Chapter 29

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Piyu is standing on the road trying for the taxi in the evening after finishing her work. Sam left early for a meeting and Rads left for her office to finish some orders. Piyu stayed back a little while to cover her and Sam's work.

She didn't have a ride to go home as everyone left and now stood in front of Khanna industries office looking for a taxi. As it is a busy time, taxis and autos are not available.

She thought of booking a cab online but her phone goes dead. She gets restless as she is very hungry and also afraid that her mom might be panicking.

She tries to to stop autos but they wouldn't stop and then she turns to go back into the office to make a call at home. But then a horn is buzzed near her and she turns to see a car is stopped in front of her.

She feels relief thinking it as a taxi and goes near it. Window rolls down revealing a handsome man sitting in driver's seat making her frown.

" I thought it's a taxi, sorry." Piyu says and steps back.

" It's ok miss, need a ride?" He asks observing her.

" Yeah, I am looking for a taxi." She says stepping back.

" Oh.....I can drop you wherever you want." He says to her smiling.

" No, thanks." She says to him.

" There will be no taxis and autos available at this time, so I suggest to take my lift if you don't want anything wrong happening with you in this darkness." He said to her.

" But...."

" I insist to drop you safe at home." He says smiling at her.

" Ok." She says unsurely not liking the idea of going with a stranger but she has to go home as already it's very late.

She goes and sits in the passenger seat. All the way he tries to know about her, tries to talk to her and also tries to flirt with her but she just sits calmly saying only directions to her house.

She says to stop the car at the corner of her street and he insists to drop her at home but she says to him that she will go from there. She didn't like the way how he is looking at her and she didn't want to risk of him knowing her house.

" Thanks." She says to him after getting out of car.

" Your welcome.....any way I am Rajiv." He smiles and forwards his hand.

" I am Piyali." She says shaking his hand awkwardly.

" Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He smirks at her flirtingly.

She tries to smile and walks fast towards her house without looking back at him. She slows down when she reaches her house and looks back to see Rajiv taking a U turn and leaving. She sighs in relief and runs into her house.


Next Day:-

Khanna Industries:-

Rads and Piyu are waiting in the corridor for Sam to finish the meeting and join them for lunch. They both are talking about everything and anything.

Piyu teased Rads about Rohan in between their talks. Though Rads is behaving that she doesn't care but Piyu could see a glint in her eyes whenever she talks about Rohan.

Sam is walking to them who were talking in hushed voices as in whispering about some secrets. He narrowed his eyes at them and when they saw him, they went calm like obedient kids when they saw their teacher.

" What were you both talking?" Sam asked raising his brows.

" Nothing " they both said at the same time.

" Okay....." He said unsure.

" I am hungry." Piyu declared.

" And I am starving." Rads said dramatically as if she didn't eat food for days.

" And you are late." They both said looking pointedly at him.

Sam looked both of them and sighed shaking his head at them.

" Come let's go." He said leading the way and they followed him.

They went to a restaurant near by and ate their lunch with their usual bickerings and laughing. They stepped into the office and stopped walking as Sam and Rads started arguing.

" I don't understand Where does all the food goes?" Sam mumbled looking at her munching on the chips.

" What? I am a growing girl and I need food." Rads defends herself.

" You are already grown up Rads! How much you need to grow still?" He exclaims looking at her body up and down.

" Did you just call me fat?" Rads asks angrily.

" No! When did I say that?" Sam widened his eyes.

" Just now." She deadpans.

" I didn't mean it like that." He says.

Soon they start arguing and call each other names while Piyu looks at them laughing enjoying their fight.

" Piyali."

She heard someone call her name and she turns around to see who it is. She stood rooted in her place stunned looking at the person in front of her.

" Hey Piyali."

That person speaks again this time catching the attention of both Sam and Rads making them stop their fight and look.

Piyu is too stunned to speak anything to see Rajiv in front of her smiling at her.

" Umm.....hey." she stuttered when he waved his hand in front of her.

" Hi, nice to see you again Piyali." Rajiv said making her shut her eyes as she sensed Sam's gaze burning into her.

" What are you doing here?" She hissed at him.

" I just came to return your thing that you forgot yesterday in my car." Rajiv smirked at her.

Piyu widened her eyes and doesn't dare to look at Sam who must be glaring at them right now.

Rajiv took something out of his pocket, reached and hold her hand in his hand keeping her earring in her hand.

Piyu's eyes widened and looked at Sam in fear who is clenching his fists and jaws tightly to hold himself. Piyu looked at Sam's gaze on Rajiv's hold on her hand. She quickly retracted her hand gulping in fear.

" Thanks." She said to him.

Rads looked at Rajiv, Piyu and then Sam who is ready to beat Rajiv to pulp. Any wrong move from Rajiv now will make him dead on the spot. Rads munched on her chips furiously as to know what will happen now looking between Sam and Rajiv.

" By the way, you are looking more beautiful today." Rajiv started flirting with her.

That's it, something snapped inside Sam and Piyu sighed closing her eyes thinking that now she cannot stop anything happening now.

Sam reached swiftly towards them and pulled Piyu behind him standing protectively like a wall between them while rads came and nudged Piyu raising her brows at Rajiv to say what's happening without stopping munching on chips making Piyu glare at her.

