Chapter 34

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Weeks have passed since the project had finished and everyone were busy in their own lives with work and their  family.

It's almost a month since Piyu and Rads didn't see or met Sameer. How much ever they are busy in their lives they couldn't ignore the fact that they miss each other.

Rads was busy in some fashion show, Piyu and Sam are busy with other new projects and Jai who owns the Singh's Corporation was also busy in his work.

Jai, Piyu and Rads meet occasionally at the weekends at some restaurants, malls, coffee shops to catch up sometime with each other. Rads and Piyu never brought the topic of Sam in front of Jai as not to make him angry.

Rads observed Piyu who will be always lost in some thoughts and there will be always sadness and emptiness in her eyes. There was a  different glow and glint in her eyes whenever Sam was around her. Rads knows that Piyu is missing him so much.

Jai was happy finally coming back to India after finishing the business in London. He was happy to spend time with his best friends. Though he felt anger towards Sam, somewhere he was happy to see Sam after very longtime but he will never admit it.

Jai didn't miss the voidness in Piyu's eyes and he knows the reason for it. He knows she loved Sam very much and seeing him again must have made her feelings worst. But he didn't like how Piyu forgave him just like that after what he had done to her. He doesn't know what made them forgive him but he thought that he will never forgive him and allow him to hurt her again.

Sameer is nowhere near ok as he was in state of total distraught. He is missing her a lot and just want to go and meet her but his past mistakes didn't allow him to do so. His mom thought that finally he is smiling and coming out of his shell but looking at him in the past few weeks made her assumptions go wrong. She just wanted her son to be happy and enjoy his life but it seems that her wish will never come true.


Rads dragged Piyu and Jai for shopping to the mall. They both followed her sulking behind her. They don't understand what she had to shop more as they went for shopping just two weeks back only.

" Rads, why are we shopping now? We did our total shopping few days back only right." Piyu whined.

" The shoes we bought for my dress aren't matching so we need to buy perfect shoes for my perfect designer dress for the show." Rads said grinning.

" Ahh.....effects of having fashion designer as our best friend." Jai grumbled sighing loudly which made Rads glare at him hardly.

"No, it's perks of being best friends with a fashion designer." Rads said proudly and started walking to the stores.

Piyu and Jai looked at each other and shook their heads at the back of walking Rads.

They finished their shopping with Piyu's whining and Jai's grumbling. They headed to the food court as they were too much hungry especially Rads and they definitely didn't want to deal with a hungry Rads.

As they were eating their food and talking, Rads noticed someone familiar standing near the counter. Jai and Piyu followed her gaze and looked at the person. Piyu immediately recognised the person and grinned happily looking at him after a whole month.

That person turned around making Rads squeal happily and Jai angry. Sam was coming towards the seats  holding a shake and some shopping bags.

He was looking so handsome in his casuals with messy hair style that Piyu just gaped at him awestruck. No doubt every girl around were ogling at him. Rads chuckled at Piyu's gawking but gulped looking at Jai's furious face.

" Sam."

Piyu called him and stood up from her seat. Sam looked up at the voice and was surprised to see her. His face lit up like thousand watts bulb by just looking at her. His frown disappeared and a huge smile took over his handsome face making him look even more hot.

" Piyu."

Saying this he walked in her direction smiling at her and she smiled back at him happily for finally meeting him.

When he reached near her, he kept bags and shake on the table and pulled her into his arms immediately. He hugged her tightly as if his life  depended on it and she hugged him back feeling his embrace.

They both have tears in their eyes and hugs more tightly feeling each other's body closing their eyes. A clearing of  throat made them snap from their trance and they pulled away to look at their disturbance.

" Sorry for the disturbance but this is public place my dear best friends." Rads says smirking at them.

Sam chuckled and hugged Rads who hugged him back smiling. Sam noticed Jai too at the table.

" Hey Jai." Sam greeted him smiling but Jai just ignored him clenching his jaw which made environment around them awkward.

" So, you guys came for shopping?" Sam asked changing the topic.

" Yeah and you?" Rads asked him while Piyu just stared at him.

" Yeah me too....." He was cut off by a sweet voice who called him.

" Meel."

All four of them turned to look at the most beautiful, cute and adorable girl looking at Sam with her big round eyes.

" Meel, what happened?" She asked with questioning eyes tugging at his shirt with her small hands and looked at other three people in front of her who were just staring at her with adoration.

" Nothing Angel. I was just talking to my friends." He said smiling at her and picked her up in his arms.

" My Chocolate shake?" She pouted.

" Oh! I forgot about it is." He said giving her the shake from the table.

