Chapter 30

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It was the only state in which currently Piyu is in.

Listening that he don't have any problem to be her boyfriend from her first love itself made her dumbstruck.....who doesn't after all he was her first crush, first love and she loved him so much.

Why did he said that?

And what Rads said was true?

If it's true then why?

He must be just kidding.

But I am sure that, the intensity in his eyes and words implied something else too.

Could he be possibly love me or like me?

No, no, no! What I am even thinking?

It was just that situation was like that.

Piyu is going crazy with all these thoughts sitting in the conference room with all of them working together.

She looked at Rads who is as usual blabbering and Sam who is working like there is no tomorrow unknown of all the havoc he created in her since that day.

From that day she was avoiding eye contact with Sam in fear that he might know her inner turmoil and mainly her feelings towards him.

And on top of that he is dropping her home everyday as he declared on that day. She argued with him that she is not a kid but he played the card of safety and made her shut up.

She sighed and got up to get herself a coffee which may help with her headache. She walked out of the room ignoring the familiar stare at the back of her head.

She sat on a table in the cafe drowned in her thoughts while sipping the coffee.

What should I do now?

I am confused.

As decided earlier I should just go with the flow and see what had destiny planned for me.

Yes! That's right! And I don't have any other ideas too about what to do.

With that she started walking towards the conference room and when she opened the door, what she saw made her freeze in her place looking at the sight in front of her.

A girl looking hot and sexy in her short blue dress is hugging Sameer.....correction.....not hugging but squeezing him with her body like there is no tomorrow.

A knot formed in her chest which is aching badly looking at them in that position. She could see him just smiling awkwardly and patting her back with his hand but that didn't help the ache in her heart.

She gulped the lump formed in her throat and walked towards her seat. She looked at Rads who looked confused yet angry at the scene and when Rads saw Piyu, her eyes softened and smiled at her squeezing her shoulder.

While moving out of the hug Sam saw Piyu looking down at a file and doing her work but a deep frown was etched on her face. He quickly moved away from that so called girl and panicked what might Piyu think about this.

" Sameer! It's been a long time since we have met right?" That girl said grinning at him.

" Yeah." Sam said slightly smiling.

Sam looked at Piyu whose eyes are just on the file as if there were nobody present in the room and then he looked at Rads who narrowed her eyes at him with a stern face.

" Guys, this is Kiara.....a top model in the fashion industry and Kiara this is Radhika Mishra our designer, this is Piyali Jaiswal our project partner and the rest of them are our staff." Sam introduced her formally.

Rads fake smiled at Kiara nodding her head and Piyu mumbled a hello with a slight smile.

" Hello guys!" Kiara chirped in her high pitched voice which made everyone present there flinch.

"So guys she will be representing our designs and photoshoot will be done with her making her wear all our designs which can be used for our advertising and marketing." Sam said in his business tone and all of them nodded their heads.

" So, Sameer why don't we catch up about our lives since we have met after whole one and a half year?" Kiara asked him hooking her arm with his smiling at him seductively.

Sam unhooked his arm and moved little away from her.

" I have work to do now, so later." Sam said sternly and sat on his seat continuing his work while she huffed and sat beside him.

Sam didn't like how atmosphere changed awkward suddenly. Rads was awfully quiet with her occasional glares at Kiara and Piyu is back with her blank face showing no emotion which he don't like. Soon it was lunch time and everyone got up to leave for lunch.

" Piyu come on, continue your work after lunch.....I am hungry." Rads said closing her files.

Piyu just nodded her head and looked at Sam who also stood up to leave with them but Kiara stopped him.

" Sameer, we will go out for lunch as we have lot to catch up and we can talk about the photoshoot also." Kiara suggested smiling holding his hands and moving her body close to him.

" Sorry but I usually eat with my friends." He stated removing her hold on him.

" Friends?" She asked confused.

" Yeah, they are my friends.....infact best friends." Sam said smiling gesturing at Piyu and Rads.

