Chapter 24

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Continuation of Previous Chapter:-

Its lunch break after Sameer had left for his meeting and everyone went to have their lunch.

Rads stomach growled in hunger and Piyu laughed at her. Piyu assured her just in ten minutes her work will be over and they will go for lunch.

Just then there was a knock on the door and they looked at the door to see a person standing there with some bags.

" Maam, Sir told to give this to you." He said.

" What?" Rads asked and took the bags from him.

" FOOD! " Rads exclaimed in joy.

" Yes Maam."

" Who told you to give this to us?" Piyu asked him confused.

" Sameer Baba." He said and left from there.

Piyu and Rads looked at each other don't know what to do. Piyu kept the bags on the table and sat on her chair while Rads is giving a longing look to the food.

" We should eat." Rads said and started taking out the food.

" But Sam sent this." Piyu said suppressing her smile.

" Oh my God! Fries, pizza, coke, sandwiches.....this Sam wants to make me fat or what." Saying this Rads started munching on the fries ignoring what Piyu said.

" You said you can't stand him, you want to strangle him and you hate him, what about all that now?" Piyu asked amused at her.

" Yeah I hate him but not food. Food is food, I love food and I don't waste food." Rads said taking a bite of pizza.

Piyu chuckled at her and she also started eating sandwiches. She has no problem in eating the food he has sent and also thought that it was very sweet of him to send them food.

Both of them silently wondered and surprised that today also Sam remembered their tastes for food and sent them their favourites.

They both finished their work quickly and went for shopping to buy clothes, accessories for themselves and gifts for their Bhabhi.


Next Day:-


Sameer is not sure about going to AJ's house as he thought it would be awkward between him and Piyu and one more reason is he never attended any functions that to a ladies function but he was curious to know about Piyu's house and family.

Today is Saturday, it's weekend but he was busy with meetings since morning. Now he is returning home from a meeting and thinking to go to the function or not.

Piyu may not want him to come but Aditya and AJ may feel bad if he didn't go. When he entered into his house driveway, his phone buzzed. It was a message from Aditya.....

Sameer, be here at 8 pm.....will be waiting for you.

He thought he should go now compulsory and went into his house.

" Meer, who works this much on the weekends also?" His mom asked shaking her head at his son.

" Mom, what we should take as gift for a baby shower?" Sam asked thinking for himself.

" Why you are asking that suddenly?" His mom questioned him confused.

" Because I am going to attend a baby shower function tonight." Sameer said to his mom who is surprised.

" Oh! Normally they gift Clothes, jewellery with sweets and flowers." His mom said to him smiling.

" Ok, I will take some gift on my way." He said and got up to leave to his room.

" Meer beta, whose baby shower it is?" His mom asked.

" My friend's wife." He said simply.

" Friend? " She asked him wide eyed.

" Not really but a business partner.....ok mom I will go, I should get ready and leave for the function." He said and left quickly.

While his mom smiles thinking that he is changing, he is having friends, he is attending functions, he is smiling. She is happy that he is finally coming out of his shell.


Piyu's House :-

Preparations are done for the function and guests are also started arriving.

" Purvi are looking so beautiful, Adi bhaiya will have a hard time tonight not able to take his eyes off from you." Piyu praised her Bhabhi hugging her tightly and she blushed.

" My Piyu baby is also looking gorgeous today." Apoorva her Bhabhi said kissing her forehead.

" And me?"

They both looked at the door to see Rads clad in a gorgeous dress looking gorgeous.

" Radhika! You are also looking very beautiful." Apoorva said hugging her.

" But not more than my Bhabhi." She smiled at her.

" Thanks." She said smiling back.

" Wow! Bhabhi, you want to make Bhai fall for you again or what because you looking like this will sure make him fall." Rads teased Apoorva who is blushing.

" You both stop teasing my daughter.....Apoorva come down now everyone are waiting." Piyu's mother said and hurried downstairs.

Rads and Piyu giggled and went downstairs along with a blushing Apoorva.

Everyone were there except Sameer. Piyu unknowingly and surprisingly was looking forward to see him in the function.

It's already past 8:30 and Sam was still not here. She thinks he is not coming and thought that she should have also invited him to come.

" Looking for someone?" Rads pokes Piyu.

