Chapter 33

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It was weekend and currently Piyu is having her family time talking and laughing, enjoying along with Jai and Rads.

She wished Sam also to be there with them but she didn't hear from him from Thursday and today is Sunday.

He didn't come to work also. He just worked through his PA Priya in the office. When she asked Priya about Sam, she just told him that he was busy with some clients.

He didn't even call her once to check upon the work. She felt disappointed but she understood things got awkward since Jai came on that day and he might have behaved pretty harshly with Sam.

Rads told her that how Jai warned Sam. She tried to talk to Jai about this but he always dodged the topic away.

But in all this she noticed one thing that.....She missed him, she missed talking to him, she missed joking around with him and mostly she missed his smile.


On the other hand, though Sam smiled and acted brave at everything Jai said to him, he felt hurt. He felt bad again remembering those days when he distanced himself from his friends because of some stupid girl.

His words reminded him of his mistakes, his guilt, his regret and his pain. Not that he forgot about it totally but spending time with Rads and Piyu made him forget about it for a while.

But he got reminded of  them like a slap on his face that his mistakes are unforgettable and unforgivable.

His pain and regret took a toll on him. He doesn't want to get between his friends and mostly doesn't want to be the reason of fights between them. He doesn't want to take away the smiles on their faces because of him again and so he wanted to give them some space until something is sorted out between them.

That's why he didn't go to AJ's also for work because it might get awkward if Jai was there. He wants to give them their time and left them to themselves as they met after longtime after all. And he was also busy with some meetings with foreign delegates and clients these past few days.

In all this, he missed her so much that he couldn't even sleep at nights.


It's already Monday and Piyu was waiting if Sameer would come today. Rads looked at her friend and knows what she wants. She wants to see Sam and talk to him but he is isn't coming to the office at all.

Rads knows it is difficult to deal with all this as she understands how hard it must be for him. She can only hope things would be normal again between all four of them without anyone getting hurt.

" Ms. Priya, Is Sam coming today?" Piyu asked her hopefully.

" No Maam, he is actually very busy today with back to back meetings." Priya said smiling slightly.

" Ok" Piyu sighed disappointed.

" Piyu." She looked at Rads who is looking at her concerned.

" You still love him, don't you?" Rads asked smiling sadly.

" W.what" Piyu stuttered looking away.

" It's ok Piyu, don't worry.....he just needs some time." Rads assured her.

" I hope so too." Piyu whispered sadly.


Next day, everyone were busy with work as it is the last day of their project. The photoshoot, promotional activities, etc..... everything is finished. Just left some last minute finishings in the project which are being taken care of.

The conference room is arranged as there is a meeting to be held in few minutes. Everyone involved in the deal are attending the meeting.

One by one Everyone came and sat in their chairs. Anand and Aditya Jaiswal along with Piyu and Rads came in. Everyone stood up and greeted them. All of them sat in their seats and one seat was left empty beside Aditya.

Piyu wondered if Sam will come or he will just send his PA today also. Just then the door opened and everyone looked up to see Ms. Priya coming in. Piyu looked down sadly and suddenly her heart beats faster indicating he is near her.

Piyu frowned and looked up to see Sameer Khanna himself coming in all his glory. He walks in with an aura of authority and angry businessman which tells not to mess with him.

He greeted AJ's and others and took his seat. He nodded his head at Piyu and Rads in acknowledgement. When his gaze met with Piyu, his features softens and smiles at her slightly while she smiles back at him with her heart thumping loudly.

The meeting went on discussing about the project and how the deal has ended between AJ's and Khanna's. AJ appreciated Rads for her incredible designs and the teamwork of Piyu and Sameer. They signed all the official documents concerning their project and closed their contact and deal.

" It's nice working with you Sameer, we look forward to work with you again." AJ said shaking his hand.

" It will be my pleasure and I feel its an honour working with you." Sam said smiling shaking his hands.

Though they are happy that their project was successful, they are sad as they don't know when they will get to meet each other again. This project was a good excuse for them to meet and spend time with each other.

Everyone dispersed after their meeting except Rads, Piyu, Priya and Sam. Rads and Piyu sat back talking while Sam was on his phone and Priya was waiting for him.

Piyu looked at Sam whose face is etched with a deep frown and creases on his forehead. She looked away from his stressed face when he finished his call.

" Look, who graced us with his presence today?" Rads said sarcastically making him look at her.

" Sorry, I was busy." He said sighing not looking at them.

" Are you sure that's the only reason?" Rads asked raising her brows making him tense.

" The reason is that I have delayed and postponed many meetings due to this project and they all got clogged up at once." He explained them half of his reason making Piyu nod her head in understanding and Rads narrow his eyes at him.

" Ms. Priya.....where to next?" Sam asked ignoring their stares.

" Sir, you have to attend the foreign delegates meeting in an hour at the we should leave now to catch up in time." Priya said to him cautiously.

" Ok.....come we will leave.....bye guys." Sam said standing up.

" Sam you just came and already you are leaving.....not fair." Rads exclaimed.

" Yes, we don't know again when we will meet." Piyu added sadly.

" Guys, I am really Sorry. I will make it up to you guys once I am free from this busy schedule." Sam said going near them.

He hugged Rads patting her back and she hugged him back.

" Be in touch." Rads said to him and he nodded his head in yes.

He hugged Piyu tightly and stayed sometime like that not letting go of her. It was not a friendly hug like Rads, it was the hug out of fear.....fear of being away from her and fear of losing her. She hugged him back tightly to enjoy his embrace which brings solace and peace to her.

" I will leave now, bye." Sam said moving away from them.

He looked back at Piyu longingly unable to leave her and Piyu looked at him with the same look not wanting to stay away from him. He left with heavy heart leaving a piece of him with her and she stared at the closed door with tears already missing him.

Rads observed this exchange of their looks and scolded them mentally for not recognizing their love for each other. It was crystal clear in their eyes that they love each other and they are blind to see it or may be the effects of the past aren't allowing them to see and express their feelings for each other.

Only time will tell now, whether they will meet again or not, whether they will understand their love for each other or not, whether they will confess their feelings to each other or not.


Will their love stay just Unrequited?


To be Continued.........

So what do you think about this chapter?

Should their love stay Unrequited?

Or it should be requited?

Feel free to share your thoughts.

Stay tuned........

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