She smiled and kissed his cheek and Sam kissed her cheek smiling at her cuteness. Sam looked at his friends who were looking at the overloaded cuteness in front of them in awe.

" Guys, this is Pari..... my sister's daughter." Sam introduced her to them smiling at their faces.

"And angel these are my best friends.....Rads, Piyu and Jai." Sam said and pari smiled at them making Rads squeal loudly.

" Oh my God! She is so cute, you never said you have a niece that too such an adorable idiot......" Rads rambled squealing loudly grabbing attention which made Jai face palm himself and Sam chuckle.

Pari laughed looking at Rads jumping up and down like a kid. Piyu also laughed and took Pari in her arms.

"Hello Pari, I am Piyali.....nice to meet you." Piyu said smiling at her.

" Hi." Pari said shyly smiling at her.

" Aww you are so cute and beautiful." Saying this Piyu kissed her on the cheek.

" You are also beautiful." Pari said smiling and piyu hugged her smiling.

Sam stood there just staring at them lovingly.

" Hi Pari, I am Radhika." Rads said forwarding her hand.

" Hi." Pari said and shook her hand.

" How old are you beta?" Rads asked smiling kissing her chubby hand.

" Three." Pari said.

" Awee." Rads kissed her cheek.

" Rads move and let me meet her too." Jai said shoving her aside and stood in front of Piyu and pari.

" Idiot." Rads mumbled stumbling.

" Hey munchkin, I am Jai." Jai said pinching her chubby cheek.

" Hi." Pari blushed making Rads and Piyu coo awe at her.

" Here is the chocolate for you." Jai gave her the chocolate smiling and she took it grinning widely at him.

Sam was happy at least Jai is involving with him somehow through his angel.

" So you came for shopping ah?" Rads asked her.

" Yes with Meel." Pari said to her.

" Why do you call him Meel?" Piyu asked curiously.

" His name is Meel." Pari said looking at Sam who smiled at her.

" Meal as in plate meal or mid day an eating meal?" Saying this Rads laughed loudly at he down joke.

Sam glared at her and Piyu chuckled at her.

" No idiot, Meel as in Meer.....she cannot spell 'r' properly." Sam cleared.

" Oh ok Meel." Rads mocked him.

" Shut up." Sam said.

Pari was in Piyu's arms still and talking to her about her dresses and shoes while Jai stood looking at Rads and Sam's bickering shaking his head at them.

" Meel." Pari called him and opened her arms to him.

Sam took her in his arms and she whispered something in his ear making him frown.

" What happened?" Piyu asked him.

" Guys I will leave now, angel wants to go to bathroom." Sam said and picked up the shopping bags.

" How will you take her to the ladies bathroom? I will take her to the bathroom and you wait here only." Piyu said.

Sam looked at Pari who nodded her head in yes smiling and he gave Pari to Piyu. They both left to bathroom  leaving Sam, rads and Jai in awkward tension.

" So, how is your girlfriend?" Jai asked in a mocking way.

" Girlfriend?" Sam frowned.

" Yeah....what was her name Rads?'s Tanya right?" Jai said making Sam go stiff and Rads tense.

" She is not my girlfriend." Sam said blankly.

" who is your new girlfriend now?" Jai asked sarcastically.

" Jai..." Rads hissed at him.

" What? We met after more than two years, we should know about each other right." Jai shrugged.

" I don't have any girlfriends." Sam stated.

" Ok.....if you have also I don't care. I am just warning you not to hurt Piyu again believing your so called girlfriend again or whoever it is." Jai said angrily.

" For the last time I am saying, I will not hurt her." Sam said gritting his teeth.

" Oh really, but let me remind you that's what you did last time.....hurting her." Jai said in rage making Sam shut his eyes painfully.

" Guys this is not the time and place to talk about all this, just leave this matter here only." Rads pleaded.

" Look I don't know what you did but I know that she is not angry at you anymore but listen I will never forgive you." Jai spatted.

" Believe me Jai, please.....I will not hurt her. I am dying with guilt daily since the day you guys left me and I am regretting for what I did. I am sorry guys....I am sorry Jai for all that. I cannot hurt her and I will not hurt her.....believe me." Sam pleaded with tears in his eyes.

Jai listened to him calmly and rads also had tears in her eyes while Sam turned away hiding his tears.

" Why? Why should I believe you? Why should I believe that you won't hurt her again?" Jai asked gritting his teeth in anger.

Three of them stood silently for a while and when Sam broke the silence, Rads and Jai stood rooted in their places stunned after hearing what Sam said.

" Because.....I Love her."


To be Continued......

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