" No." Piyu replies immediately.

" But it doesn't seem like that." Rads said to her.

" Then what does it seem like to you?" Piyu asks her.

" Like you are searching for someone, you wanted them to be here and desperate to see and meet them." Rads says and Piyu gulps don't know what to say.

" No there is nothing like that, I am just looking around." Piyu says casually.

" Ok...if you say so." Rads shrugs it off.


It was already nine when Piyu and others thought that Sameer wouldn't come anymore.

That time only he made an entry looking dashing and handsome as hell which made each and everyone look at him.

All the ladies were looking at him in awe, all the men who are business men are looking at him shocked as he never attends any functions and all the girls present there are as usually swooning over him.

Sameer just ignored all of them and walked towards Aditya and AJ. Aditya was happy that he came and hugged him saying thanks for coming.

And when he saw Piyu, he stood Stunned. She was looking so beautiful in her long ethnic dress and he never saw her like that.

He walked towards her staring at her and Piyu is having hard time hiding her blush.

" You are looking beautiful Piyu." He complimented her.

" Thanks" she said looking down.

His staring got disturbed by a clearing  throat. He looked at his side to see Rads standing there with raised eyebrows.

" Hey Rads! You are also looking nice." He said to her.

" Firstly it's Radhika and next I know that I am looking great." She flips her hair with attitude.

Sameer shakes his head at her smiling.

" Thanks for the yesterday's food." Piyu said to him.

" Your welcome." He said smiling.

He totally forgot about that. Yesterday he sent food for them because he saw how grumpy Rads was behaving due to her hunger and he was glad that they accepted and ate them.

" It took so much time for you get ready huh? You are so much late." Rads said mockingly at him.

" No, actually I took time to select gift as I didn't understand what to take for this occasion." He shrugged smiling at her.

He took the gift from his coat pocket and waved at them.

" You give this gift to your Bhabhi." Sam handed gift to Piyu.

" No, yourself give it to her." She handed back.

" No please you give it to her, this is ladies function and I can't go there." He pointed at her Bhabhi surrounded by ladies.

" No I insist you should present it." Piyu again gave back the box.

Rads looked to and fro at both of them and grabbed the box from them.

" Now, you both come with me." She ordered and left.

They both looked at each other and went after her sighing.


" Bhabhi.....this is Sameer Khanna, my......." Piyu trailed off not knowing what to say while Sam looked at her expectantly.

" This is Sameer, my friend and business partner." Came the voice.

They all turned to see Aditya standing behind them grinning.

" Hello Sameer." Apoorva greeted him smiling.

" Hello." He said shyly making Rads snort.

Rads handed him his gift and gestured him to give to Bhabhi.

" Congratulations." He said and gave it to her and she thanked him.

The next moment, Rads snatched the gift and opened it curiously making everyone chuckle.

" Wow!" Rads gasped seeing the gift.

Piyu, Aditya and Apoorva peeped to see what it is and they were too surprised.

There is a beautiful necklace for the mother and a chain for the baby with a matching pendant like mother's.

" It's beautiful." Piyu admired it and smiled at him while other three agreed with her.

Soon Aditya left to meet someone and when Sam turned to leave, he was surrounded by all the girls.

" Hello I am Neetha...."

" I am Sheela...."

" I am Kalyani...."

Every girl started introducing herself to him by shaking their hands with him.

Sam greeted them back awkwardly smiling at them taking a step back everytime they stepped towards him.

While Piyu is boiling with jealousy seeing all these girls giggling at him and leaving no chance to touch him.

Sam looked at Piyu silently pleading for help while Piyu is glaring at him and those girls.

Rads is enjoying watching Sam's discomfort and Piyu's jealousy.

While Apoorva observed something else, there wasn't just jealousy in Piyu  but something else too and there wasn't just discomfort in Sam but fear that Piyu might misunderstand him. There was a silent emotion between them which is unknown and unexpressed. Her doubt got cleared when she saw Piyu dragging Sameer away from those girls angrily. She looked at both of them for a while and when realised what is it she grinned widely thinking.........

Here goes my ship 'SAMYU' and it has to be sailed.


To be Continued............

How is their Ship name?

Can you people suggest any other ship names for Sameer and Piyali?

I will select the best name from them.

Stay tuned........

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