" Who are you?" Sam growled at him.

" I am Rajiv.....Rajiv Shekawat." Rajiv introduced himself ignoring Sam's glare.

" What are you doing here?" Sam asked.

" To return her earring." He shrugged smiling.

" And how her earring came to you?" Sam glared at him.

" I gave lift to piya yesterday and her earring fell down in my car." He again shrugged carelessly.

" Her name is Piyali.....and you may leave now." Sam said rudely.

" Why? I want to talk to her." Rajiv said to him simply.

" What do you want to talk to her?" Rads asked curiously infuriating Sam more.

" This is not going to end well." Piyu muttered under her breath shaking her head.

" Do you work here?" Rajiv asked peeking at Piyu.

" No." Sam interfered.

" Oh! So are you the employer I mean owner of this company?" Rajiv again asked for which Piyu shook her head in no.

" Maybe." Sam interjected again while Rads is trying hard not laugh not wanting to be the target of Sam's anger.

" you are Piyali Khanna." Rajiv asks her ignoring Sam.

Piyu tried to answer but Sam spoke first.

" Yeah" Sam said smirking loving the sound of his name attached to Piyu's.

" I am trying to talk to her here." Rajiv said irritated at Sam.

" And I am trying to make you I don't want you to talk to her." Sam said arrogantly.

" Let her say that then." Rajiv crossed his arms.

" Oh she will." Sam said confidently.

All three of them looked at Piyu who is still in a daze of 'Piyali Khanna'.

" Piyu?" Sam called her.

" Huh?" She looked at them and Sam sighed her at Rajiv.

" Is there anything that you want to talk to him?" Sam asked controlling his anger.

" Umm.....Rajiv.....I am really grateful for your help yesterday and that matter ended there itself. I don't want to make that meeting of ours into something more.....and thanks for the earring though." She said slightly smiling at him.

" Now Piyu herself said she doesn't want to do anything with you, so you can leave now." Sam said smugly putting his arm around Piyu possessively.

" Who are you?" Rajiv narrowed his at Sam.

" Sameer Khanna.....CEO of Khanna Industries." Rads said smirking at him putting her arm around Sam's shoulder.

Sam and Rads smiled at each other while Piyu just shook her head in annoyance.

" Oh " Rajiv said shocked and turned to leave.

" I have never seen such a possessive boyfriend in my life." Rajiv mumbled while walking towards entrance.

Three of them heard what he said.
Sam was dancing internally at the mention of her boyfriend, Rads laughed and smirked at them teasingly while Piyu stood there fuming with anger.

" What was that?" Piyu hissed.

" What was what?" Sam asked innocently.

" You didn't need to be so rude to him!" Piyu exclaimed.

" He was flirting with you and even touched you. What am I supposed to do then?" He argued.

" He was just helping me Sam!" Piyu sighed and all the anger rushed back to him.

" Did you take lift from a stranger?" Sam asked angrily and Piyu gulped.

" Yeah, I didn't had any ride yesterday and there were no taxis also." Piyu defended herself.

" You could have just called me." Sam said disappointed stepping into the elevator.

" You were in a meeting and my phone was also dead. I was getting late and when he offered lift, I accepted it." Piyu said and looked at Rads for help but she was of no use like always.

" Still you even know how dangerous it is to travel with a complete stranger?" Sam said in rage stepping out of elevator and walking fastly towards his cabin.

" Sam I know but yesterday I had no choice." Piyu also raised her voice making him turn towards her.

" But anything could have happened to you. Why don't you get that?" He yelled at her catching the attention of his staff.

" Sam.....enough now. Why are you shouting at her for some idiot?" Rads decided to step in as they started yelling at each other.

"I should be the one angry at you Sam for saying that your company is my company and instigating that I am your girlfriend."
Piyu yelled back with tears making everyone gasp around them.

Sam's expression softened looking at tears in her eyes. He closed his eyes silently cursing himself for hurting her. He went near her and took her hands in his.

" Please don't cry.....I am Sorry for shouting at you......he was not a good guy and I got scared thinking that anything could have happened to you." He said to her softly wiping her tears.

" It's ok....." Piyu said smiling and Rads sighed in relief while his staff stood dumbstruck to see his soft side.

" And by the way I don't regret saying to him about this company being yours and you being my girlfriend." He said to her smiling which made her shy and go red. Her heart fluttered by his words and seeing her shy face made his grin wide.

Smiling he walked to his cabin ignoring all the stares and whispers and turned around to see Rads and Piyu stood there still stunned.

" And today onwards I will be dropping you to your home." Sam stated and entered his cabin smiling at her shocked face.

" What just happened now?" Piyu asked in a daze.

" Sam said that he wants to be your boyfriend." Rads said looking at her smugly.

" What? When did he say that?" Piyu asked her shocked.

" Just now." Rads shrugged.

" No, he didn't mean it like that." Piyu said shaking her head.

" You are so dense Piyu." Rads huffed and went to Sam's cabin to tease him while Piyu still stood stunned at the reveletion.

I am dense?


To be Continued...........

What do you think of this chapter?

Sam indirectly said that he wants her as his girlfriend.

Will Piyu break her walls and let him in again?

Stay tuned........

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