" Oh." Kiara had a displeased and disappointed look on her face when she looked at them.

" Rads, Piyu come we will leave." Sam said walking towards the door while they followed him nodding.

" Can't they eat without you for one day?" Kiara asked glaring at the girls.

Rads looked pissed off at her antics and was ready to strangle her but Piyu stopped her holding her arm while Sam turned around and looked at Kiara.

" Of course they can eat." He said smiling at her which made Kiara grin and girls shocked.

" But I cannot eat without them." Sam again said and smiled at his friends.

Kiara huffed and crossed her arms while Rads looked at her smirking. And about Piyu, her heart felt warmth by his words and smiled at him which made him smile even more widely.

" Come on girls, we are getting late." Sam said walking out of the room.

" And I am starving." Rads yelled running behind Sam dragging Piyu with her.

" When you are not?" Sam asked chuckling making Piyu also chuckle at her earning death glare from Rads.


By the time they finished their lunch and came back talking and laughing Kiara looked pissed off but who cares.

" Sameer come with me." Kiara said and hold his hand which made Piyu angry.

Can't she talk without touching him?

"Where?" Sam questioned removing his hand.

" The photographer is here waiting for you. You should talk to him so that we can shoot from tomorrow." She said and dragged him towards the door.

Sam looked back and saw Piyu looking at them. He saw fear flashed in her eyes which she covered up by glancing back at her work.

" I will come by myself, you don't need to drag me." He said and went to talk to photographer in his cabin while she followed him sulking behind.


" I don't need you to drive me daily you know.....I have a car Sam." Piyu said walking towards his car.

" I know." He shrugged sitting in the driver's seat.

" I don't want you to leave all your work behind just to drop me home." Piyu whined.

" For me nothing is more important than you." He said to her sincerely while driving.

Her head snapped towards him at his words and adored him. She just sat there staring at him without blinking her eyes.

How can he say such powerful words so smoothly and honestly?

He doesn't even know what his words does to me?

Whole zoo is dancing in my stomach now.

She admired his features.....his thick black hair which are falling on his forehead, his intense dark orbs, his sharp jaw, his soft pink lips, his perfect abs, his perfect body...........

She shivered at her own thoughts and snapped out of her state when he spoke.....

" Like what you see?" He asked  smirking at her.

" Huh?" Was her brilliant response which made him laugh.

His smile.....his laugh.....God! What is he doing to me?

Though he was laughing outside,  inside his heart is racing fast due to her staring which made him nervous. But he was also happy that she is affected by him in the same way as he is affected by her.

" Take a photo of me, it will last long." He teased her smirking at her.

She came out of her daze and her eyes widened in realization that she was checking him out.

" I was not checking you out." She blurted nervously.

Again her eyes widened and mentally slapped herself for not knowing what to speak when. Sam just smiled and stayed silent not to make her more  uncomfortable.

" Thank you." Piyu smiled and got out of the car.

" Piyu." He called her which made her bend and look at him.

" Yeah?"

" Don't worry you can stare at me as much as you want as only you have that right on me." He said smiling,   winking at her and drove away in his car.

She just stood there dumbfounded processing his words. And when she understood she blushed thinking.....

Why does he do this to me? Always leaving me speechless with his words.

His words are directly attacking my heart and he doesn't even know that his words and actions are awakening those feelings for him again .

She reminsced all those things that are happening with her from past few days entering into her room.

1. Sam being possessive over her.

2. Him instigating that his company is hers and him being her boyfriend.

3. Piyu feeling jealous of some girl who is clinging on to him.

4. Him saying that he cannot eat without his friends.

5. Him saying that she is more  important than anything for him.

6. Him saying that only she has the right on him.

7. Him winking at her.

She laid on her bed smiling like an idiot.

And at the end of the day he agaim made her stand in the same state like before that is..........



To be Continued........

What do say about this chapter guys?

Stay tuned........

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