Chapter 25

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" I can't believe this, I am coming with you."

" Believe it because we are about to reach."

" I told you I can't stand him and I hate him."

" Hate is a strong word Rads." Piyu said seriously.

"Oh Really! I don't care." Rads said stubbornly.

" Oh! That's why you ate the food he sent us."

" You are not going to let go that. Would you?"

" No."


" Come on Rads it's not that bad."

" Not bad? Are you serious?"

" Huh?"

" Piyu you are growing soft corner for him. Do you know what it leads to? Or Did you forgave him already?"

" No! It's not like that! It's just a business relationship Rads."

Rads and Piyu are having their conversation while driving their car to Khanna Industries.

" Yeah right, that's why you were happy to see him at your house that day, that's why you were jealous when those girls were throwing themselves at him, that's why you had your dinner with him that day and that's why you were smiling like an idiot when your mom said she liked him very much."


" I am not telling you what to do and what not to do Piyu. I am just worried that you might get hurt again which I don't want." Rads said concerned.

" I know." Piyu said looking down.

" You are developing feelings for him again.....after what he did to you. He doesn't regret for what he did and didn't even apologized for it."

" He did." Piyu replied looking at her.

" What?" Rads asked confused.

" He apologized." She said closing her eyes.

" When?" Rads asked stunned stopping the car.

" Long back when we first met for the project. He is regretting and drowning in guilt for what he did and cried saying sorry to me." Piyu paused.

" And you forgave him?" Rads asked.

" No! I yelled at him, scolded him and also said some hurtful words to him. I said adamantly that I cannot forgive him." Piyu said to her.

" What did he said then?" Rads asked.

" He said he don't want my forgiveness because he don't deserve it. He just want to apologise for what he did from long time and his guilt is killing him daily from 2 years." Piyu said with tears and Rads sat surprised.

" He said he is sorry for not trusting me and got manipulated. He said sorry for everything and he will be always there for me throughout my life whenever I needed anything in my life." Piyu said crying and Rads also had tears in her eyes now.

" He must have apologized knowing that you are princess of AJ.....I mean daughter of Anand Jaiswal to protect his deal and business." Rads said  doubtfully but she herself is not sure that Sam is capable of doing such a low thing.

" No, he didn't know about my identity. He just thought that I work there as an employee. He came to know about it recently when Bhai was back in India and they had a conversation with him in the office." Piyu said wiping her tears recollecting that day how surprised and shocked he looked when he came to know that she is the daughter of AJ.

" He apologized genuinely and honestly which can be seen through his eyes clearly. He wanted to hide his tears so badly from me that day but I saw them and I never had saw him in such state." Piyu said and Rads listened silently to her too stunned to say anything.

" You know what's the worst thing is?" She asked laughing bitterly while tears flowed from her eyes again and Rads just looked at her.

"Dad told me that his father died 2 years ago.....exactly at that time when we left him. I ran away to New York and you two also broke ties with him because of me. And in that situation when he is all alone, when he needed his friends to console him, when he needed a shoulder to cry on, when he needed a friend to support him......we left him. We left him all alone in such a miserable situation because of some stupid fight between us." Piyu broke down sobbing badly and Rads also started crying hearing the whole thing.

" He needed us. He needed his best friends. He needed me. I am such a bad friend. I left him because of some stupid girl has put a misunderstanding between us. But still he apologized me, he begged me to talk to him once, he cried to apologise me." Piyu cried vigorously.

" He didn't even mentioned about his father for once also with me and whenever someone takes his father's name he just walks out silently unable to bear the pain. How much pain he must have gone through alone? How much pain he must have went through to handle and maintain his company all alone after his father?" Piyu said silently crying looking afar.

"Tell me Rads if what he had done was wrong then what we did was right?" Piyu asked her who is also crying with her.

" He was manipulated and did a mistake but we also unknowingly made a big mistake." Piyu said to her.

" You are right. We were angry and hurt while taking that decision and we didn't even look back at once also. We did made a mistake." Rads said wiping her tears.

" Yeah and we cannot do nothing about that now. The least we could do is to be nice with him." Piyu said to her.

" Yeah you are right, all I have done is being bitter towards him." Rads said looking down embarrassed.

" It's because you didn't know all this. There is nothing for you to change Rads just be yourself with him like before that's it nothing more and nothing less."  Piyu said smiling at her.

