".

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It's a beautiful love and romantic story which I am sure you all will love it.

So please read and let me know how it is by commenting on it.

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Love you all.....❤️

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