" And that goes for you too." Rads said smiling.

" No, I can't. Being myself with him ignites those feelings and emotions which I had buried deep inside long back and I don't want to bring them back." Piyu said smiling sadly.

" But you....." Rads get cut off by Piyu.

" For now I am maintaining a professional relationship with him that's it like smiling and being formal and it's better to be like that for both of us." Piyu said sighing but smiled at rads assuringly.

" you say, now we should go to his office right." Rads said sighing starting the car.

" Yeah Rads, we will be working in his office from today as we need to manufacture the designs." Piyu said and they started going towards Khanna Industries.


On the other hand Sameer is happy that his Piyu will be in his office for the first time but now he is worried as they said they will be here by 9 and now it's past 11.

Whole team is present here but they aren't. He thought of calling them but didn't because he doesn't want to push them if they don't want to come here.

Just then there was a knock on his door and he told to come in.

The door opened and he felt relieved to see them standing in front of him.

" Thank God, you people came.....I was worrying why you people were late." He said walking fastly towards them.

They looked at him whose face is filled with concern for them and they felt even more bad now.

" What happened?" He asked them who stood there looking down.

They just shook their heads in no which made him worry.

" Guys.....look at me and tell me. Is there any problem?" He asked them.

They both looked up and nodded their in no again.

" Did you cry Piyu?" He asked her worried.

They both looked stunned at him with wide eyes and then looked at each other.

" No" she said softly.

" Don't lie, I can see your eyes are red Piyu and both your faces look flushed and tired." He said looking at them.

Rads thinks that her eyes aren't red because she didn't cry as badly as Piyu. She turns to look at Piyu whose eyes and nose are still red from crying.

" Here take some water." He gave them water making them sit on the couch.

" Please tell me what happened. You guys are behaving weird." He pleaded them.

" Weird?" Rads asked.

" You being unusually quite and she didn't even protest when I called her by Piyu." Sam said seriously.

" Oh!" That's all she said.

" Look its nothing ok. We are very much tired and we didn't catch enough sleep during the weekend." Piyu said breaking the silence.

" Are you sure?" He asked them and they nodded.

" It's first time here for you both. So shall we go and see around?" He asked them excitedly.

" Sure." They said and stood up.


Three of them along with his PA Priya walked around the office.

He excitedly showed every wing of his office to them and introduced them to his staff.

Piyu and Rads liked his office very much and they were surprised to see how everyone are afraid of him so much.

While all his staff looked baffled when their ruthless and arrogant boss is  happy and smiling.

After their office tour and having cup of coffee each, they went to their team.

They started discussing and doing their work. Though Sam is working in his usual attitude, inside he is worried as hell looking at his friends.

Piyu is working but she looks like she is thinking about something deeply which is distracting her. Rads who cannot shut her mouth for one minute also is sitting quietly doing her work.

Their weird behavior is making him tensed. He thinks that may be they don't want to come and work here.

During lunch break he walks to them in the room.

" Is there anything that you guys want to tell me?" Sam asked standing near them and they nodded their heads in no.

" Why?" Piyu asked confused.

" Because you people are behaving weird since you have come. Both are being quiet, not fighting with me, not snapping at me." He said to them.

" No we are absolutely alright." Rads said.

" I know guys, you both hate me and hate to work with me. And on top of that you both had to come to my office and work here which you don't want to. So, I will think of some arrangement so that you can work from AJ's itself." Sameer was rambling.

" Why do you think so?" Rads asked bewildered at his rambling.

" From the time you came here, you both are behaving very odd, so I thought since you people hate me you wouldn't want come here." He again started rambling.

" We don't have any problem to come here and work." Piyu said to him smiling slightly and he just looked at her.

" Yes! There is nothing like that which you are thinking." Rads shrugged.

Rads and Piyu looked at him who just sat there confused and looked at each other. They both stood up and walked towards the door.

They both turned towards him.

" Hate is a strong word Sameer."
Rads said seriously to him looking at Piyu for which he looked up surprised at her.

" And we don't hate anyone. We don't hate you too." Piyu also said seriously and they both left for lunch.

Sam sat there surprised, shocked and stunned. It took some time to understand what they said and when their words hit him a wide grin is  plastered on his face. He is very much happy to know that they don't hate him anymore.


To be Continued.........

How is this chapter guys?

Are Piyu and Rads right about that they have also done a mistake?

Stay tuned........

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